MAUS: A Dataset for Mental Workload Assessment Using Wearable Sensor - Baseline system
Getting started
To start working on this assignment, you should clone this repository into your local machine by using the following command.
git clone
Baseline system of MAUS requires the following:
- Python (>= 3.5)
- numpy >= 1.19.5
- scipy >= 1.5.4
- pandas >= 1.1.5
- matplotlib >=3.3.4
- statsmodels >= 0.12.2
- pyhrv >= 0.4.0
- biosppy >= 0.7.0
- EMD-signal >= 0.2.15
Dataset downloading
The MAUS dataset can be downloaded from: Extract the .zip file under this folder.
Baseline system running
The extracted features were provided for classification under the folder: ./feature_data
Peak detection, extract inter-beat intervals (IBI)
python3 --src_data
: (str) Raw signal datapath; Default: ./MAUC/Data/Raw_data
: (str) Extract IBI sequence datapath; Default: ./MAUC/Data/
: (bool) Extract IBI sequence from single subject; Default: True
: (str) ID of the single subject; Default: 002
: (bool) Extract resting IBI sequence; Default: False
HRV features extraction
python3 --data
: (str) Inter-beat Intervals (IBI) sequence path; Default: ./MAUC/Data/IBI_sequence/
python3 --data
: (str) feature data path; Default: ./feature_data
: (str) validation type; Default: LOSO
- LOSO: leave-one-subject-out cross validation
- Mixed: mixed-subject 5-fold cross validation