You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension.


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You can use the mvc pattern in your flask application using this extension.


Run the follow command to install mvc_flask:

$ pip install mvc_flask


To configure the mvc_flask you need import and register in your application:

from mvc_flask import FlaskMVC
mvc = FlaskMVC()

Or use factory function

mvc = FlaskMVC()

def create_app():

By default the mvc_flask assumes that your application directory will be app, but, you can change it. Passing the object of configuration:

app.config["FLASK_MVC_DIR"] = "sample_app"

Create MVC Pattern

mvc_flask assumes that your application will have these characteristics:

├── controllers
│   └──
├── models
├── routes.json
└── views
    ├── index.html

The routes.json file should be like this:

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/",
    "controller": "home",
    "action": "index"

The file should be like this:

from flask.templating import render_template

class HomeController:
    def index(self):
        return render_template("index.html")


You can run the tests, executing the follow command:

$ make test

  • jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: index.html

    jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: index.html

    Hi I cloned your code and while trying to use the example app I am getting this error

    raise TemplateNotFound(template)

    jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: index.html

    I tried creating a templates folder under the example directory and copied contents from the view folder to it. still the same error

    Appreciate your help

    bug question 
    opened by bjenmonk 8
  • FlaskMVC reinitialize app.template_folder and drop value settings in Flask initialize

    FlaskMVC reinitialize app.template_folder and drop value settings in Flask initialize

    This is cool mvc implementation, especially for me.

    When i deep to Flask, i found the mvc-flask. It so like for me, because i'd RoR programmer. So, i have to implement my folder structure identical to rails application. But i found two incompatibilities with Ruby on Rails.

    1. I can't set folder for templates, when initialize Flask:
    app = Flask(self.__name, template_folder = './app/views')
    FlaskMVC(app, path = 'app')

    After that, Flask searches templates in ./views folder, but not in ./app/views as i want. So, i try to propose pull-request to fix this behaviour. With best regards to maintainers. FlaskMVC making python better (for me, for example).

    opened by bsa7 1
  • NameError: name 'view' is not defined

    NameError: name 'view' is not defined

    Hi, I have recently started working with mvc-flask, however, I unfortunately cannot seem to get view() to work. (view is undefined)


    from mvc_flask import Router
    Router.get("/", "landing#route")


    from flask import session
    class LandingController:
        def route(self):
            return view("index.html")

    from flask import Flask
    from mvc_flask import FlaskMVC
    app = Flask(__name__)
    doc question 
    opened by fzorb 1
  • do we improve routes using yml?

    do we improve routes using yml?

    What do you think about changing the definition of routes from json to yaml?

    Something like:

          path: /
          path: /create
          method: post
        models: true
          - show
          - new
          - create
            before_request: "required"

    if the user define model: true the mvc-flask automatically will be create the follows routes:

    - index (/)
    - show (/show/:id)
    - new (/new)
    - create (/create)
    - edit (/edit/:id)
    - update (/)
    - delete (/delete/:id)

    But, you can use the only parameter to regular this.

    enhancement question 
    opened by marcuxyz 1
  • [CI/CD] change requirements.txt to poetry

    [CI/CD] change requirements.txt to poetry

    Currently, we use pip install requirements.txt inside GitHub action to install all dependencies on the project. We should support poetry directly instead of export the requirements files.

    opened by marcuxyz 1
  • Sent to data through form[method=put]

    Sent to data through form[method=put]


    The HTML default not work with put and delete. Then... We need sent the form data to receive in update route. Recently not sent, because need javascript called.


    Create javascript helper that will be called every time that the request form has been sent


    We need follow the solutions of greats frameworks, as: Laravel, Rails and etc.

    Screenshot 2022-10-31 at 16 20 30 enhancement 
    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • create namespace or group method

    create namespace or group method

    Recently we have not group defined to routes, the routes can work as prefix-url of many routes. I haven't thought of a definitive model, but, it can be:

    g = Router.namespace("/tasks") 
    # or
    g ="/tasks")
    g.get("/", "tasks#index")  # you can access: https://.../tasks/
    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • action could receive view and request object

    action could receive view and request object

    currently we have import render_template function to use templates and request to accomplish operation based in visitord request.

    Would cool if these objects was available. e.g:

    class HomeController:
        def index(self, view, request):
            return view("index.html")
    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • create  al method to register all routes

    create al method to register all routes

    You can use Router.all() to register all routes of CRUD.


    The previous command produce this:

    users.create     POST     /users
    users.delete     DELETE   /users/<id>
    users.edit       GET      /users/<id>/edit
    users.index      GET      /users        GET      /users/new       GET      /users/<id>
    users.update     PUT      /users/<id>

    You can also use only parameter to control routes, e.g:

    Router.all("messages", only="index show new create")

    The previous command produce this:

    messages.create  POST     /messages
    messages.index   GET      /messages     GET      /messages/new    GET      /messages/<id>

    The paramenter only accept string or array, so, you can use only=["index", "show", "new", "create"]

    close #16

    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • update mvc_flask to 2.0.0

    update mvc_flask to 2.0.0

    This verion contain break change:

    • Now the routes are be registered using .py file.
    • To standardize the application the mvc_flask extension just work with app directory
    • You can register routes based in methods: GET, POST, UPDATE and DELETE
    • we no longer support to routes.json file.

    To register routes you can use the inside app directory and the file must contain the import Router object, The Router object must be used to register the routes. You can use GET, POST, UPDATE and DELETE methods to register routes. E.g:

    from mvc_flask import Router
    Router.get("/", "home#index")
    Router.get("/hello", "home#hello")"/messages", "messages#create")
    Router.put("/users/<id>", "users#update")
    Router.delete("/users/<id>", "users#delete")
    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • Refactory FlaskMVC class

    Refactory FlaskMVC class

    It would be nice if we could refactor the FlaskMVC class including the blueprint calls to create the new routes.

    This will make it easier to call hooks, such as:

    • before_requests
    • after_requests

    and etc. Related by issue #10

    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • Create CLI commands for mvc

    Create CLI commands for mvc

    For enhancement the extensions, we could create commands for generate controllers and etc. E.g:

    flask generate controller home

    The command must generate file:

    ├── controllers
    │   └──
    opened by marcuxyz 0
  • 2.4.0(Aug 8, 2022)

    • Include patch HTTP verb in update route.
    • Parameters ~~view~~, ~~request~~ has been removed
    class HomeController:
        def index(self, view, request):
            return view("index.html")

    Now, you can import render_template and request directly of flask package.

    from flask import render_template
    class HomeController:
        def index(self):
            return render_template("index.html")
    • Enhancement of unit tests
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Nov 11, 2021)

    You can use Router.all() to register all routes of CRUD.


    The previous command produce this:

    users.create     POST     /users
    users.delete     DELETE   /users/<id>
    users.edit       GET      /users/<id>/edit
    users.index      GET      /users        GET      /users/new       GET      /users/<id>
    users.update     PUT      /users/<id>

    You can also use only parameter to controll routes, e.g:

    Router.all("messages", only="index show new create")

    The previous command produce this:

    messages.create  POST     /messages
    messages.index   GET      /messages     GET      /messages/new    GET      /messages/<id>

    The paramenter only accept string or array, so, you can use only=["index", "show", "new", "create"]

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Nov 1, 2021)

    This verion contain break change:

    • Now the routes are be registered using .py file.
    • To standardize the application the mvc_flask extension just work with app directory
    • You can register routes based in methods: GET, POST, UPDATE and DELETE
    • we no longer support to routes.json file.

    To register routes you can use the inside app directory and the file must contain the import Router object, The Router object must be used to register the routes. You can use GET, POST, UPDATE and DELETE methods to register routes. E.g:

    from mvc_flask import Router
    Router.get("/", "home#index")
    Router.get("/hello", "home#hello")"/messages", "messages#create")
    Router.put("/users/<id>", "users#update")
    Router.delete("/users/<id>", "users#delete")
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Marcus Pereira
Cristão, amante de jogos eletrônicos e desenvolvimento de software.
Marcus Pereira
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