[EMNLP 2021] Improving and Simplifying Pattern Exploiting Training



This repository contains the official code for the paper: "Improving and Simplifying Pattern Exploiting Training".

The model improves and simplifies PET with a decoupled label objective and label-conditioned MLM objective.


                       Decoupled Label Loss                                                Label Conditioned Masked Language Modelling


  • [November 2021] You can run ADAPET on your own dataset now! See instructions here


Setup environment by running source bin/init.sh. This will

  • Download the FewGLUE and SuperGLUE datasets in data/fewglue/{task} and data/superglue/{task} respectively.
  • Install and setup environment with correct dependencies.


First, create a config JSON file with the necessary hyperparameters. For reference, please see config/BoolQ.json.

Then, to train the model, run the following commands:

sh bin/setup.sh
sh bin/train.sh {config_file}

The output will be in the experiment directory exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/. Once the model has been trained, the following files can be found in the directory:

    |__ best_model.pt
    |__ dev_scores.json
    |__ config.json
    |__ dev_logits.npy
    |__ src

To aid reproducibility, we provide the JSON files to replicate the paper's results at config/{task_name}.json.


To evaluate the model on the SuperGLUE dev set, run the following command:

sh bin/dev.sh exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/

The dev scores can be found in exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/dev_scores.json.

To evaluate the model on the SuperGLUE test set, run the following command.

sh bin/test.sh exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/

The generated predictions can be found in exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/test.json.

Train your own ADAPET

  • Setup your dataset in the data folder as
    |__ train.jsonl
    |__ val.jsonl
    |__ test.jsonl

Each jsonl file consists of lines of dictionaries. Each dictionaries should have the following format:

    "TEXT1": (insert text), 
    "TEXT2": (insert text), 
    "TEXT3": (insert text), 
    "TEXTN": (insert text), 
    "LBL": (insert label)
  • Run the experiment
python cli.py --data_dir data/{dataset_name} \
              --pattern '(INSERT PATTERN)' \
              --dict_verbalizer '{"lbl_1": "verbalizer_1", "lbl_2": "verbalizer_2"}'

Here, INSERT PATTERN consists of [TEXT1], [TEXT2], [TEXT3], ..., [LBL]. For example, if the new dataset had two text inputs and one label, a sample pattern would be [TEXT1] and [TEXT2] imply [LBL].

Fine-tuned Models

Our fine-tuned models can be found in this link.

To evaluate these fine-tuned models for different tasks, run the following command:

python src/run_pretrained.py -m {finetuned_model_dir}/{task_name} -c config/{task_name}.json -k pattern={best_pattern_for_task}

The scores can be found in exp_out/fewglue/{task_name}/albert-xxlarge-v2/{timestamp}/dev_scores.json. Note: The best_pattern_for_task can be found in Table 4 of the paper.


For any doubts or questions regarding the work, please contact Derek ([email protected]) or Rakesh ([email protected]). For any bug or issues with the code, feel free to open a GitHub issue or pull request.


Please cite us if ADAPET is useful in your work:

          title={Improving and Simplifying Pattern Exploiting Training},
          author={Tam, Derek and Menon, Rakesh R and Bansal, Mohit and Srivastava, Shashank and Raffel, Colin},
          journal={Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
  • ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (4,) into shape (1,)

    ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (4,) into shape (1,)

    Thanks for the very interesting paper and code. I'm trying to train adapet on custom data (in Google Colab). I've prepared the data in the format as indicated in the documentation. my task is a binary sentiment classification task "positive" vs. "negative".

    !python cli.py --data_dir data/sentiment-news-econ \
                   --pattern 'The quote: "[TEXT1]". The quote is overall [LBL]' \
                   --dict_verbalizer '{"positive": "verbalizer_1", "negative": "verbalizer_2"}'

    I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "cli.py", line 54, in <module>
      File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Few-shot-experiments/ADAPET/src/train.py", line 93, in train
        loss, dict_val_update = model(sup_batch)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 550, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Few-shot-experiments/ADAPET/src/adapet.py", line 213, in forward
        pet_disc_loss = self.get_decoupled_label_loss(batch)
      File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Few-shot-experiments/ADAPET/src/adapet.py", line 178, in get_decoupled_label_loss
        lbl_logits = self.get_single_logits(pet_mask_ids, mask_idx, list_lbl) # [bs, num_lbl]
      File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Few-shot-experiments/ADAPET/src/adapet.py", line 70, in get_single_logits
        lbl_ids[i, :len(i_lbl_ids)] = i_lbl_ids
    ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (4,) into shape (1,)

    The error seems to come from the following part in the source code. Where the token IDs for the labels are retrieved. https://github.com/rrmenon10/ADAPET/blob/6d2bfef5405ca53112235021d9fb8b36f641be9d/src/adapet.py#L70

    I couldn't figure out what it causing it though :/

    opened by MoritzLaurer 12
  • Train your own data

    Train your own data


    I want to use ADAPET on my own data. So, I was trying to follow your recommendation with a toy dataset. I took a small subset of data/BoolQ/train.jsonl and removed the "idx" key, so it looks like my own data.

    So, the file lines look like this {"question": "is ghost in the shell based on the anime", "passage": "Ghost in the Shell -- Animation studio Production I.G has produced ....", "label": false} . . . .

    I used the command you provided in the README.md as follows: python cli.py --data_dir $data_dir --pattern '"[TEXT1]" has an answer in "[TEXT2]"? "[LBL]"' --dict_verbalizer '{"true": "yes", "false": "no"}'

    and that command throws this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "cli.py", line 52, in <module> train(config) File "~/ADAPET/src/train.py", line 59, in train batcher = Batcher(config, tokenizer, config.dataset) File "~/ADAPET/src/data/Batcher.py", line 21, in __init__ self.dataset_reader = DatasetReader(config, tokenizer, dataset) File "~/ADAPET/src/data/DatasetReader.py", line 44, in __init__ self.dataset_reader = GenericReader(self.config, tokenizer) File "~/ADAPET/src/data/GenericReader.py", line 24, in __init__ self.check_pattern(self.config.pattern) File "~/ADAPET/src/data/GenericReader.py", line 45, in check_pattern raise ValueError("Need at least one text ") ValueError: Need at least one text

    I would highly appreciate guiding me on what I am doing wrong.

    Thank you!

    opened by Afnan-Sultan 9
  • Training ADAPET on data too large to fit in RAM.

    Training ADAPET on data too large to fit in RAM.

    I am training an ADAPET model on 800gb of text. However, I cannot load this data into a variable since I don't have nearly enough RAM to do that. Is there any way to keep loading the data chunk-by-chunk and training it bit-by-bit? Online learning of some sorts, maybe? How to do this with an ADAPET model?

    opened by ghost 7
  • evaluate finetuned models

    evaluate finetuned models

    I am trying to evaluate your fine-tuned model on BoolQ task. I am using this command :

    python src/run_pretrained.py -m {finetuned_model_dir}/{task_name} -c config/{task_name}.json -k pattern={best_pattern_for_task}

    when trying to run it I get the following warning:

    Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (737 > 512). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors

    I want to know why is this happening? and how can I fix it to get the evaluation results?

    Note: I tried with another task (CB), and it is working fine.

    opened by Wafaa014 4
  • Empty batch for WSC

    Empty batch for WSC

    For WSC, the Batcher sometimes produces batches of size 0. Do you have any idea why that is? In particular, on this line in WSCReader.py, I sometimes find that len(list_input_ids) == 0.

    I don't think this happens with the original FewGLUE WSC data, but it does happen for me on other versions of FewGLUE that I have sampled myself, for example the WSC train file below: train.txt

    I have made some additional small changes on top of the ADAPET repo, so it's possible that those changes are causing the issue, but I just wanted to check if you knew if something in the original ADAPET repo that could be causing the issue.

    opened by ethanjperez 4
  • Multi-Task Multi-Pattern Training example

    Multi-Task Multi-Pattern Training example


    In your paper, you tried training the model with multiple patterns at once (C.2), my question is how can I do that with your code, if I want to train a personalised ADAPET.


    opened by xruifan 3
  • How to evalutate on the test data for novel dataset?

    How to evalutate on the test data for novel dataset?

    Thanks for the great repo! two quick questions I am hoping you can help me with.

    1. How do I evalutate on the test data for a novel dataset?
    2. I do not believe multilabel classification is supported, is that correct?

    Thanks so much!

    opened by LuketheDukeBates 3
  • src/dev.py error loading model

    src/dev.py error loading model

    For the model checkpoint I've saved, I'm getting an error when loading them with src/dev.py -- basically the model_state_dict field doesn't appear to exist in the *.pt saved model checkpoint file. The issue is caused by the line below (line number may be different in this repo):

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "src/dev.py", line 35, in <module>
        model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(args.exp_dir, checkpoint))["model_state_dict"])
    KeyError: 'model_state_dict'

    The model loads successfully if I remove ["model_state_dict"], but just wanted to check that that's the correct fix here.

    opened by ethanjperez 3
  • Which patterns are used?

    Which patterns are used?

    Does the code automatically use the single pattern that performed best on dev (used to report results in Table 1)? Also, were those patterns the ones used for the SuperGLUE test evaluation (Table 2)?

    opened by ethanjperez 3
  • Batch number for sPET and ADAPET

    Batch number for sPET and ADAPET


    in your paper you trained the sPET and ADAPET models using the same experimental setups, I wonder how did you set sPET's batch number? Setting batch number for ADAPET is straight forward, but if I remember right in PET's code they don't set up for it, by contrast, they have flags for number of train examples and train batch size, and also some settings related to numbers and batch sizes of unlabelled data.


    opened by xruifan 2
  • Train ADAPET with other pretrained models

    Train ADAPET with other pretrained models


    I am trying to train ADAPET with my own data. If I want to use other pretrained language models, how do I do that? Can I just change the line of pretrained_weight argument in cli.py file?


    opened by xruifan 2
  • Training without validation set

    Training without validation set


    Thanks for sharing this work. I am wondering if there is a simple way to run this code without having a validation set? Also, if I run ADAPET on generic dataset, do you recommend doing hyperparameter search?


    opened by dhkhey 1
  • Fix bug on COPA evaluation

    Fix bug on COPA evaluation

    The COPA training process fails with the following exception.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/train.py", line 135, in <module>
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/train.py", line 118, in train
        dev_acc, dev_logits = dev_eval(config, model, batcher, batch_idx, dict_avg_val)
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/eval/eval_model.py", line 65, in dev_eval
        eval(config, model, train_iter, train_scorer)
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/eval/eval_model.py", line 28, in eval
        pred_lbl, lbl_logits = model.predict(batch)
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/adapet.py", line 392, in predict
        return self.predict_helper(batch, self.get_pattern())
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/adapet.py", line 364, in predict_helper
        lbl_logits = self.get_eval_multilbl_logits(pet_mask_ids, mask_idx, list_lbl)
      File "/workspace/adapet/src/adapet.py", line 282, in get_eval_multilbl_logits
        tok_pos = torch.min(torch.nonzero(mask_idx[idx] == mask_pos)[0])
    TypeError: nonzero() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (bool), but expected (Tensor input, *, bool as_tuple)

    It causes the problem that the code checks data type on the wrong variable.

    opened by ruddyscent 0
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