Distribution Analyser is a Web App that allows you to interactively explore continuous distributions from SciPy and fit distribution(s) to your data.


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Distribution Analyser

Streamlit App Latest Release MIT License

Distribution Analyser is a Web App that allows you to interactively explore continuous distributions from SciPy and fit distribution(s) to your data. Open the app in Streamlit and explore online, or clone repo and explore locally.

How to use

Here is a link to YouTube for Distribution Analyser walkthrough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S0b7gFY36I

Main options:

  • Explore distributions - Interactively explore continuous distribution functions from SciPy v1.6.1.
  • Fit distributions - Import your data and fit selected continuous distribution(s) to them.

Explore distributions

  • Select distribution
  • Use sliders to change distribution parameters and see how distribution changes
  • Fine tunning:
    • Slider can be in steps of 0.10 / 0.01
    • Possible to enter paramter values manually

Tweak display

  • Dark/Light Mode
  • Figure display on/off options:
    • Histogram
    • PDF
    • CDF (with option P(X<=x))
    • SF
    • Boxplot
    • Quantiles (1, 2, 3)
    • Regions of 1/2/3 σ
    • Generate table with statistics


  • Generate python code with your selected distribution and it's paramteters
    • Copy code to clipboard or Download .py file and run it locally

Fit distributions

  • This part of the app fits selected distribution(s) to the data
    • Import your data in a .csv file, or download sample data
    • Choose distribution (multiselect box), has options All_distributions
  • Show results:
    • Interactive Figures (limited to 15 best fits)
    • Displays results in a Table (for all distributions), which can be exported as .csv file
    • Generates Python code set up with the best fit distribution: makes figure with pdf, cdf and sf

Use Distribution Analyser localy

Clone repository and run locally with Streamlit https://streamlit.io/:

$ git clone https://github.com/rdzudzar/DistributionAnalyser.git
$ cd DistributionAnalyser
$ streamlit run main.py


Code is written in Python 3.8.3, below are the packages which are used in the code:

  • streamlit >= 0.79.0
  • matplotlib >= 3.2.2
  • pandas >= 1.0.5
  • numpy >= 1.18.5
  • scipy >= 1.6.1
  • cmasher >= 1.5.10
  • bokeh >= 2.2.3


Distribution Analyser

├── main.py                  # Distribution Analyser page container
├── page_introduction.py     # 1st Page in the Main app
├── page_explore.py          # 2nd Page in the Main app
├── page_fit.py              # 3rd Page in the Main app
├── helper_functions.py      # Helper functions contain pre-made properties
├── README.rst
├── requirements.txt         # List of used packages
├── images
│   ├── logo_da.png           # App logo
│   └── 6 other .png          # Images used on the introduction page
├── sample_data
│   └── sample_da.csv         # Sample data for fitting
├── tests
│   ├── test_app.py           # Tests
│   ├── funcs_for_testing.py  # Copy of functions that are tested
│   └── __init__.py
├── .streamlit
│   └── config.toml          # Streamlit config file, limits file upload

Community guidelines

Distribution Analyser is an open-source and free-to-use, provided under the MIT licence. If you like Distribution Analyser, please share it, star repo and feel free to open issues for any bugs/requests.

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  • csv import

    csv import

    When my file is this

    tijden 56 18 37 15 30 34

    image (ignore the linenumbers ofcourse) This is shown


    So I guess my file is not right or there is something wrong in the code?

    Kind regards

    opened by rcsmit 3
  • Add Poisson Distribution

    Add Poisson Distribution

    Great tool!

    I went to the website to try and use it to explore a Poisson Distribution and noticed it was missing! This is a function in Scipy so was wondering if it could be added?

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  • v1.0(Apr 1, 2021)

    v1.0 Distribution Analyser is a Web App that allows you to interactively explore continuous distributions from SciPy and fit distribution(s) to your data.

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