PURE: End-to-End Relation Extraction

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Deep Learning PURE

PURE: End-to-End Relation Extraction

This repository contains (PyTorch) code and pre-trained models for PURE (the Princeton University Relation Extraction system), described by the paper: A Frustratingly Easy Approach for Entity and Relation Extraction.

Quick links


In this work, we present a simple approach for entity and relation extraction. Our approach contains three conponents:

  1. The entity model takes a piece of text as input and predicts all the entities at once.
  2. The relation model considers every pair of entities independently by inserting typed entity markers, and predicts the relation type for each pair.
  3. The approximation relation model supports batch computations, which enables efficient inference for the relation model.

Please find more details of this work in our paper.


Install dependencies

Please install all the dependency packages using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download and preprocess the datasets

Our experiments are based on three datasets: ACE04, ACE05, and SciERC. Please find the links and pre-processing below:

  • ACE04/ACE05: We use the preprocessing code from DyGIE repo. Please follow the instructions to preprocess the ACE05 and ACE04 datasets.
  • SciERC: The preprocessed SciERC dataset can be downloaded in their project website.

Quick Start

The following commands can be used to download the preprocessed SciERC dataset and run our pre-trained models on SciERC.

# Download the SciERC dataset
wget http://nlp.cs.washington.edu/sciIE/data/sciERC_processed.tar.gz
mkdir scierc_data; tar -xf sciERC_processed.tar.gz -C scierc_data; rm -f sciERC_processed.tar.gz

# Download the pre-trained models (single-sentence)
mkdir scierc_models; cd scierc_models

# Download the pre-trained entity model
wget https://nlp.cs.princeton.edu/projects/pure/scierc_models/ent-scib-ctx0.zip
unzip ent-scib-ctx0.zip; rm -f ent-scib-ctx0.zip

# Download the pre-trained full relation model
wget https://nlp.cs.princeton.edu/projects/pure/scierc_models/rel-scib-ctx0.zip
unzip rel-scib-ctx0.zip; rm -f rel-scib-ctx0.zip

# Download the pre-trained approximation relation model
wget https://nlp.cs.princeton.edu/projects/pure/scierc_models/rel_approx-scib-ctx0.zip
unzip rel_approx-scib-ctx0.zip; rm -f rel_approx-scib-ctx0.zip

cd ..

# Run the pre-trained entity model, the result will be stored in ${scierc_ent_model}/ent_pred_test.json
python run_entity.py \
    --do_eval --eval_test \
    --context_window 0 \
    --task scierc \
    --data_dir ${scierc_dataset} \
    --model allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased \
    --output_dir ${scierc_ent_model}

# Run the pre-trained full relation model
python run_relation.py \
  --task scierc \
  --do_eval --eval_test \
  --model allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased \
  --do_lower_case \
  --context_window 0\
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --entity_output_dir ${scierc_ent_model} \
  --output_dir ${scierc_rel_model}
# Output end-to-end evaluation results
python run_eval.py --prediction_file ${scierc_rel_model}/predictions.json

# Run the pre-trained approximation relation model (with batch computation)
python run_relation_approx.py \
  --task scierc \
  --do_eval --eval_test \
  --model allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased \
  --do_lower_case \
  --context_window 0\
  --max_seq_length 250 \
  --entity_output_dir ${scierc_ent_model} \
  --output_dir ${scierc_rel_model_approx} \

# Output end-to-end evaluation results
python run_eval.py --prediction_file ${scierc_rel_model_approx}/predictions.json

Entity Model

Input data format for the entity model

The input data format of the entity model is JSONL. Each line of the input file contains one document in the following format.

  # document ID (please make sure doc_key can be used to identify a certain document)
  "doc_key": "CNN_ENG_20030306_083604.6",

  # sentences in the document, each sentence is a list of tokens
  "sentences": [
    ["tens", "of", "thousands", "of", "college", ...],

  # entities (boundaries and entity type) in each sentence
  "ner": [
    [[26, 26, "LOC"], [14, 14, "PER"], ...], #the boundary positions are indexed in the document level

  # relations (two spans and relation type) in each sentence
  "relations": [
    [[14, 14, 10, 10, "ORG-AFF"], [14, 14, 12, 13, "ORG-AFF"], ...],

Train/evaluate the entity model

You can use run_entity.py with --do_train to train an entity model and with --do_eval to evaluate an entity model. A trianing command template is as follow:

python run_entity.py \
    --do_train --do_eval [--eval_test] \
    --learning_rate=1e-5 --task_learning_rate=5e-4 \
    --train_batch_size=16 \
    --context_window {0 | 100 | 300} \
    --task {ace05 | ace04 | scierc} \
    --data_dir {directory of preprocessed dataset} \
    --model {bert-base-uncased | albert-xxlarge-v1 | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased} \
    --output_dir {directory of output files}


  • --learning_rate: the learning rate for BERT encoder parameters.
  • --task_learning_rate: the learning rate for task-specific parameters, i.e., the classifier head after the encoder.
  • --context_window: the context window size used in the model. 0 means using no contexts. In our cross-sentence entity experiments, we use --context_window 300 for BERT models and SciBERT models and use --context_window 100 for ALBERT models.
  • --model: the base transformer model. We use bert-base-uncased and albert-xxlarge-v1 for ACE04/ACE05 and use allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased for SciERC.
  • --eval_test: whether evaluate on the test set or not.

The predictions of the entity model will be saved as a file (ent_pred_dev.json) in the output_dir directory. If you set --eval_test, the predictions (ent_pred_test.json) are on the test set. The prediction file of the entity model will be the input file of the relation model.

Relation Model

Input data format for the relation model

The input data format of the relation model is almost the same as that of the entity model, except that there is one more filed ."predicted_ner" to store the predictions of the entity model.

  "doc_key": "CNN_ENG_20030306_083604.6",
  "sentences": [...],
  "ner": [...],
  "relations": [...],
  "predicted_ner": [
    [[26, 26, "LOC"], [14, 15, "PER"], ...],

Train/evaluate the relation model:

You can use run_relation.py with --do_train to train a relation model and with --do_eval to evaluate a relation model. A trianing command template is as follow:

python run_relation.py \
  --task {ace05 | ace04 | scierc} \
  --do_train --train_file {path to the training json file of the dataset} \
  --do_eval [--eval_test] [--eval_with_gold] \
  --model {bert-base-uncased | albert-xxlarge-v1 | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased} \
  --do_lower_case \
  --train_batch_size 32 \
  --eval_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 10 \
  --context_window {0 | 100} \
  --max_seq_length {128 | 228} \
  --entity_output_dir {path to output files of the entity model} \
  --output_dir {directory of output files}


  • --eval_with_gold: whether evaluate the model with the gold entities provided.
  • --entity_output_dir: the output directory of the entity model. The prediction files (ent_pred_dev.json or ent_pred_test.json) of the entity model should be in this directory.

The prediction results will be stored in the file predictions.json in the folder output_dir, and the format will be almost the same with the output file from the entity model, except that there is one more field "predicted_relations" for each document.

You can run the evaluation script to output the end-to-end performance (Ent, Rel, and Rel+) of the predictions.

python run_eval.py --prediction_file {path to output_dir}/predictions.json

Approximation relation model

You can use the following command to train an approximation model.

python run_relation_approx.py \
 --task {ace05 | ace04 | scierc} \
 --do_train --train_file {path to the training json file of the dataset} \
 --do_eval [--eval_with_gold] \
 --model {bert-base-uncased | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased} \
 --do_lower_case \
 --train_batch_size 32 \
 --eval_batch_size 32 \
 --learning_rate 2e-5 \
 --num_train_epochs 10 \
 --context_window {0 | 100} \
 --max_seq_length {128 | 228} \
 --entity_output_dir {path to output files of the entity model} \
 --output_dir {directory of output files}

Once you have a trained approximation model, you can enable efficient batch computation during inference with --batch_computation:

python run_relation_approx.py \
 --task {ace05 | ace04 | scierc} \
 --do_eval [--eval_test] [--eval_with_gold] \
 --model {bert-base-uncased | allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased} \
 --do_lower_case \
 --eval_batch_size 32 \
 --context_window {0 | 100} \
 --max_seq_length 250 \
 --entity_output_dir {path to output files of the entity model} \
 --output_dir {directory of output files} \

Note: the current code does not support approximation models based on ALBERT.

Pre-trained Models

We release our pre-trained entity models and relation models for ACE05 and SciERC datasets.

Note: the performance of the pre-trained models might be slightly different from the reported numbers in the paper, since we reported the average numbers based on multiple runs.

Pre-trained models for ACE05

Entity models:

Relation models:

Performance of pretrained models on ACE05 test set:

  • BERT (single)
NER - P: 0.890260, R: 0.882944, F1: 0.886587
REL - P: 0.689624, R: 0.652476, F1: 0.670536
REL (strict) - P: 0.664830, R: 0.629018, F1: 0.646429
  • BERT-approx (single)
NER - P: 0.890260, R: 0.882944, F1: 0.886587
REL - P: 0.678899, R: 0.642919, F1: 0.660419
REL (strict) - P: 0.651376, R: 0.616855, F1: 0.633646
  • ALBERT (single)
NER - P: 0.900237, R: 0.901388, F1: 0.900812
REL - P: 0.739901, R: 0.652476, F1: 0.693444
REL (strict) - P: 0.698522, R: 0.615986, F1: 0.654663
  • BERT (cross)
NER - P: 0.902111, R: 0.905405, F1: 0.903755
REL - P: 0.701950, R: 0.656820, F1: 0.678636
REL (strict) - P: 0.668524, R: 0.625543, F1: 0.646320
  • BERT-approx (cross)
NER - P: 0.902111, R: 0.905405, F1: 0.903755
REL - P: 0.684448, R: 0.657689, F1: 0.670802
REL (strict) - P: 0.659132, R: 0.633362, F1: 0.645990
  • ALBERT (cross)
NER - P: 0.911111, R: 0.905953, F1: 0.908525
REL - P: 0.748521, R: 0.659427, F1: 0.701155
REL (strict) - P: 0.723866, R: 0.637706, F1: 0.678060

Pre-trained models for SciERC

Entity models:

Relation models:

Performance of pretrained models on SciERC test set:

  • SciBERT (single)
NER - P: 0.667857, R: 0.665875, F1: 0.666865
REL - P: 0.491614, R: 0.481520, F1: 0.486515
REL (strict) - P: 0.360587, R: 0.353183, F1: 0.356846
  • SciBERT-approx (single)
NER - P: 0.667857, R: 0.665875, F1: 0.666865
REL - P: 0.500000, R: 0.453799, F1: 0.475780
REL (strict) - P: 0.376697, R: 0.341889, F1: 0.358450
  • SciBERT (cross)
NER - P: 0.676223, R: 0.713947, F1: 0.694573
REL - P: 0.494797, R: 0.536961, F1: 0.515017
REL (strict) - P: 0.362346, R: 0.393224, F1: 0.377154
  • SciBERT-approx (cross)
NER - P: 0.676223, R: 0.713947, F1: 0.694573
REL - P: 0.483366, R: 0.507187, F1: 0.494990
REL (strict) - P: 0.356164, R: 0.373717, F1: 0.364729

Bugs or Questions?

If you have any questions related to the code or the paper, feel free to email Zexuan Zhong ([email protected]). If you encounter any problems when using the code, or want to report a bug, you can open an issue. Please try to specify the problem with details so we can help you better and quicker!


If you use our code in your research, please cite our work:

   title={A Frustratingly Easy Approach for Entity and Relation Extraction},
   author={Zhong, Zexuan and Chen, Danqi},
   booktitle={North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)},
  • The NER results for 5 times runs

    The NER results for 5 times runs

    Hi Zexuan,

    The paper reports the average Rel F1 over 5 runs. Do the 5 RE runs use the same ent_pred_test.json (e.g. from the BERT (cross, W=300) entity model) or they use different NER predictions from NER models with different seeds?

    Could you please share the ent_pred_test.json for the 5 RE runs?


    Best, Deming

    opened by YeDeming 8
  • Error trying to train custom model.

    Error trying to train custom model.

    Hello, I have successfully converted my json output of Inception to jsonl format acceptable to your package. The output is as follows:

    {"doc_key": "Test_001", "sentences": [["Google", "was", "founded", "on", "September", "4", ",", "1998", ",", "by", "Larry", "Page", "and", "Sergey", "Brin", "while", "they", "were", "Ph.D", ".", "students", "at", "Stanford", "University", "in", "California", "."], ["On", "December", "3", ",", "2019", ",", "Pichai", "also", "became", "the", "CEO", "of", "Google", "."], ["In", "March", "1999", ",", "the", "Google", "moved", "its", "offices", "to", "Palo", "Alto", ",", "California", "."]], "ner": [[[0, 0, "ORG"], [10, 11, "PER"], [13, 14, "PER"]], [[33, 33, "PER"], [39, 39, "ORG"]], [[46, 46, "ORG"], [51, 54, "LOC"]]], "relations": [[[0, 0, 10, 11, "Founder"], [0, 0, 13, 14, "Founder"]], [[33, 33, 39, 39, "CEO"]], [[46, 46, 51, 54, "Located in"]]]}

    This was saved as train.json, test.json and dev.json. I wanted to test your package using this input file to see if it is working. I used the following command:

    python run_entity.py --do_train --learning_rate=1e-5 --task_learning_rate=5e-4 --train_batch_size=1 --context_window 300 --data_dir data_dir --model bert-base-uncased --output_dir output_dir --task ace05

    I got the following error:

    RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 20.00 MiB (GPU 0; 2.00 GiB total capacity; 1.28 GiB already allocated; 5.61 MiB free; 1.39 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

    How can I fix this? Also, do you have any recommendations for the options of my command(s) given my goal? Thank you very much.

    opened by AlanQuille 7
  • the added special tokens seem to convert to ids uncorrectly with my chinese datasets

    the added special tokens seem to convert to ids uncorrectly with my chinese datasets

    Have you tried the argument of add_new_tokens? I used bert-base-chinese to train my chinese dataset, and the number of entity types exceeds the total [unused], after applying add_marker_tokens function, the vocab size and tokenizer length both added from 21128 to 21300. Then, I applied the origin BERT model, and applied resize_token_embeddings(), however, I found that the special token, such as <subj_start=地点>, <obj_start=人物>, etc, are all represented as 100, namely [UNK] in the sequence of input_ids after applying tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(). Since the different marker tokens should have different id according to the paper, could you please help me to solve this problem?

    opened by AndDoIt 6
  • Input Data Format

    Input Data Format

    Hello! I'm trying to use your repo but first I need to convert my annotations in json format. My annotations are in .annformat and this is a sample of them: T0 Claim 2992 3010 here are the facts T1 Premise 3012 3078 210,000 dead people in our country in just the last several months R0 Support Arg1:T0 Arg2:

    Now, I am trying to create the .jsonfile to "feed" the model. My concerns are about the indexes I have to put in the .json input file for entities and relations. The indexes next to the entities "T" refer to the char indexes based on the main .txtfile.

    My issue is about if I have to do some math to calculate the "new" indexes considering some offset, or the "real" indexes can be used without any problems.

    Thank you in advance for your time and help. I'm trying to test your performing models with my annotations but I want to be sure the input is good.


    opened by pierpaologoffredo 5
  • How to run pre-trained model on a custom datasets

    How to run pre-trained model on a custom datasets

    Hi, I have used the brat tool to annotate my data, so I have two files: .ann files with the annotations of entities and relations, and raw text files. My goal is to convert these two files into the Scierc format, and finally used your pre-trained model on my datasets. However, I am having problem with the data conversion into the Scierc format.

    Please can you point me to good direction on how to achieve this so I can run your model on my data?


    opened by Kehindeajayi01 5
  • About Multiple Entity Pairs in the Same Sentence

    About Multiple Entity Pairs in the Same Sentence


    For multiple entity pairs in one sentence, do you separately generate a new sentence for each entity pair during training? How do you sample negative samples? I mean entity pairs without relations

    Thank you

    opened by HaishuoFang 5
  • Creating custom dataset from scratch

    Creating custom dataset from scratch

    I was wondering if you download the training data, in original sciERC format (as shown here) and then reformat again automatically internally before training the model? Asking this, because a little confused whether to format my custom dataset like sciERC or your input data format, as shown on the Readme.md . Also, sciERC annotates sentence wise , as per the aforementioned link. How does pure handle multisentence passages? The pretrained models that are downloaded by the repo-provided Readme.md link, are also labeled as single sentence model.

    opened by appledora 4
  •  --do_train --train_file {path to the training json file of the dataset} \

    --do_train --train_file {path to the training json file of the dataset} \

    Hi, I was wondering what specifically is referred to by --train_file? Is it the JSONL file used as the input file for the entity model? Thank you very much.

    opened by AlanQuille 4
  • FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'scierc_models/ent-scib-ctx0/ent_pred_dev.json'

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'scierc_models/ent-scib-ctx0/ent_pred_dev.json'

    Hello, I keep getting the error mentioned on the title while running this script :

    python run_relation.py   --task scierc   --do_train --train_file scierc_data/processed_data/json/train.json   --do_eval --eval_with_gold   --model  allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased   --do_lower_case   --train_batch_size 8   --eval_batch_size 32   --learning_rate 2e-5   --num_train_epochs 3   --context_window 100   --max_seq_length 128    --entity_output_dir scierc_models/ent-scib-ctx0   --output_dir scierc_outputs

    I have also tried with --eval_test argument and without using either --eval_test and --eval_with_gold, both throw the same error.
    Earlier I had managed to run the first two evaluation scripts provided with the repo, seamlessly. They produced ent_pred_test.json and predictions.json, respectively and as expected. :

    # Run the pre-trained entity model, the result will be stored in ${scierc_ent_model}/ent_pred_test.json
    python run_entity.py \
       --do_eval --eval_test \
       --context_window 0 \
       --task scierc \
       --data_dir ${scierc_dataset} \
       --model allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased \
       --output_dir ${scierc_ent_model}
    # Run the pre-trained full relation model
    python run_relation.py \
     --task scierc \
     --do_eval --eval_test \
     --model allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased \
     --do_lower_case \
     --context_window 0\
     --max_seq_length 128 \
     --entity_output_dir ${scierc_ent_model} \
     --output_dir ${scierc_rel_model}

    Could you please tell me if I am doing anything wrong?

    opened by appledora 4
  • About the second encoder for the relation model

    About the second encoder for the relation model

    Hello, I'm really interested in your pipelined approach in this paper. I notice that you mentioned a second pre-trained encoder in the relation model. I'm a little confused about that. I'm not sure how you get the second pre-trained encoder. Is the training procedure completely identical with BERT? Or is there anything special in getting the encoder?


    opened by Echos-Yao 3
  • What is the command to do predictions after training a custom model?

    What is the command to do predictions after training a custom model?

    I have successfully trained a model using custom data. Now I want to input a document and have the model predict the relations in the document. What is the command to accomplish this? Thank you very much.

    opened by AlanQuille 3
  • Approximation Model Training & Inference

    Approximation Model Training & Inference

    Hello. Don't know if I get it right but for approximation model, why the training phase is different from the inference phase? For training phase, seems like literally it just uses one pair of entity for one instance while for inference it will list all the possible entity pairs. What's the purpose of this? And for training phase, why the label's length is padded to max_seq_length // 4? Thank you.

    opened by kizunasunhy 1
  • Add auto-populate task labels based on data

    Add auto-populate task labels based on data

    Implemented changes primarily in shared/const.py to enable auto-populating NER and REL labels based on data (apart from the standard labels present for ace04, ace05 and scierc). Changes include:

    • Auto-populating labels when task is not one of the 3 standards (Removal of choice in task parameter)
    • Storing the new-found labels in output dir at the time of entity model run for relation and relation-approx models
    • Converted task labels into a class for better management
    • Using the pre-populated labels in case task belongs to one of the 3 standards (for consistent replication of paper results)
    opened by prasang-gupta 0
  • RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

    RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

    Hi, I'd run into "RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered" error when I attempted to run your code on a Chinese dataset. The log is as follows:

    /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:361: void indexSelectLargeIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim = 2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2, IndexIsMajor = true]: block: [165,0,0], thread: [126,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
    /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCTensorIndex.cu:361: void indexSelectLargeIndex(TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<T, IndexType>, TensorInfo<long, IndexType>, int, int, IndexType, IndexType, long) [with T = float, IndexType = unsigned int, DstDim = 2, SrcDim = 2, IdxDim = -2, IndexIsMajor = true]: block: [165,0,0], thread: [127,0,0] Assertion `srcIndex < srcSelectDimSize` failed.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "run_entity.py", line 225, in <module>
        output_dict = model.run_batch(train_batches[i], training=True)
      File "/tf_group/lihongyu/PURE-main/entity/models.py", line 302, in run_batch
        attention_mask = attention_mask_tensor.to(self._model_device),
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 532, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/tf_group/lihongyu/PURE-main/entity/models.py", line 65, in forward
        spans_embedding = self._get_span_embeddings(input_ids, spans, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, 
      File "/tf_group/lihongyu/PURE-main/entity/models.py", line 41, in _get_span_embeddings
        sequence_output, pooled_output = self.bert(input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids,             
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 532, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/transformers/modeling_bert.py", line 752, in forward
        input_ids=input_ids, position_ids=position_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 532, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/transformers/modeling_bert.py", line 181, in forward
        embeddings = inputs_embeds + position_embeddings + token_type_embeddings
    RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered

    I have searched a few cases of this error on stack overflow, but still fail to make out what has happened. I drew the dimension of inputs_embeds, position_embeddings, token_type_embeddings, and it seemed to be nothing wrong(all of these is of [1, seq_len(>350), 768]) Thanks for your time.

    opened by heyoma 5
  • How to run a pretrained model on unlabeled data?

    How to run a pretrained model on unlabeled data?


    I'm looking to apply your pretrained models to an unlabeled, new dataset. I have my dataset in DyGIE format. Looking at the script, it's unclear to me how to do this, becuase there are only two blocks of code in the script. The first isif args.do_train:, where the model is trained, and the second is if args.do_eval:, where the model is evaluated.

    I don't want to train, since I'm using a pre-trained model, but I also don't want to evaluate, since my data don't have labels, which makes my use case different than the example of applying the pretrained scibert models to the scierc dataset.

    Wondering if you have pointers on how to do this?


    opened by serenalotreck 3
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Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs This is an implemetation of the paper Few-shot Relation Extraction via Baye

MilaGraph 36 Nov 22, 2022
🐤 Nix-TTS: An Incredibly Lightweight End-to-End Text-to-Speech Model via Non End-to-End Distillation

?? Nix-TTS An Incredibly Lightweight End-to-End Text-to-Speech Model via Non End-to-End Distillation Rendi Chevi, Radityo Eko Prasojo, Alham Fikri Aji

Rendi Chevi 156 Jan 9, 2023
git《Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks》(2020) GitHub:

Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks Source code for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks. W

null 130 Dec 13, 2022
Source code for paper "Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Thresholding and Localized Context Pooling", AAAI 2021

ATLOP Code for AAAI 2021 paper Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Thresholding and Localized Context Pooling. If you make use of this co

Wenxuan Zhou 146 Nov 29, 2022
Implementation for our AAAI2021 paper (Entity Structure Within and Throughout: Modeling Mention Dependencies for Document-Level Relation Extraction).

SSAN Introduction This is the pytorch implementation of the SSAN model (see our AAAI2021 paper: Entity Structure Within and Throughout: Modeling Menti

benfeng 69 Nov 15, 2022
[ACL 20] Probing Linguistic Features of Sentence-level Representations in Neural Relation Extraction

REval Table of Contents Introduction Overview Requirements Installation Probing Usage Citation License ?? Introduction REval is a simple framework for

null 13 Jan 6, 2023
Source code for "UniRE: A Unified Label Space for Entity Relation Extraction.", ACL2021.

UniRE Source code for "UniRE: A Unified Label Space for Entity Relation Extraction.", ACL2021. Requirements python: 3.7.6 pytorch: 1.8.1 transformers:

Wang Yijun 109 Nov 29, 2022
A project for developing transformer-based models for clinical relation extraction

Clinical Relation Extration with Transformers Aim This package is developed for researchers easily to use state-of-the-art transformers models for ext

uf-hobi-informatics-lab 101 Dec 19, 2022
Code for technical report "An Improved Baseline for Sentence-level Relation Extraction".

RE_improved_baseline Code for technical report "An Improved Baseline for Sentence-level Relation Extraction". Requirements torch >= 1.8.1 transformers

Wenxuan Zhou 74 Nov 29, 2022
Source code for "Pack Together: Entity and Relation Extraction with Levitated Marker"

PL-Marker Source code for Pack Together: Entity and Relation Extraction with Levitated Marker. Quick links Overview Setup Install Dependencies Data Pr

THUNLP 173 Dec 30, 2022
Code and datasets for the paper "KnowPrompt: Knowledge-aware Prompt-tuning with Synergistic Optimization for Relation Extraction"

KnowPrompt Code and datasets for our paper "KnowPrompt: Knowledge-aware Prompt-tuning with Synergistic Optimization for Relation Extraction" Requireme

ZJUNLP 137 Dec 31, 2022
Wanli Li and Tieyun Qian: Exploit a Multi-head Reference Graph for Semi-supervised Relation Extraction, IJCNN 2021

MRefG Wanli Li and Tieyun Qian: "Exploit a Multi-head Reference Graph for Semi-supervised Relation Extraction", IJCNN 2021 1. Requirements To reproduc

万理 5 Jul 26, 2022
It's a implement of this paper:Relation extraction via Multi-Level attention CNNs

Relation Classification via Multi-Level Attention CNNs It's a implement of this paper:Relation Classification via Multi-Level Attention CNNs. Training

Aybss 2 Nov 4, 2022
Company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction

RE results graph visualization and company clustering Installation pip install -r requirements.txt python -m nltk.downloader stopwords python3.7 main.

Jieun Han 1 Oct 6, 2022
A pure PyTorch batched computation implementation of "CIF: Continuous Integrate-and-Fire for End-to-End Speech Recognition"

A pure PyTorch batched computation implementation of "CIF: Continuous Integrate-and-Fire for End-to-End Speech Recognition"

張致強 14 Dec 2, 2022
An implementation for `Text2Event: Controllable Sequence-to-Structure Generation for End-to-end Event Extraction`

Text2Event An implementation for Text2Event: Controllable Sequence-to-Structure Generation for End-to-end Event Extraction Please contact Yaojie Lu (@

Roger 153 Jan 7, 2023
:hot_pepper: R²SQL: "Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing." (AAAI 2021)

R²SQL The PyTorch implementation of paper Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing. (AAAI 2021) Requirement

huybery 60 Dec 31, 2022
Code for paper PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors.

PairRE Code for paper PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors. This implementation of PairRE for Open Graph Benchmak datasets (

Alipay 65 Dec 19, 2022
Source code and dataset for ACL2021 paper: "ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive Learning".

ERICA Source code and dataset for ACL2021 paper: "ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive L

THUNLP 75 Nov 2, 2022