Release for Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models



This is the codebase for Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models.


This section of the README walks through how to train and sample from a model.


Clone this repository and navigate to it in your terminal. Then run:

pip install -e .

This should install the improved_diffusion python package that the scripts depend on.

Preparing Data

The training code reads images from a directory of image files. In the datasets folder, we have provided instructions/scripts for preparing these directories for ImageNet, LSUN bedrooms, and CIFAR-10.

For creating your own dataset, simply dump all of your images into a directory with ".jpg", ".jpeg", or ".png" extensions. If you wish to train a class-conditional model, name the files like "mylabel1_XXX.jpg", "mylabel2_YYY.jpg", etc., so that the data loader knows that "mylabel1" and "mylabel2" are the labels. Subdirectories will automatically be enumerated as well, so the images can be organized into a recursive structure (although the directory names will be ignored, and the underscore prefixes are used as names).

The images will automatically be scaled and center-cropped by the data-loading pipeline. Simply pass --data_dir path/to/images to the training script, and it will take care of the rest.


To train your model, you should first decide some hyperparameters. We will split up our hyperparameters into three groups: model architecture, diffusion process, and training flags. Here are some reasonable defaults for a baseline:

MODEL_FLAGS="--image_size 64 --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3"
DIFFUSION_FLAGS="--diffusion_steps 4000 --noise_schedule linear"
TRAIN_FLAGS="--lr 1e-4 --batch_size 128"

Here are some changes we experiment with, and how to set them in the flags:

  • Learned sigmas: add --learn_sigma True to MODEL_FLAGS
  • Cosine schedule: change --noise_schedule linear to --noise_schedule cosine
  • Reweighted VLB: add --use_kl True to DIFFUSION_FLAGS and add --schedule_sampler loss-second-moment to TRAIN_FLAGS.
  • Class-conditional: add --class_cond True to MODEL_FLAGS.

Once you have setup your hyper-parameters, you can run an experiment like so:

python scripts/ --data_dir path/to/images $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS $TRAIN_FLAGS

You may also want to train in a distributed manner. In this case, run the same command with mpiexec:

mpiexec -n $NUM_GPUS python scripts/ --data_dir path/to/images $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS $TRAIN_FLAGS

When training in a distributed manner, you must manually divide the --batch_size argument by the number of ranks. In lieu of distributed training, you may use --microbatch 16 (or --microbatch 1 in extreme memory-limited cases) to reduce memory usage.

The logs and saved models will be written to a logging directory determined by the OPENAI_LOGDIR environment variable. If it is not set, then a temporary directory will be created in /tmp.


The above training script saves checkpoints to .pt files in the logging directory. These checkpoints will have names like and You will likely want to sample from the EMA models, since those produce much better samples.

Once you have a path to your model, you can generate a large batch of samples like so:

python scripts/ --model_path /path/to/ $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS

Again, this will save results to a logging directory. Samples are saved as a large npz file, where arr_0 in the file is a large batch of samples.

Just like for training, you can run through MPI to use multiple GPUs and machines.

You can change the number of sampling steps using the --timestep_respacing argument. For example, --timestep_respacing 250 uses 250 steps to sample. Passing --timestep_respacing ddim250 is similar, but uses the uniform stride from the DDIM paper rather than our stride.

To sample using DDIM, pass --use_ddim True.

  • FID is instable during training on cifar10

    FID is instable during training on cifar10

    Hi, I am conducting the training on cifar10 and testing the FID (50k samples with 100 timesteps) after trained certain iterations. However, the FID is instable in my experiments. Specifically, it gets 12.00, 7.67, 16.88, 7.78, 6.65, 18.43, 11.51 when trained 80k, 90k, 100k, 150k, 200k, 250k, 300k iterations, respectively (i.e., an up and down pattern). Does anyone find the same issue?

    opened by XinYu-Andy 5
  • vizualization of diffsuion steps every n-timestep

    vizualization of diffsuion steps every n-timestep

    how can i successfully save each n-timesteps of the diffusion sampling step. For so far i edited lines of code in p_sample_loop_progressive(), with something like

    for step, i in enumerate(indices):
                t = th.tensor([i] * shape[0], device=device)
                with th.no_grad():
                    out = self.p_sample(
                    yield out
                    if step % 1000 == 0:
                        sample = out["sample"]
                        sample = ((sample + 1) * 127.5).clamp(0, 255).to(th.uint8)
                        sample = sample.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
                        sample = sample.contiguous()
                        image.extend([sample.cpu().numpy() for sample in [sample]])
                        arr = np.concatenate(image, axis=0)
                        arr = arr[: shape[0]]
                        img = Image.fromarray(arr[0])
                        out_path = os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), f"samples_{label}_{str(step).zfill(4)}.npz")
                        out_image = os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), f"samples_{label}_{str(step).zfill(4)}.tif")
              , compression='raw')
                        np.savez(out_path, arr)
                    img = out["sample"]

    but i always get the fully noisy image.

    Many thanks in advance

    opened by choROPeNt 2
  • Why do you need fp16 utils?

    Why do you need fp16 utils?

    Hi! What's the reason y'all are using explicit utilities to convert float32 to float16 tensors instead of using torch.amp? I'm thinking of building out my own implementation of this repository, using einops, and was curious if this is something I'd need to take into account instead of just using torch.amp.

    opened by vedantroy 2
  • The error when using pretrained checkpoint.

    The error when using pretrained checkpoint.

    When I use the checkpoint from the part "Upsampling 256x256 model (280M parameters, trained for 500K iterations) ", the program will report an error. Do you know why this happens?I used the recommended model parameters.

    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UNetModel: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "input_blocks.4.0.skip_connection.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.skip_connection.bias", "input_blocks.7.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.7.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.7.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.7.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.7.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.7.1.proj_out.bias", "input_blocks.8.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.8.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.8.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.8.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.8.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.8.1.proj_out.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.skip_connection.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.skip_connection.bias", "input_blocks.10.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.10.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.10.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.10.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.10.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.10.1.proj_out.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.proj_out.bias". Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "input_blocks.12.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.12.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.13.0.skip_connection.weight", "input_blocks.13.0.skip_connection.bias", "input_blocks.13.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.13.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.13.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.13.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.13.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.13.1.proj_out.bias", "input_blocks.14.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.14.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.14.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.14.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.14.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.14.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.14.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.14.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.14.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.14.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.14.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.14.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.14.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.14.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.14.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.14.1.proj_out.bias", "input_blocks.15.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.15.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.16.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.16.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.16.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.16.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.16.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.16.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.16.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.16.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.16.0.out_layers.3.weight",

    opened by ZY123-GOOD 2
  • Model checkpoints from Table 3

    Model checkpoints from Table 3


    Thanks for releasing the code, especially in PyTorch. I was wondering if you are also planning to release the checkpoints for models from Table 3?

    opened by VSehwag 2
  • Run time error when trying to load a model for sampling

    Run time error when trying to load a model for sampling


    I can't manage to sample from a model. When I am trying to do so : RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UNetModel: Missing key(s) in state_dict: XXX size mismatch for: XXXX

    This happens when I try to load the

    Do you have an idea how to solve this issue ?

    opened by NicolasNerr 1
  • Issue in the scaling term of dot product attention

    Issue in the scaling term of dot product attention

    I noticed that in the dot product attention implementation here (the QKVAttention class) the scale is $1 / \sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}4]{d}$ instead of $1 / \sqrt{d}$. It is here in the codebase:

    It is a minor issue and probably does not matter in the overall performance of models, but thought it's worth pointing out.

    opened by saeidnp 1
  • Classifier guidance or classifer-free guidance?

    Classifier guidance or classifer-free guidance?

    Hi, thanks for your great work!

    Recently I have been working on the conditional generation of diffusion models, and I found that it has classifier guidance and classifier-free guidance. For the former, a classifier needs to be pre-trained. But I didn't find this pre-trained classifier in your code. I am a little confused if you are using the classifier-free guidance.

    opened by MMMMMz 1
  • broadcast_buffers - ignore

    broadcast_buffers - ignore

    After trying out the system on CPU I'm trying to set it up using the GPU and I get the following error:

    TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'broadcast_buffers'

    Tried it on two different machines and got the same result. Anyone came across this?

    opened by Shadeenu 1
  • What is the expected scale of the RESCALED_MSE loss?

    What is the expected scale of the RESCALED_MSE loss?

    I’m working on recreating your results and I’m able to train with a bare MSE loss just fine. However, my implementation of the RESCALED_MSE loss (mse for the means, vlb for the variances) gives a loss orders of magnitude larger than the bare MSE loss. This seems wrong, since you have an explicit 1/1000 scaling factor on the vlb loss, for the purpose of not overwhelming the MSE loss.

    What is the expected scale of RESCALED_MSE loss?

    opened by LucasSloan 1
  • Training Issue

    Training Issue

    I tried to train a DDPM to produce cat images. But it seems like the training process does not work properly. Can anyone tell me what happened? No error is reported.

    I am using Wsl2.

    Here is the code: #!/bin/bash MODEL_FLAGS="--image_size 64 --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3" DIFFUSION_FLAGS="--diffusion_steps 4000 --noise_schedule cosine" TRAIN_FLAGS="--lr 1e-4 --batch_size 128" python scripts/ --data_dir cats/ $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS $TRAIN_FLAGS

    console outputs: (Generator) root@LAPTOP-I6AJJ63E:/mnt/d/CatPicGenerateDDPM/improved-diffusion# ./ Logging to /tmp/openai-2022-07-20-21-25-58-111937 creating model and diffusion... creating data loader... training... ./ line 5: 455 Killed python scripts/ --data_dir cats/ $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS $TRAIN_FLAGS

    Thank you very much!

    opened by hym97 1
  • Slow Sampling

    Slow Sampling

    I have noticed that sampling with this model takes an extraordinary amount of time, far slower than any individual training loop. At 4000 diffusion steps, it seems to get through around 100-500 epochs before it can generate a single image. Is this normal behavior, and if not are there any fixes to this? Thank you for all of the help.

    opened by retepseamus 0
  • p_mean_variance mean calculation

    p_mean_variance mean calculation

    I was looking through the code to see how the paper was implemented, but I ran into an issue when looking at the part of the paper measuring the KL loss between two Gaussians: image

    Specifically, the Loss at time t-1 is the KL loss between the predicted gaussian and real gaussian at time t-1. The predicted gaussian is defined as follows: image image image

    And the real gaussian is defined as follows: image

    The formulation of the loss function makes sense to me, but when I look at the code, it looks like the authors are having the model predict mu_tilde (eq 11) as opposed to mu (eq 13). I'm looking at the following function in the code:

    In this function, the mean is calculated from epsilon by first calculating the prediction for x_0, then calculating the mean at time t. image

    To predict x_0, the following function is used:

    But, this function looks to be the formulation for the mean function (eq 13)

    I have a couple of questions regarding the implementation:

    1. Why is the mean function (eq 11) for the real gaussian distribution (eq 12) being used when retrieving the value of the predicted gaussian distribution (eq 3) when the formulation for the predicted gaussian distribution is formulated as a function of eq 13?
    2. Why is x_0/x_start being calculated directly from eq 13, the predicted mean?

    Thanks for the help!

    opened by gmongaras 0
  • minimal number of samples for stable training -> some issue

    minimal number of samples for stable training -> some issue

    Hi !

    I was wondering if some people tested the diffusion training process with few images ( 1000 or less) and obtained good results ?

    I am working with rare pathology images, and I have only 300 of them. I am seeing some unexpected behavior on the generated samples (lack of diversity, color shifts etc...) As far as I am aware, diffusion models work better with low training data points than GANs ?

    Thank you

    opened by NicolasNerr 0
  • Strange color shifts for custom data (histopathology images)

    Strange color shifts for custom data (histopathology images)


    I am using the repo to produce synthetic histopathology images.

    However, I am observing a weird color shift during training. As training progress, this shift is getting worst and worst. Basically, the images I am working with are all kind of pinkish, but produced samples are sometimes in this range, but can also be yellow, green, red, etc...

    Is this a problem that has been observed before with diffusion models ? If yes, is there a know solution or an explanation for this behavior ?

    Thank you so much !

    opened by NicolasNerr 2
  • The meaning of the scaling factor 0.5 in sampling from p(xt-1|xt)

    The meaning of the scaling factor 0.5 in sampling from p(xt-1|xt)

    I noticed a scaling factor of 0.5 when sampling from p(xt-1|xt). I tried to find the definition of this 0.5 on the paper but failed. Is there any special factor behind this 0.5? would the performance be different without this factor?

    opened by zihaozou 0
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