HackBio internship helps life scientists to harness their postentials effectively in this genomic revolution using bioinformatics and computational biology. The HackBio Internship-2021 is a rigorous five weeks of science, research, coding, networking and social activities.
About The Team
The Curious Curies!
Our team is a diverse community of students, researchers and professionals from all over the globe working together to hone our skills in bioinformatics and computational biology.
The Task
The Spreadsheet project
- Each team should create a GitHub repo.
- Add a comprehensive readme.md with essential information about the internship, the team, the contributors, pictures if possible using markdown.
- Each team will work on a minimum of 7 different programming languages
- For each person in a team, pick one of the 7 programming languages. Write a script that prints your name, your email, your slack username (with @) , your biostack, your twitter handle and hamming distance in that order. The output for every team member should now be name, email, slack_username (with @) your biostack , twitter_handle and hamming_distance .
- Push the script to your team's git repo
- Collaboratively as a team, develop a bash script that clones the git repo, and generates a CSV file from all the outputs of your team's scripts
- Submit your team's GitHub link to only the bash script
- Only the emails and slack handles that are on the CSV sheet generated by your script will be promoted to stage 1
- node: v14.8.0
- python3
- gcc 5.4.0
- g++ 5.4.0
- perl v5.22.1 / v5.32.1
- Rscript 4.1.0
- javac 15.0.1 / javac 9-ea
#Download R
sudo apt-get -y install r-base
#Download node
sudo apt-get install nodejs
#Download python
sudo apt-get install python3.6
#Download perl
sudo apt-get install perl
#Download c++
sudo apt-get install g++
#Download c
sudo apt-get install gcc
#Download java
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
How to run the code
- Open a GNU text editor by typing the command "nano filename.sh" in terminal
- Copy and paste the code on TeamCurieCSV.sh in the GNU text editor.
- Go back to terminal (Ctrl+X -> Y -> Press Enter)
- Type "bash filename.sh" in the terminal.
- Find a folder named "Team-Curie" in the present working directory.
- Enter the folder to find the CSV file named "Team-Curie.csv" !
Names Amandeep (Team Lead), Bhuvan, Peter, Matthew, Sooraj, Sophie, Tasneem, Tosin, Umasri, Maansi, Darshana, Ayush, Neha, Ananya, Karteek, Qamar, Rana