An AFL implementation with UnTracer (our coverage-guided tracer)



This repository contains an implementation of our prototype coverage-guided tracing framework UnTracer in the popular coverage-guided fuzzer AFL. Coverage-guided tracing employs two versions of the target binary: (1) a forkserver-only oracle binary modified with basic block-level software interrupts on unseen basic blocks for quickly identifying coverage-increasing testcases and (2) a fully-instrumented tracer binary for tracing the coverage of all coverage-increasing testcases.

In UnTracer, both the oracle and tracer binaries use the AFL-inspired forkserver execution model. For oracle instrumentation we require all target binaries be compiled with untracer-cc -- our "forkserver-only" modification of AFL's assembly-time instrumenter afl-cc. For tracer binary instrumentation we utilize Dyninst with much of our code based-off AFL-Dyninst. We plan to incorporate a purely binary-only ("black-box") instrumentation approach in the near future. Our current implementation of UnTracer supports basic block coverage.

Presented in our paper Full-speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing
(2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy).
Citing this repository: @inproceedings{nagy:fullspeedfuzzing,
title = {Full-speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing},
author = {Stefan Nagy and Matthew Hicks},
booktitle = {{IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)},
year = {2019},}
Developers: Stefan Nagy ([email protected]) and Matthew Hicks ([email protected])
License: MIT License
Disclaimer: This software is strictly a research prototype.


1. Download and build Dyninst (we used v9.3.2)

sudo apt-get install cmake m4 zlib1g-dev libboost-all-dev libiberty-dev
tar -xf v9.3.2.tar.gz dyninst-9.3.2/
mkdir dynBuildDir
cd dynBuildDir
cmake ../dyninst-9.3.2/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`
make install

2. Download UnTracer-AFL (this repo)

git clone

3. Configure environment variables

export DYNINST_INSTALL=/path/to/dynBuildDir
export UNTRACER_AFL_PATH=/path/to/Untracer-AFL


4. Build UnTracer-AFL

Update DYN_ROOT in UnTracer-AFL/Makefile to your Dyninst install directory. Then, run the following commands:

make clean && make all


First, compile all target binaries using "forkserver-only" instrumentation. As with AFL, you will need to manually set the C compiler (untracer-clang or untracer-gcc) and/or C++ compiler (untracer-clang++ or untracer-g++). Note that only non-position-independent target binaries are supported, so compile all target binaries with CFLAG -no-pie (unnecessary for Clang). For example:

NOTE: We provide a set of fuzzing-ready benchmarks available here:

$ CC=/path/to/afl/untracer-clang ./configure --disable-shared
$ CXX=/path/to/afl/untracer-clang++.
$ make clean all
Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...

Then, run untracer-afl as follows:

untracer-afl -i [/path/to/seed/dir] -o [/path/to/out/dir] [optional_args] -- [/path/to/target] [target_args]

Status Screen

  • calib execs and trim execs - Number of testcase calibration and trimming executions, respectively. Tracing is done for both.
  • block coverage - Percentage of total blocks found (left) and the number of total blocks (right).
  • traced / queued - Ratio of traced versus queued testcases. This ratio should (ideally) be 1:1 but will increase as trace timeouts occur.
  • trace tmouts (discarded) - Number of testcases which timed out during tracing. Like AFL, we do not queue these.
  • no new bits (discarded) - Number of testcases which were marked coverage-increasing by the oracle but did not actually increase coverage. This should (ideally) be 0.

  • untracer-afl segfault Ubuntu 18.04

    untracer-afl segfault Ubuntu 18.04

    Hi, untracer-afl segfault's on Ubuntu 18.04. it reports:

    [*] setting up tracer binary.. bad_alloc() [*] setting up basic block array.. segfault

    target binary is compiled without PIE and installation went fine which platform did you run it on?

    opened by ickyphuz 9
  • No instrumentation targets found during make:

    No instrumentation targets found during make:

    $ CFLAGS="-Wa,-F" CC=/home/genewitch/UnTracer-AFL/untracer-clang CXX=/home/genewitch/UnTracer-AFL/untracer-clang++ ./configure --disable-shared

    $ make

    make[1]: Entering directory '/home/genewitch/libarchive-libarchive-b52dd6c'
      CC       libarchive/archive_entry_link_resolver.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    afl-as 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    [!] WARNING: No instrumentation targets found.
      CC       libarchive/archive_entry_sparse.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    afl-as 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    [!] WARNING: No instrumentation targets found.
      CC       libarchive/archive_entry_stat.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    afl-as 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    [!] WARNING: No instrumentation targets found.
      CC       libarchive/archive_entry_strmode.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    afl-as 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    [!] WARNING: No instrumentation targets found.
      CC       libarchive/archive_entry_xattr.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    afl-as 2.52b by <[email protected]>
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    Instrumenting in forkserver-only mode...
    [!] WARNING: No instrumentation targets found.
      CC       libarchive/archive_getdate.lo
    afl-cc 2.52b by <[email protected]>

    this continues on until the binary is built, with some afl-as with the same warnings. Am i just too tired to do this tonight?

    opened by genewitch 4
  • several problems in the installation

    several problems in the installation

    Hi, I have several problems in the installation. I would like to ask what is the specific operation of this step? "Update DYN_ROOT in UnTracer-AFL/Makefile to your Dyninst install directory. " When I skip this step, the resulting error is shown here.

    [*] Checking for the ability to commpile x86 code. . . [+] Everything seems to be working,"ready to compile. gcc-03 -furoll-loops -wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCB=2 -g -Wno-pointer-sign -DAFL_PATH= "/usr/loca1/lib/af1"-DDOC_ PATH="/usr/local/share/doc/afl\” -DBIN_PATH "/usr/local/bin" untracer-afl.c -o untracer-afl -I/usr/include -I/home/osboxes/ dynBuildDir/include -L/home/osboxes/ dynBuildDir/lib -lcommon -liberty -ldyninstAPI -lboost_system -1dl /usr/bin/la: cannot find -lcommon /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldyninstAPI collect2 :_error : ld returned 1 exit status Makefile:84: recipe for target 'untracer-afl’failed make:***[untracer-afl] Error 1

    Also, does untracer have to run on Ubuntu 18.04? I'm currently using Ubuntu 16.04. Thanks.

    opened by kimiwanano 3
  • Illegal pointer to buffer in Dyninst

    Illegal pointer to buffer in Dyninst

    An illegal pointer error message occurs, when I compile openssl-1.1.0c in Google Fuzzer-test-suite (link). Is it Dyninst bug?

    UnTracer-AFL | FoRTE-Research @ Virginia Tech | based on AFL by <[email protected]>
    [+] You have 80 CPU cores and 2 runnable tasks (utilization: 2%).
    [+] Try parallel jobs - see docs/parallel_fuzzing.txt.
    [*] Checking CPU core loadout...
    [+] Found a free CPU core, binding to #0.
    [*] Checking core_pattern...
    [*] Checking CPU scaling governor...
    [*] Setting up output directories...
    [+] Output directory exists but deemed OK to reuse.
    [*] Deleting old session data...
    [+] Output dir cleanup successful.
    [*] Scanning 'in'...
    [+] No auto-generated dictionary tokens to reuse.
    [*] Creating hard links for all input files...
    [*] Validating target binary...
    [*] Setting up oracle binaries...
    [*] Setting up tracer binary...
    Error: illegal pointer to buffer!
    Target of 49a460 from addr 437323 in insn call 63138 + RIP + 5
    UnTracerDyninst: /path/to/untracer/dyninst-9.3.2/dyninstAPI/src/Relocation/Transformers/Movement-adhoc.C:402: bool Dyninst::Relocation::adhocMovementTransformer::isGetPC(Dyninst::Relocation::Widget::Ptr, Dyninst::Relocation::adhocMovementTransformer::InsnPtr, Dyninst::Absloc&, Dyninst::Address&): Assertion `0' failed.
    Error: illegal pointer to buffer!
    Target of 49a460 from addr 437323 in insn call 63138 + RIP + 5
    UnTracerDyninst: /path/to/untracer/dyninst-9.3.2/dyninstAPI/src/Relocation/Transformers/Movement-adhoc.C:402: bool Dyninst::Relocation::adhocMovementTransformer::isGetPC(Dyninst::Relocation::Widget::Ptr, Dyninst::Relocation::adhocMovementTransformer::InsnPtr, Dyninst::Absloc&, Dyninst::Address&): Assertion `0' failed.
    [*] Setting up basic block array...
    opened by ChijinZ 2
  • Get wrong environment  varible in untracer-gcc.c:58

    Get wrong environment varible in untracer-gcc.c:58

    Is there a mistake in untracer-gcc.c:58? I don't think it is a valid environment varible with "-".

      u8 *afl_path = getenv("UNTRACER-AFL_PATH");
    opened by ChijinZ 2
  • segmentation fault

    segmentation fault

    hello I use untracer to fuzz tcpdump, however it occurs this problem: image

    I have tried the solution in above issue, but it doesn't work.

    Could you tell me how to solve it? Thank you.

    opened by MaggieCwj 0
  • Error occurred during the use of untracer

    Error occurred during the use of untracer

    I ran into the problem Missing basic block map: 'fuzz_out//sfconvert.bblist'! At the beginning, I had the same problem as the last issue, but after I updated the path related to Dyninst, there was no error reported by UntracerDyninst any more, but the error remains. This is also the reason why I opened a new problem. config: I used Dynist-10.2.0 since the Dynins-9.x version was no longer supported. Other installation steps are the same as those provided in the readme. However, when I fuzzing, an error occured. fc206c42da79516328463e16f826596 I checked the fuzz_out folder again and found that %s.dummy was successfully created, but %s.bblist and %s.cur_trace were not created correctly. a87b492335bb2026a50d4fa9442bfee So I wonder how can I solve this problem? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you very much!

    opened by kimiwanano 2
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