PyTorch Implementation of "Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation"


Non-Autoregressive Transformer

Code release for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation by Jiatao Gu, James Bradbury, Caiming Xiong, Victor O.K. Li, and Richard Socher.

Requires PyTorch 0.3, torchtext 0.2.1, and SpaCy.

The pipeline for training a NAT model for a given language pair includes:

  1. (runs fast_align for alignment supervision)
  2. (trains an autoregressive model)
  3. (produces the distillation corpus for training the NAT)
  4. (trains the NAT model)
  5. (fine-tunes the NAT model)
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    $ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

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            return targets[input_mask], out[out_mask].view(-1, out.size(-1)), the_mask
    ./ F821 undefined name 'align_index'
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    ./ F821 undefined name 'fertility_mode'
                'dev.trg.b{}={}.{}'.format(args.beam_size, args.load_from, args,fertility_mode),
    ./ F821 undefined name 'fertility_mode'
                'dev.dec.b{}={}.{}'.format(args.beam_size, args.load_from, args,fertility_mode)]
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        new_batch = copy.copy(batch)
    8     F821 undefined name 'the_mask'
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