[ICRA 2022] An opensource framework for cooperative detection. Official implementation for OPV2V.



Documentation Status License: MIT

OpenCOOD is an Open COOperative Detection framework for autonomous driving. It is also the official implementation of the ICRA 2022 paper OPV2V.


03/17/2022: V2VNet is supported and the results/trained model are provided in the benchmark table.

03/10/2022: Results and pretrained weights for Attentive Fusion with compression are provided.

02/20/2022: F-Cooper now is supported and the results/traiend model can be found in the benchmark table.

01/31/2022: Our paper OPV2V: An Open Benchmark Dataset and Fusion Pipeline for Perception with Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication has been accpted by ICRA2022!

09/21/2021: OPV2V dataset is public available: https://mobility-lab.seas.ucla.edu/opv2v/


  • Provide easy data API for the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) multi-modal perception dataset OPV2V

    It currently provides easy API to load LiDAR data from multiple agents simultaneously in a structured format and convert to PyTorch Tesnor directly for model use.

  • Provide multiple SOTA 3D detection backbone

    It supports state-of-the-art LiDAR detector including PointPillar, Pixor, VoxelNet, and SECOND.

  • Support most common fusion strategies

    It includes 3 most common fusion strategies: early fusion, late fusion, and intermediate fusion across different agents.

  • Support several SOTA multi-agent visual fusion model

    It supports the most recent multi-agent perception algorithms (currently up to Sep. 2021) including Attentive Fusion, Cooper (early fusion), F-Cooper, V2VNet etc. We will keep updating the newest algorithms.

  • Provide a convenient log replay toolbox for OPV2V dataset (coming soon)

    It also provides an easy tool to replay the original OPV2V dataset. More importantly, it allows users to enrich the original dataset by attaching new sensors or define additional tasks (e.g. tracking, prediction) without changing the events in the initial dataset (e.g. positions and number of all vehicles, traffic speed).

Data Downloading

All the data can be downloaded from google drive. If you have a good internet, you can directly download the complete large zip file such as train.zip. In case you suffer from downloading large fiels, we also split each data set into small chunks, which can be found in the directory ending with _chunks, such as train_chunks. After downloading, please run the following command to each set to merge those chunks together:

cat train.zip.parta* > train.zip
unzip train.zip


Please refer to data introduction and installation guide to prepare data and install OpenCOOD. To see more details of OPV2V data, please check our website.

Quick Start

Data sequence visualization

To quickly visualize the LiDAR stream in the OPV2V dataset, first modify the validate_dir in your opencood/hypes_yaml/visualization.yaml to the opv2v data path on your local machine, e.g. opv2v/validate, and the run the following commond:

cd ~/OpenCOOD
python opencood/visualization/vis_data_sequence.py [--color_mode ${COLOR_RENDERING_MODE}]

Arguments Explanation:

  • color_mode : str type, indicating the lidar color rendering mode. You can choose from 'constant', 'intensity' or 'z-value'.

Train your model

OpenCOOD uses yaml file to configure all the parameters for training. To train your own model from scratch or a continued checkpoint, run the following commonds:

python opencood/tools/train.py --hypes_yaml ${CONFIG_FILE} [--model_dir  ${CHECKPOINT_FOLDER}]

Arguments Explanation:

  • hypes_yaml: the path of the training configuration file, e.g. opencood/hypes_yaml/second_early_fusion.yaml, meaning you want to train an early fusion model which utilizes SECOND as the backbone. See Tutorial 1: Config System to learn more about the rules of the yaml files.
  • model_dir (optional) : the path of the checkpoints. This is used to fine-tune the trained models. When the model_dir is given, the trainer will discard the hypes_yaml and load the config.yaml in the checkpoint folder.

Test the model

Before you run the following command, first make sure the validation_dir in config.yaml under your checkpoint folder refers to the testing dataset path, e.g. opv2v_data_dumping/test.

python opencood/tools/inference.py --model_dir ${CHECKPOINT_FOLDER} --fusion_method ${FUSION_STRATEGY} [--show_vis] [--show_sequence]

Arguments Explanation:

  • model_dir: the path to your saved model.
  • fusion_method: indicate the fusion strategy, currently support 'early', 'late', and 'intermediate'.
  • show_vis: whether to visualize the detection overlay with point cloud.
  • show_sequence : the detection results will visualized in a video stream. It can NOT be set with show_vis at the same time.

The evaluation results will be dumped in the model directory.

Benchmark and model zoo

Results on OPV2V dataset ([email protected] for no-compression/ compression)

Backbone Fusion Strategy Bandwidth (Megabit),
before/after compression
Default Towns Culver City Download
Naive Late PointPillar Late 0.024/0.024 0.781/0.781 0.668/0.668 url
Cooper PointPillar Early 7.68/7.68 0.800/x 0.696/x url
Attentive Fusion PointPillar Intermediate 126.8/1.98 0.815/0.810 0.735/0.731 url
F-Cooper PointPillar Intermediate 72.08/1.12 0.790/0.788 0.728/0.726 url
V2VNet PointPillar Intermediate 72.08/1.12 0.822/0.814 0.734/0.729 url
Naive Late VoxelNet Late 0.024/0.024 0.738/0.738 0.588/0.588 url
Cooper VoxelNet Early 7.68/7.68 0.758/x 0.677/x url
Attentive Fusion VoxelNet Intermediate 576.71/1.12 0.864/0.852 0.775/0.746 url
Naive Late SECOND Late 0.024/0.024 0.775/0.775 0.682/0.682 url
Cooper SECOND Early 7.68/7.68 0.813/x 0.738/x url
Attentive SECOND Intermediate 63.4/0.99 0.826/0.783 0.760/0.760 url
Naive Late PIXOR Late 0.024/0.024 0.578/0.578 0.360/0.360 url
Cooper PIXOR Early 7.68/7.68 0.678/x 0.558/x url
Attentive PIXOR Intermediate 313.75/1.22 0.687/0.612 0.546/0.492 url


  • We suggest using PointPillar as the backbone when you are creating your method and try to compare with our benchmark, as we implement most of the SOTA methods with this backbone only.
  • We assume the transimssion rate is 27Mbp/s. Considering the frequency of LiDAR is 10Hz, the bandwidth requirement should be less than 2.7Mbp to avoid severe delay.
  • A 'x' in the benchmark table represents the bandwidth requirement is too large, which can not be considered to employ in practice.


We have a series of tutorials to help you understand OpenCOOD more. Please check the series of our tutorials.


If you are using our OpenCOOD framework or OPV2V dataset for your research, please cite the following paper:

 author = {Runsheng Xu, Hao Xiang, Xin Xia, Xu Han, Jinlong Li, Jiaqi Ma},
 title = {OPV2V: An Open Benchmark Dataset and Fusion Pipeline for Perception with Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication},
 booktitle = {2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
 year = {2022}}

Also, under this LICENSE, OpenCOOD is for non-commercial research only. Researchers can modify the source code for their own research only. Contracted work that generates corporate revenues and other general commercial use are prohibited under this LICENSE. See the LICENSE file for details and possible opportunities for commercial use.

Future Plans

  • Provide camera APIs for OPV2V
  • Provide the log replay toolbox
  • Implement F-Cooper
  • Implement V2VNet
  • Implement DiscoNet


OpenCOOD is supported by the UCLA Mobility Lab. We also appreciate the great work from OpenPCDet, as part of our works use their framework.

Lab Principal Investigator:

Project Lead:

  • multi-gpus on single machine

    multi-gpus on single machine

    Hi, how should I train the model with multi-gpus on single machine? Following the nn.dataparallel function, the error about tensor dimension mismatch (xx.view) regarding AttFusion class in self.attn.py file occurs. Please help me

    opened by bigbird11 31
  • CUDA out of memory

    CUDA out of memory

    Hi!I train the voxel_net_intermediate model following the default settings in the config file (e.g., voxelnet_intermediate_fusion.yaml), but after every several epoches, the program will be interrupted due to "CUDA out of memory". (The code is run on a single RTX 3090Ti GPU)

    80981a26-4c49-4e1a-a68d-665afea48f21 6299b99b-344a-42d6-b2b8-fef5eaa5aabd

    opened by zllxot 24
  • a subset of dataset

    a subset of dataset

    Hi, thanks for your great job. But the dataset is too large to perform validation experiments in my own computer. Could you please divide the dataset into several subsets, so as to download? For example, 73 scenario can be grouped into 4 folds or more. Thanks a lot.

    opened by bigbird11 13
  • No module named 'opencood.utils.box_overlaps'

    No module named 'opencood.utils.box_overlaps'

    Hi! When I tried to train a model ,it shows a model_notfound_error: 屏幕截图 2022-08-05 134000 However, when I tried to import it in a python console,it can be imported: 屏幕截图 2022-08-05 134156 How can I fix this problem? thank you!

    opened by JonathanLi19 11
  • why the test result of the point_pillar_v2vnet and point_pillar_intermediate_fusion all 0?

    why the test result of the point_pillar_v2vnet and point_pillar_intermediate_fusion all 0?

    Hi, I trained the point_pillar_v2vnet model and evaluated it on the test set, but the evaluation results are all 0, the same is true for the point_pillar_intermediate_fusion model, what is the reason for this? image

    opened by zllxot 9
  • coordinate alignment

    coordinate alignment

    Hi, does the point cloud coordinate of OPV2V dataset unify the setting in OpenPCDet, i.e., right-hand rule (x:forward, y,: left and z: up), anticlock-wise and zero angle located at x-axis?

    opened by bigbird11 7
  • SECOND and PointPillars implementation

    SECOND and PointPillars implementation

    Hi, I check the implementation of SECOND or PointPillar is slightly different from the in other framework (i.e., OpenCOOD), such as proposal layer. dense head and roi head. What is your concern about it?

    opened by bigbird11 7
  • Can I set proj_first = False when training v2vnet?

    Can I set proj_first = False when training v2vnet?

    Hi, thanks for your great work and clean code. I am studying it and have small question about the v2vnet fusion.

    I want to set proj_first = False to use the full feature map for each cav, but setting this flag False in yaml directly seems to have problem.

    I find the pairwise_t_matrix[i,j] will be all zero if i == j, but I think it should be identity matrix. https://github.com/DerrickXuNu/OpenCOOD/blob/25a5db74d3040e9ed1c2e4d284fc33819d25db25/opencood/data_utils/datasets/intermediate_fusion_dataset.py#L362-L382

    And the pairwise_t_matrix is set for all vehicles, but after that you filter some of cavs by COM_RANGE. So they are not corresponding if you take [:N] on it? https://github.com/DerrickXuNu/OpenCOOD/blob/25a5db74d3040e9ed1c2e4d284fc33819d25db25/opencood/models/fuse_modules/v2v_fuse.py#L94-L97

    opened by yifanlu0227 6
  • How to get the no fusion results?

    How to get the no fusion results?

    Hello, in your paper, there are experiment results on no fusion part. But there is no corresponding yaml files on no fusion. How do you get the results? Train and test with OpenPCDet on opv2v data?

    opened by susanbao 5
  • CUDA memory usage varies

    CUDA memory usage varies

    Hi runsheng,

    Thanks for your framework again! One thing bothers me that I found that the CUDA memory usage varies a lot at runtime. Is there any solution to fix the memory usage? Then my program would not be preempted by others :).

    Thank you in advance.

    opened by yifanlu0227 3
  • Question about the pirewise transformation matrix

    Question about the pirewise transformation matrix


    Thanks for the open-source work and it looks great! When I try to understand the implementation of V2Vnet I am confused about the pairwise_t_matrix shown below.

    pairwise_t_matrix : torch.Tensor
                The transformation matrix from each cav to ego, 
                shape: (B, L, L, 4, 4)

    why does the size have two L dimensions? because the ego vehicle is not a fixed one? Could you please give a numerical example of the pairwise_t_matrix about what it looks like?


    opened by zwbai 3
Runsheng Xu
UCLA PHD candidate, Former Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Mercedes Benz R&D North America
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