Conservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning

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Deep Learning CAP

Conservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning

This is the official repository for Conservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning. We provide the commands to run the PETS and PlaNet experiments included in the paper. This repository is made minimal for ease of experimentation.


This repository requires Python (3.6), Pytorch (version 1.3 or above) run the following command to create a conda environment (tested using CUDA10.2):

conda env create -f environment.yml


To run the PETS experiments on the HalfCheetah environment used in our ablation study, run:

cd cap-pets


python cap-pets/ --algo cem --env HalfCheetah-v3 --cost_lim 152 \
--cost_constrained --penalize_uncertainty --learn_kappa --seed 1

CAP with fixed kappa

python cap-pets/ --algo cem --env HalfCheetah-v3 --cost_lim 152 \
--cost_constrained --penalize_uncertainty --kappa 1.0 --seed 1


python cap-pets/ --algo cem --env HalfCheetah-v3 --cost_lim 152 \
--cost_constrained --seed 1


python cap-pets/ --algo cem --env HalfCheetah-v3 --cost_lim 152 \
--seed 1

The commands for the PlaNet experiment on the CarRacing environment are:


python cap-planet/ --env CarRacingSkiddingConstrained-v0 \
--cost-limit 0 --binary-cost \
--cost-constrained --penalize-uncertainty \
--learn-kappa --penalty-kappa 0.1 \
--id CarRacing-cap --seed 1

CAP with fixed kappa

python cap-planet/ --env CarRacingSkiddingConstrained-v0 \
--cost-limit 0 --binary-cost \
--cost-constrained --penalize-uncertainty \
--penalty-kappa 1.0 \
--id CarRacing-kappa1 --seed 1


python cap-planet/ --env CarRacingSkiddingConstrained-v0 \
--cost-limit 0 --binary-cost \
--cost-constrained \
--id CarRacing-ccem --seed 1


python cap-planet/ --env CarRacingSkiddingConstrained-v0 \
--cost-limit 0 --binary-cost \
--id CarRacing-cem --seed 1


If you have any questions regarding the code or paper, feel free to contact [email protected] or open an issue on this repository.


This repository contains code adapted from the following repositories: PETS and PlaNet. We thank the authors and contributors for open-sourcing their code.

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