Loan Qualifier Application
This program is designed to automate the discovery process and allow the applicant to locate the best personalized bank lending programs based on their own individualized loan criteria.It will allow applicants to download results as a csv file and import to a spreadsheet.
This project leverages python 3.7.10 with the following packages:
- fire 1.15.0.
*questionary 0.2.5
Installation Guide
Before running the application first install the following dependencies.
pip install fire
pip install questionary
pip install pytest```
## Usage
To use the loan qualifier application simply clone the repository and run the **** with:
Upon launching the loan qualifier application you will be greeted with the following prompts.

Finally, choose a file path to save your csv containing your qualified loans and enter when prompted.
## Contributors
Brought to you by Phil Hillst. You can reach me at
You can add me at LinkedIn: (
## License