PyTorch code of my WACV 2022 paper Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation


Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation (WACV 2022)



Why it matters?

When data augmentation is applied on an input image, a model is forced to learn invariant features to improve model generalization (Figure 1).

Since data augmentation incurs little overhead, why not generate 2 data augmented images (also known as 2 positive samples) from a given input. Then, force the model to agree on the common invariant features to support the correct label (Figure 2). It turns out that maximizing this agreement further improves model model generalization. We call our method AgMax.

Unlike label smoothing, AgMax consistently improves model accuracy. For example on ImageNet1k for 90 epochs, the ResNet50 performance is as follows:

Data Augmentation Baseline Label Smoothing AgMax (Ours)
Standard 76.4 76.8 76.9
CutOut 76.2 76.5 77.1
MixUp 76.5 76.7 77.6
CutMix 76.3 76.4 77.4
AutoAugment (AA) 76.2 76.2 77.1
CutOut+AA 75.7 75.7 76.6
MixUp+AA 75.9 76.5 77.1
CutMix+AA 75.5 75.5 77.0

The figure below demonstrates consistent improvement across different data augmnentation methods:

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


For example, train ResNet50 with AgMax on 2 GPUs for 90 epochs, SGD with lr=0.1 and multistep learning rate scheduler:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --config=ResNet50-standard-agmax --train \
--multisteplr --dataset=imagenet --epochs=90 --save

Compare the results without AgMax:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python3 --config=ResNet50-standard --train \
--multisteplr --dataset=imagenet --epochs=90 --save


Using a pre-trained model:

ResNet101 trained with CutMix, AutoAugment and AgMax:

mkdir checkpoints
cd checkpoints
cd ..
python3 --config=ResNet101-auto_augment-cutmix-agmax --eval \
--dataset=imagenet \
--resume imagenet-agmax-mi-ResNet101-cutmix-auto_augment-81.19-mlp-4096.pth

ResNet50 trained with CutMix, AutoAugment and AgMax:

python3 --config=ResNet50-auto_augment-cutmix-agmax --eval --n-units=2048 \
--dataset=imagenet --resume imagenet-agmax-ResNet50-cutmix-auto_augment-79.12-mlp-2048.pth

Other pre-trained models (Baselines):


If you find this work useful, please cite:

  title={Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation},
  author={Atienza, Rowel},
  booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},
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