There are some progress about #80. I find that when a program need a filepath as argv, and the filepath was used to read the file later, driller will crash with TracerDesyncError
. After debugging it, the bug is located in the program argv and tracing mode.
Here is the sample code
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
printf("argv needed\n");
return 0;
int fd = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
int input = 0;
read(fd, &input, sizeof(input));
if (input == 0xdeadbeef){
return 0;
Below are some relative codes in driller._drill_input:
#driller rebuild the trace with all argv
r = tracer.qemu_runner.QEMURunner(self.binary, self.input, argv=self.argv)
# angr init the simstate with mode='tracing' and with no argvs
s = p.factory.full_init_state(stdin=angr.SimFileStream, mode='tracing')
#use Tracer and other techniques
t = angr.exploration_techniques.Tracer(trace=r.trace, crash_addr=r.crash_addr, copy_states=True)
This is the binary cfg picture in radare2 and the error point in angr

We can see that 0x40065e(jump to when the argv length >1) wasn't ever in which cause a conflict between qemu trace and angr trace history. I think this is because angr didn't initialize simstate with other argv. So when checking the argv length, angr get a concrete length 1(?).FInally, when Tracer._update_state_tracking
is called in Tracer.step_state
, driller will throw TracerDesyncError
I try to add args to full_init_state
in Line122 :
s = p.factory.full_init_state(stdin=angr.SimFileStream,mode='tracing', args=self.argv)
Luckily, driller doesn't throw TracerDesyncError
. But when finished no new input is generated. Debugging again,I find the something is still wrong at Line122.I don't know why angr always only have just one active when step()
if simstate is initialized with parament mode='tracing'
, which will cause Tracer can't put any other states in missed stash (code in L365-L367)
When I modify Line122 with the following code, it's working and can generate testcase driving to another path.
# just remove parament:mode='tracing'
s = p.factory.full_init_state(stdin=angr.SimFileStream, args=self.argv)
Below is the complete code named DrillerFile
. Mostly copyed from Driller, I just modify the code mentioned above and _writeout
to get the target file concretize,.Also for simple, I delete the redis and other codes which is not reletive to this issue.
Maybe a bit ugly:)
import os
import time
import signal
import hashlib
import resource
import pickle
import logging
import binascii
import angr
import tracer
from . import config
l = logging.getLogger("driller.driller")
class DrillerFile(object):
DrillerFile is a simple patch to handle a special case that Driller can't handle properly(program with filepath as its argv)
Ignore the redis and cgc code for simple, just the basic code to handle linux x86 or x86_64 binary :)
def __init__(self,binary,input_str=None,fuzz_bitmap=None,hooks=None,argv=None):
:param binary : The binary to be traced.
:param input_str : Input string to feed to the binary.
:param fuzz_bitmap: AFL's bitmap of state transitions (defaults to empty).
:param hooks : Dictionary of addresses to simprocedures.
:param argv : Optionally specify argv params (i,e,: ['./calc', 'parm1']),
defaults to binary name with no params.
Note:if argv is a filepath,prefix it with @,
self.binary = binary
self.input = input_str
self.fuzz_bitmap = fuzz_bitmap
# parse file argv
if argv:
for arg in argv:
if arg.startswith('@'):
self.argv = [binary]
# at least one input mode is needed
if self.input==None:
if len(self.fileargv)==0:
raise Exception("No input")
# input is needed in QEMURunner
self.input = b"\x00"
#The following init code same to Driller
self.base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
# The simprocedures.
self._hooks = {} if hooks is None else hooks
# The driller core, which is now an exploration technique in angr.
self._core = None
# Start time, set by drill method.
self.start_time = time.time()
# Set of all the generated inputs.
# self._generated = set()
self._generated = list()
# Set the memory limit specified in the config.
if config.MEM_LIMIT is not None:
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (config.MEM_LIMIT, config.MEM_LIMIT))
def drill(self):
perform the drilling
return self._generated
def _drill_input(self):
symbolically step down a path with a tracer, trying to concretize inputs for unencountered
# rebuild the path with qemu
r = tracer.qemu_runner.QEMURunner(self.binary, self.input, argv=self.argv)
p = angr.Project(self.binary)
# handle hooks
for addr, proc in self._hooks.items():
p.hook(addr, proc)
l.debug("Hooking %#x -> %s...", addr, proc.display_name)
# try to get an init simstate
# check the argv
s = p.factory.full_init_state(stdin=angr.SimFileStream, args=self.argv)
# preconstrain
s.preconstrainer.preconstrain_file(self.input, s.posix.stdin, True)
simgr = p.factory.simulation_manager(s, save_unsat=True, hierarchy=False, save_unconstrained=r.crash_mode)
# use_technique
t = angr.exploration_techniques.Tracer(trace=r.trace, crash_addr=r.crash_addr, copy_states=True)
self._core = angr.exploration_techniques.DrillerCore(trace=r.trace, fuzz_bitmap=self.fuzz_bitmap)
while and simgr.one_active.globals['trace_idx'] < len(r.trace) - 1:
# if something in diverted
if 'diverted' not in simgr.stashes:
while simgr.diverted:
state = simgr.diverted.pop(0)
l.debug("Found a diverted state, exploring to some extent.")
w = self._writeout(state.history.bbl_addrs[-1], state)
if w is not None:
yield w
# symbolic explore
for i in self._symbolic_explorer_stub(state):
yield i
def _writeout(self, prev_addr, state):
writeout all inputs to a dict
"filename":(length ,content),
"block":(prev_addr, cur_addr)
info = dict()
# first the stdin
generated = state.posix.stdin.load(0, state.posix.stdin.pos)
generated = state.solver.eval(generated, cast_to=bytes)
info["stdin"] = generated
# file argv
for fd in self.fileargv:
content = state.fs.get(fd).concretize()
info[fd] = (len(content),content)
#maybe the file is not needed
except AttributeError:
info[fd] = (0,b"\x00")
info["block"] = (prev_addr, state.addr)
# self._generated.add()
return info
def _symbolic_explorer_stub(self, state):
Create a new simulation manager and step it forward up to 1024
accumulated active states or steps.
steps = 0
accumulated = 1
p = state.project
state = state.copy()
except KeyError:
simgr = p.factory.simulation_manager(state, hierarchy=False)
l.debug("[%s] started symbolic exploration at %s.", self.binary, time.ctime())
# try to explore
while len( and accumulated < 1024:
steps += 1
# Dump all inputs.
accumulated = steps * (len( + len(simgr.deadended))
l.debug("[%s] stopped symbolic exploration at %s.", self.binary, time.ctime())
# DO NOT think this is the same as using only the deadended stashes. this merges deadended and active
simgr.stash(from_stash='deadended', to_stash='active')
for dumpable in
if dumpable.satisfiable():
w = self._writeout(dumpable.history.bbl_addrs[-1], dumpable)
if w is not None:
yield w
# If the state we're trying to dump wasn't actually satisfiable.
except IndexError:
def _set_concretizations(state):
# Let's put conservative thresholds for now.
state.unicorn.concretization_threshold_memory = 50000
state.unicorn.concretization_threshold_registers = 50000
It works well on two simple binary below
# testcase1 : file with content AAAA
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
printf("argv needed\n");
return 0;
int fd = open(argv[1],O_RDONLY);
int input = 0;
read(fd, &input, sizeof(input));
if (input == 0xdeadbeef){
return 0;
# testcase2 stdin with b"11\n8\n"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a = 0,b=1;
printf("stage 2\n");
printf("stage 3\n");
printf("stage 1\n");
return 0;
However when I run some other programs it still crash and I haven't find the reason.So what is the meaning or relationship about parament mode='tracing'
in full_init_state and technique Tracer, or anything wrong with my understanding of it?
(sorry for my poor English)