UpChecker is a simple opensource project to host it fast on your server and check is server up, view statistic, get messages if it is down. UpChecker - just run file and use project easy
Main idea of project
- Lite to install
- Lite to use
Install pip packadges
pip install "fastapi[all]" sqlalchemy pytest pytest-ordering
Supported message types
- Telegram
Supported check types
- status code
- respoinse body(some part and full)
- Architecture
- Design DB(https://dbdesigner.page.link/Dc8BxqfhVZsLMeEA9)
- Server
- Utils
- Web client
- Script to easy install UpChecker
- Utils can be on other device
Server TODO
- Write DB models
- Write /api/websites/ (CRUD)
- Settings
- Write /api/websites/categories (CRUD)
- Write /api/checks/ (CR)
- Auth(just one jwt token)
Frontend TODO
- Desgin (https://www.figma.com/file/XJ0hUcba3zKXI8W17phZH3/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1)
- CRUDs in design
- Write hello world
- Footer
- Settings
- Write /api/websites/ (CRUD)
- Write /api/websites/categories (CRUD)
- Write /api/checks/ (CR)
- Make auth(just one jwt token)