PromptDet: Expand Your Detector Vocabulary with Uncurated Images


PromptDet: Expand Your Detector Vocabulary with Uncurated Images

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The goal of this work is to establish a scalable pipeline for expanding an object detector towards novel/unseen categories, using zero manual annotations. To achieve that, we make the following four contributions: (i) in pursuit of generalisation, we propose a two-stage open-vocabulary object detector that categorises each box proposal by a classifier generated from the text encoder of a pre-trained visual-language model; (ii) To pair the visual latent space (from RPN box proposal) with that of the pre-trained text encoder, we propose the idea of regional prompt learning to optimise a couple of learnable prompt vectors, converting the textual embedding space to fit those visually object-centric images; (iii) To scale up the learning procedure towards detecting a wider spectrum of objects, we exploit the available online resource, iteratively updating the prompts, and later self-training the proposed detector with pseudo labels generated on a large corpus of noisy, uncurated web images. The self-trained detector, termed as PromptDet, significantly improves the detection performance on categories for which manual annotations are unavailable or hard to obtain, e.g. rare categories. Finally, (iv) to validate the necessity of our proposed components, we conduct extensive experiments on the challenging LVIS and MS-COCO dataset, showing superior performance over existing approaches with fewer additional training images and zero manual annotations whatsoever.

Training framework

method overview


  • MMDetection version 2.16.0.

  • Please see for installation and the basic usage of MMDetection.


./tools/ configs/promptdet/ work_dirs/promptdet_mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_sample1e-3_mstrain_1x_lvis_v1.pth 4 --eval bbox segm


To be updated.


For your convenience, we provide the following trained models (PromptDet) with mask AP.

Model Epochs Scale Jitter Input Size APnovel APc APf AP Config Download
PromptDet_R_50_FPN_1x 12 640~800 800x800 19.0 18.5 25.8 21.4 config google / baidu
PromptDet_R_50_FPN_6x 72 100~1280 800x800 21.4 23.3 29.3 25.3 config google / baidu

[0] All results are obtained with a single model and without any test time data augmentation such as multi-scale, flipping and etc..
[1] Refer to more details in config files in config/promptdet/.
[2] Extraction code of baidu netdisk: promptdet.


Thanks MMDetection team for the wonderful open source project!


If you find PromptDet useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title={PromptDet: Expand Your Detector Vocabulary with Uncurated Images},
    author={Feng, Chengjian and Zhong, Yujie and Jie, Zequn and Chu, Xiangxiang and Ren, Haibing and Wei, Xiaolin and Xie, Weidi and Ma, Lin},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.16513},
  • COCO embeddings

    COCO embeddings

    Hi, Thank you for sharing your amazing work.

    Can you please share the embeddings used for COCO evaluation ? The LVIS-v1 has only 59 categories common with COCO. Otherwise could you share the learned 1 + 1 prompt vectors so it may be used in any dataset.

    Thank you.

    opened by hanoonaR 3
  • Baseline training configs

    Baseline training configs


    Thank you for sharing your work. I would to like know the training configurations used in your baseline reported in Table 2 in your paper. The implementation details in the paper specifies 1x schedule with lr of 0.02. However, the samples_per_gpu is set to 4 in the shared configuration, However, the default training config in mmdet, for Mask-RCNN with FPN for 1x schedule is 8 GPUs and 2 samples per GPU, for effective batch size of 16, and lr of 0.02.

    Could you please specify the the number of GPU's and the batch size and corresponding lr used in your baseline.

    Thank you.

    opened by hanoonaR 1
  • How to train the model?

    How to train the model?

    Thanks for your nice work and precious time! Could you give some examples on how to train the model using existing config files in the configs/promptdet?

    opened by Kyfafyd 1
  • singe image inference

    singe image inference

    In the process of reproducing your work, I found that there were only inference code of lvis validation dataset in the inference section. I would like to ask if there are any scripts to implement single image inference or single video inference?

    opened by LeonG7 1
  • code for regional prompt learning

    code for regional prompt learning

    Hi, I'm currently reproducing your work, but cannot find the code related to regional prompt learning. Can u tell me where the code for preprocessing and training of regional prompt learning is? ( Sorry I'm new to mmdetection so it's hard to search ..) Thanks!

    opened by jihwanp 1
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