Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts



Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts [Paper]

Dongxu Li, Junnan Li, Hongdong Li, Juan Carlos Niebles, Steven C.H. Hoi

Official PyTorch code for ALPRO. This repository supports pre-training as well as finetuning on

  • Text-Video Retrieval on MSRVTT and DiDeMo.
  • Video Question Anwsering on MSRVTT and MSVD.


Our implementation is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.1 with NVIDIA A100 GPUs. Supports for other platforms and hardwares are possible with no warrant. To install the required packages:

cd env && bash

Data Preparation

  1. Download Annotations and Pre-trained Checkpoints

  2. Download raw videos of downstream datasets.

    • MSRVTT:
      • download and from e.g. here.

      • check md5sum:

      • unzip all the videos into data/msrvtt_ret/videos (10k in total).

      • create the following soft link:

        ln -s data/msrvtt_ret/videos data/msrvtt_qa/videos```
    • MSVD:
      • download from official release:

        wget -nc
      • check md5sum:

        9bdb20fcf14d59524a6febca9f6a8d89  YouTubeClips.tar
      • unzip all the videos to data/msvd_qa/videos (1,970 videos in total).

        mkdir data/msvd_qa/videos/ 
        tar xvf YouTubeClips.tar -C data/msvd_qa/videos --strip-components=1
    • DiDeMo:
      • Following instructions and download from the official release here;
      • unzip all the videos into data/didemo_ret/videos.
      • Note there might be a couple videos missing. See here to download. However, as they account for a small portion of training set, you may feel safe to ignore.
      • Convert all the DiDeMo videos into *.mp4 format using e.g. ffmpeg.
      • We obtained 10,463 videos following these steps (with one video 77807177@N00_5753455690_1e04ccb364 missing).
  3. The directory is expected to be in the structure below:

    |-config_release  # configuration files
    |-data  # text annotations and raw videos
    |-env  # scripts to install packages
    |-ext  # external resources, e.g. bert tokenizer
    |-output  # checkpoints for pre-trained/finetuned models
    |---------ckpt # official finetuned checkpoints
    |---------log # inference log
    |-run_scripts  # bash scripts to launch experiments
    |-src  # source code

Inference with Official Checkpoints

cd run_scripts
# {'text2video': {'r1': 33.9, 'r5': 60.7, 'r10': 73.2, 'medianR': 3.0, 'meanR': 27.404}}
# {'text2video': {'r1': 35.9, 'r5': 67.5, 'r10': 78.8, 'medianR': 3.0, 'meanR': 19.125}}
# {'ratios': {'what_ratio': [68.48, 49872], 'who_ratio': [27.99, 20385], 'how_ratio': [2.25, 1640], 'where_ratio': [0.34, 250], 'when_ratio': [0.93, 677]}, 'overall_acc': 42.12, 'what_acc': 36.05, 'who_acc': 52.24, 'how_acc': 85.67, 'where_acc': 42.8, 'when_acc': 78.88}
# {'ratios': {'what_ratio': [61.93, 8150], 'who_ratio': [34.6, 4554], 'how_ratio': [2.81, 370], 'where_ratio': [0.21, 28], 'when_ratio': [0.44, 58]}, 'overall_acc': 45.91, 'what_acc': 37.02, 'who_acc': 58.59, 'how_acc': 81.62, 'where_acc': 46.43, 'when_acc': 72.41}

Downstream Task Finetuning

  • To finetune on downstream tasks with the pre-trained checkpoint output/pretrain/

    cd run_scripts

    For example, with MSRVTT retrieval:

    cd ALPRO/
    echo $PYTHONPATH
    horovodrun -np 8 python src/tasks/ \ # change -np to GPUs numbers.
        --config $CONFIG_PATH \
        --output_dir /export/home/workspace/experiments/alpro/finetune/msrvtt_ret/$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')  # change to your local path to store finetuning ckpts and logs 
  • Run inference with locally-finetuned checkpoints.

     cd ALPRO/
     echo $PYTHONPATH
     horovodrun -np 8 python src/tasks/ \
         --do_inference 1 \
         --inference_split test \
         --inference_model_step $STEP \
         --inference_txt_db $TXT_DB \
         --inference_img_db $IMG_DB \
         --inference_batch_size 64 \
         --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
         --config $CONFIG_PATH
    • OUTPUT_DIR is the path after the --output_dir option in the finetuning script.
    • $STEP is a string, which tells the script to use the checkpoint $OUTPUT_DIR/ckpt/model_step_$ for inference.


  1. Download WebVid2M and CC-3M.

    • Put WebVid2M videos under data/webvid2m;
    • 💡 we downsample webvid2m videos to 10% of the original FPS to speed-up video loading;
    • change data/cc3m/txt/cc3m.json with local image paths.
  2. Training Prompter:

    cd run_scripts && bash
  3. Training video-language model:

    cd run_scripts && bash

    If you would like to use custom prompter weight, please change teacher_weights_path in config_release/pretrain_alpro.json

  4. To finetune with pre-trained checkpoints, please change e2e_weights_path in the finetuning config files, e.g. config_release/msrvtt_ret.json.


If you find ALPRO useful for your research, please consider citing:

    title={Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts},
    author={Dongxu Li, Junnan Li, Hongdong Li, Juan Carlos Niebles, Steven C.H. Hoi},


We thank members at Salesforce Research for their helpful discussions.

The implementation of ALPRO relies on resources from ClipBERT, transformers, TimeSformer, The code is implemented using PyTorch, with multi-GPU support from Horovod and gradient-checkpoint. We thank the original authors for their open-sourcing and encourage ALPRO users to cite their works when applicable.

  • Issues loading CC3M

    Issues loading CC3M

    Hi, I am trying to pretrain the model using CC3M dataset,

    After the first iteration (batch), the program would stuck, and give the following warning. horovod/common/] One or more tensors were submitted to be reduced, gathered or broadcasted by subset of ranks and are waiting for remainder of ranks for more than 60 seconds. This may indicate that different ranks are trying to submit different tensors or that only subset of ranks is submitting tensors, which will cause deadlock.

    Is there any way that I can avoid this?

    opened by vateye 5
  • how to downsample webvid2m videos to 10% of the original FPS

    how to downsample webvid2m videos to 10% of the original FPS

    As you mentioned in pretraining data preparation "we downsample webvid2m videos to 10% of the original FPS to speed-up video loading", can you elaborate on how to achieve this?

    Thank you

    opened by 1024er 4
  • Inference



    In the inference we always load the best model. However, after fine-tuning there is no checkpoint named $OUTPUT_DIR/ckpt/ Can you point to the line in the code where the best checkpoint is saved?

    Thank you.

    opened by avinashsai 3
  • An academic issues on your paper

    An academic issues on your paper

    In the video encoder part, the output is {v_cls, v_1, ..., v_k} (so the dimension is (k+1)*d) therefore, the dimension of multi-modal video-text encoder is (k+N_t+1)*d but according to paper: you claim that the dimension of multi-modal video-text encoder is (N_v+N_t+1)*d I'm confused about this...

    opened by chenhaishun 2
  • Using multiple GPUs vs single GPU

    Using multiple GPUs vs single GPU


    Congratulations on the amazing work. Will there be any difference in performance if I use just a single GPU and what are the changes to be made in eg: msvd_qa.json?

    Thank you.

    opened by avinashsai 1
  • Zero-shot for MSRVTT retrieval results

    Zero-shot for MSRVTT retrieval results

    Hi, I have tried to use the provided pretrained checkpoint of ALPRO to finetune on MSRVTT.

    Before start training, it would test on the validation set, and it gives me the results:

    {'text2video': {'r1': 17.9, 'r5': 40.0, 'r10': 50.9, 'medianR': 10.0, 'meanR': 57.259}, 'video2text': {'r1': 16.0, 'r5': 34.6, 'r10': 46.0, 'medianR': 13.0, 'meanR': 61.448}

    I think it does not match the results presented in the paper which achieves R@1 with 24.1, R@5 with 44.7. I am wondering why it would happen?

    opened by vateye 1
  • MSR-VTT Zero-shot

    MSR-VTT Zero-shot

    Hi ,

    I saw "We pre-train ALPRO for 100k iterations, roughly equivalent to 10 epochs" in your paper. So there will be ten checkpoints, which one is the zero-shot checkpoint for testing MSRVTT, and how to choose?

    Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

    opened by chaochen99 1
  • MSR-VTT dataset split

    MSR-VTT dataset split

    Hi, Thanks for sharing the code!

    I saw "use 7k videos for training and report results on the 1k test split" in your paper. When I downloaded the MSR-VTT dataset, there are only 7K train sets and 3K test sets, but no val dataset. Could you share the code for dividing the dataset to avoid discrepancies in results?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by chaochen99 1
  • I could not download the DiDeMo dataset

    I could not download the DiDeMo dataset

    I could not download the DiDeMo dataset from ,could you help me to find a easier way to download it? Thanks!!

    opened by cdqncn 0
  • Weight Decay

    Weight Decay

    Hi, as stated in the issue, the ALPRO does use weight decay. But I did not find the process that passing the parameter "weight_decay" during the optimizer initialization.

    optimizer = OptimCls(model.parameters(), lr=opts.learning_rate, betas=opts.betas)

    opened by vateye 3
  • installing environment

    installing environment

    Thanks for the sharing code! I was trying to set up the environment but met with some problem especially on installing apex; I wonder if it is possible to provide a .yaml file that can used to create the environment using only Conda? or a docker container for setting up the environment? Thanks!

    opened by MikeWangWZHL 4
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