πŸ”– Lemnos: A simple, light-weight command-line to-do list manager.

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CLI Tools lemnos

πŸ”– Lemnos: CLI To-do List Manager

This is a simple program that allows one to manage a to-do list via the command-line.


$ python3 todo.py add make pasta
$ python3 todo.py show
    1. make pasta
    Number of items: 1
$ python3 todo.py complete 1

Set up

You need to have Python installed.

  1. Clone/download this repository.
  2. cd into the directory when using the program.

You are good to go! You can optionally add a shebang of your Python install location to the top of todo.py. You can find this by typing which python in the command-line. Prepend that string with #! and add it to the top of todo.py. Example string: #!/usr/bin/python3. Then, you can simply type ./todo to execute the program instead. To follow the reference then, just replace python3 todo.py with ./todo.


  • Add item to list:

    $ python3 todo.py add item
  • Show to-do list:

    $ python3 todo.py show
    • or simply:

      $ python3 todo.py
  • Complete item at index i

    $ python3 todo.py complete i
  • Erase entire list:

    $ python3 todo.py erase
  • Get length of list:

    $ python3 todo.py len


For efficiency purposes, you can simply specify the first letter of each functionality instead of the entire word. Example of adding item to the list.

$ python3 todo.py a item

The program works by adding and removing content from list.txt so you can alternatively manage the list via that file as well.


I recognize that there are probably many packages/programs out there that already have this functionality, but I wanted to build one from source so that I can feasibly add customizations to my personal setup as needed. Another motivation for creating this program was that the other options available are much more feature-heavy than I needed (a minimalist user experience is the main design principle here).


Hephaestus is the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, among others. He resides in Lemnos, which, in real life, is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea.

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  • Python package

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    So all users will have to is pip install lemnos and everything is handled behind the scenes. Lists are stored in some user directory that is built upon install. Then, users type lemnos [...] in the CLI.

    opened by rosikand 0
  • Branching (multiple lists)

    Branching (multiple lists)

    Below is a draft for implementing branching (control multiple lists with one script). It works similar to git branching.

    File: todo.py
    BETA new version of Lemnos with branching. 
    Simple command-line to-do list manager. See README.md for getting started 
    and how to use the program. 
    import sys 
    import os
    import glob
    from os.path import exists
    curr_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    BASE_PATH = os.path.join(curr_dir_path, "lists") 
    LIST_PATH = "grfs.txt"
    def show_branches():
    	Note to self: didn't do indexing yet. 
    	Function to show current branches stored in ./lists. 
    	Activated by 'branch' or 'b'. 
    	txt_files = glob.glob(BASE_PATH + '/*.txt', recursive=True)
    	#idx = 0
    	for file_path in txt_files:
    		#idx += 1
    		branch_name = file_path[file_path.rfind("/") + 1:file_path.rfind(".")]
    		file = "- " + branch_name
    		#file = str(idx) + ". " + branch_name
    		if (branch_name + ".txt") == LIST_PATH:
    			file = file + " (current branch)"
    def current_branch():
    	Show current branch name. 
    	Activated by 'branch current' or 'bc'.
    	txt_files = glob.glob(BASE_PATH + '/*.txt', recursive=True)
    	for file_path in txt_files:
    		branch_name = file_path[file_path.rfind("/") + 1:file_path.rfind(".")]
    		file = "- " + branch_name
    		if (branch_name + ".txt") == LIST_PATH:
    def delete_branch(branch_name):
    	Function to delete a branch. 
    	Activated by 'branch delete' or 'bd'. 
    	assert (branch_name + ".txt") != LIST_PATH, "cannot delete current branch"
    	txt_files = glob.glob(BASE_PATH + '/*.txt', recursive=True)
    	for file_path in txt_files:
    		curr_branch = file_path[file_path.rfind("/") + 1:file_path.rfind(".")]
    		if branch_name == curr_branch:
    			branch_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, branch_name + ".txt")
    			if os.path.exists(branch_path):
    			  	subpath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "archived", branch_name + ".txt")
    			  	if os.path.exists(subpath):
    			  		subpath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "archived", branch_name + "1.txt")
    			  	os.rename(branch_path, subpath)
    			  print("The branch does not exist")
    			print(f"'{branch_name}' archived successfully")
    	print("Error: branch does not exist")
    def switch_branches(branch_name):
    	Function to switch branches stored in ./lists. 
    	Activated by 'branch switch' or 'bs'. 
    	txt_files = glob.glob(BASE_PATH + '/*.txt', recursive=True)
    	branch_exists = False
    	for file_path in txt_files:
    		file = file_path[file_path.rfind("/") + 1:file_path.rfind(".")]
    		if file == branch_name:
    			branch_exists = True
    	if branch_exists == False:
    		print("Error: branch does not exist")
    	f = open(__file__, 'r')
    	lines = f.readlines()
    	list_path_idx = -1
    	idx = 0
    	for l in lines:
    		l = l.strip()
    		template_string = f'LIST_PATH = "{LIST_PATH}"'
    		if l == template_string:
    			list_path_idx = idx
    		idx += 1
    	new_string = branch_name + '.txt'
    	lines[list_path_idx] = f'LIST_PATH = "{new_string}"' + '\n'
    	with open(__file__, "w") as f:
    	    contents = "".join(lines)
    	print(f"Switched to branch '{branch_name}'")
    def new_branch(branch_name):
    	Function to make a new branch. 
    	Activated by "branch new" or "bn". 
    	path_string = branch_name + ".txt"
    	new_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, path_string)
    	assert not exists(new_path), "branch already exists"
    	f = open(new_path, "x")
    	print(f"'{branch_name}' branch created")
    def length(file_obj):
    	Function that takes in the file object 
    	(pointing to list.txt) and returns the number of
    	items in the list. 
    	count = 0
    	for line in file_obj:
    		count += 1 
    	return count
    def add(item_string):
    	Function that appends the item based on what the 
    	user specified as a command line argument to list.txt. 
    	curr_num_items = length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH))
    	curr_index = curr_num_items + 1
    	og_string = item_string  # for printing purposes 
    	item_string = str(curr_index) + ". " + item_string + '\n'
    	file = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "a")
    	print('Added "' + og_string + '" to the to-do list.') 
    def show():
    	Function that prints out the list. It also displays 
    	the number of items in the list. 
    	file = open(LIST_FILE_PATH)
    	branch_str = LIST_PATH[:LIST_PATH.rfind(".")]
    	for line in file:
    		print(line, end='')  # use end to avoid printing \n 
    	print(f"Number of items (branch: {branch_str}):", length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH)))
    def search(query):
    	Function that searches the list for the query. Looks 
    	for exact match in the list. If query is not found, 
    	it prints nothing.   
    	file = open(LIST_FILE_PATH)
    	for line in file:
    		line_list = line.split()
    		for elem in line_list:
    			if str(query) == str(elem):
    				print(line, end = '')
    def show_priority():
    	Function that prints out prioritized items in the list. 
    	It also displays the number of prioritized items in the 
    	file = open(LIST_FILE_PATH)
    	count = 0 
    	for line in file:
    		if "*" in line:
    			count += 1
    			print(line, end='')  # use end to avoid printing \n 
    	print("Number of prioritized items:", count)
    def make_prioritized(idx):
    	Function that prioritizes the element at idx. 
    	# store list of lines to use later (since we will overwrite these lines) 
    	temp_file_obj = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "r") 
    	line_list = temp_file_obj.readlines()
    	updated_list = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "w") 
    	i = 1
    	for line in line_list:
    		if i == idx:
    			dot_idx = line.find(".")
    			line = line[:dot_idx + 1] + " *" + line[dot_idx + 2:]
    		i += 1
    def unprioritize(idx):
    	Function that un-prioritizes the element at idx. 
    	# store list of lines to use later (since we will overwrite these lines) 
    	temp_file_obj = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "r") 
    	line_list = temp_file_obj.readlines()
    	updated_list = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "w") 
    	i = 1
    	for line in line_list:
    		if i == idx:
    			line = line.replace("*", "")
    		i += 1
    def complete(idx):
    	Function that completes (deletes) the line (item) at the 
    	specified index from the list. 
    	# store list of lines to use later (since we will overwrite these lines) 
    	temp_file_obj = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "r") 
    	line_list = temp_file_obj.readlines()
    	updated_list = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "w") 
    	curr_idx = 1
    	line_count = 0  # num lines appended to new list 
    	for line in line_list:
    		if curr_idx < idx:
    			line_count += 1
    		if curr_idx > idx:
    			line_count += 1 
    			dot_idx = line.find(".")
    			line = str(line_count) + line[dot_idx:]
    		curr_idx += 1 
    def erase():
    	Function that erases the contents of the list. 
    	file = open(LIST_FILE_PATH, "w")
    def main():
    	user_arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    	arg_count = len(user_arguments)  # num user arguments 
    	# print out list if no argument was specified 
    	if arg_count == 0:
    		show()  # show the list 
    	# add item to list if 'add' argument is specified 
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "add" or user_arguments[0] == "a") and arg_count > 1:
    		add(' '.join(user_arguments[1:]))
    	# search the list with given argument as query if 'search' argument is specified
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "search" or user_arguments[0] == "s") and arg_count > 1:
    		search(' '.join(user_arguments[1:]))
    	# print out list if 'show' argument is specified
    	if user_arguments[0] == "show":
    	# print out prioritized items from list 
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "priority" or user_arguments[0] == "p") and arg_count == 1:
    	# prioritize element 
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "prioritize" or user_arguments[0] == "p") and arg_count == 2:
    		specified_idx = int(user_arguments[1]) 
    		if specified_idx > length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH)) or specified_idx <= 0:
    			print("Item index out of bounds")
    	# un-prioritize element 
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "unprioritize" or user_arguments[0] == "u") and arg_count == 2:
    		specified_idx = int(user_arguments[1]) 
    		if specified_idx > length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH)) or specified_idx <= 0:
    			print("Item index out of bounds")
    	# print out num items in list if 'len' argument is specified
    	if user_arguments[0] == "len" or user_arguments[0] == "l":
    		print("Number of items:", length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH)))
    	# complete (delete) specific item from list 
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "complete" or user_arguments[0] == "c") and arg_count == 2:
    		specified_idx = int(user_arguments[1]) 
    		if specified_idx > length(open(LIST_FILE_PATH)) or specified_idx <= 0:
    			print("Item index out of bounds")
    	# erase items from list 
    	if user_arguments[0] == "erase" or user_arguments[0] == "e":
    	# branch runner code 
    	# print out branches if 'branch' argument is specified
    	if (user_arguments[0] == "branch" or user_arguments[0] == "b") and (len(user_arguments) < 2): 
    	elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch new") or (user_arguments[0] == "bn"):
    		# create new branch 
    		assert len(user_arguments) > 1, "must provide branch name"
    	elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch switch") or (user_arguments[0] == "bs"):
    		# switch branches
    		assert len(user_arguments) > 1, "must provide branch name"
    	elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch current") or (user_arguments[0] == "bc"):
    		# get current branch 
    	elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch delete") or (user_arguments[0] == "bd"):
    		# switch branches
    		assert len(user_arguments) > 1, "must provide branch name"
    	elif (len(user_arguments) > 1):
    		if (user_arguments[0] == "branch") and (user_arguments[1] == "current"):
    		elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch") and (user_arguments[1] == "new"):
    			assert len(user_arguments) > 2, "must provide branch name"
    		elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch") and (user_arguments[1] == "switch"):
    			assert len(user_arguments) > 2, "must provide branch name"
    		elif (user_arguments[0] == "branch") and (user_arguments[1] == "delete"):
    			assert len(user_arguments) > 2, "must provide branch name"
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    opened by rosikand 1
Rohan Sikand
CS (AI) at Stanford University🌲
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