The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision



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Make computers see with SimpleCV, the Open Source Framework for Computer Vision

SimpleCV is a framework for Open Source Machine Vision, using OpenCV and the Python programming language. It provides a concise, readable interface for cameras, image manipulation, feature extraction, and format conversion. Our mission is to give casual users a comprehensive interface for basic machine vision functions and an elegant programming interface for advanced users.

We like SimpleCV because:

  • Even beginning programmers can write simple machine vision tests
  • Cameras, video files, images, and video streams are all interoperable
  • Information on image features can be extracted, sorted and filtered easily
  • Manipulations are fast, with easy to remember names
  • Linear algebra is strictly optional

Here is the simplecv "hello world":

import SimpleCV
camera = SimpleCV.Camera()
image = camera.getImage()

For more code snippets, we recommend the SimpleCV examples website or looking at our example scripts in SimpleCV/examples


The easiest way to install SimpleCV is with the packages for your distribution (Windows, Mac, Linux) included on the website ( Although it is tested on many platforms there maybe scenarios where it just won't work with the package installer. Below is instructions on how to install, if you have problems please see the troubleshooting section at the end of this README file.


This is the recommended way of installing SimpleCV as you can be sure the environment will be setup the same exact way as it's suppose to be on your machine.

WARNING: Using docker does not allow the webcam to work, it also doesn't work with, so essentially requires you to use simplecv within an IPython notebook.

The first step is to install docker on your machine if you have not, this should work for Windows, Mac, and Linux, please follow instructions at:

Once docker is installed you can run simplecv as easy as (may have to run as sudo, depending on OS):

docker pull sightmachine/simplecv

It will probably take a little while to download, but once done just run (may need to run as sudo, depending on OS):

docker run -p 54717:8888 -t -i sightmachine/simplecv

Then just open your web browser and go to:


NOTE: If you are using a Mac or Windows it will be a little different since you will be boot2docker to run. When you run boot2docker up it should show the ip address of the docker service. It could be something like, but this will change as it's random. Once you know that ip you will just go to that IP address with the correct port instead:

You will get a Ipython notebook inteface, start a new notebook and enter the following:

from SimpleCV import *
disp = Display(displaytype='notebook')
img = Image('simplecv')

You should now see the simplecv logo and now have a full simplecv environment setup to start playing around.

Ubuntu 12.04

Install with pip

sudo apt-get install ipython python-opencv python-scipy python-numpy python-pygame python-setuptools python-pip
sudo pip install

Install using clone of SimpleCV repository

sudo apt-get install ipython python-opencv python-scipy python-numpy python-pygame python-setuptools git
git clone
cd SimpleCV/
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python install

then just run 'simplecv' from the shell.


This is how to install SimpleCV under a python virtual environment [virtualenv] ( This maybe useful in cases where you want to keep your system libraries clean and not install extra libraries. This method has only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, it maybe possible to port to other operating systems.

Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-setuptools python-pip gfortran g++ liblapack-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsmpeg-dev mercurial
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
cd venv
mkdir src
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ lib/python2.7/site-packages/
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ lib/python2.7/site-packages/
./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir src
wget -O src/pygame.tar.gz
cd src
tar zxvf pygame.tar.gz
cd ..
./bin/python src/pygame-pygame-6625feb3fc7f/ -setuptools install
./bin/pip install

Arch Linux

Install using pip

pacman -S python2-numpy opencv2.4.4_1 python-pygame python2-setuptools ipython2 python2-pip
pip install

Install using clone of SimpleCV repository

pacman -S python2-numpy opencv2.4.4_1 python-pygame python2-setuptools ipython2
git clone
cd SimpleCV/
sudo python install

Install development version using aur

yaourt -S simplecv-git


Fedora 20 and above

sudo yum -y install python-SimpleCV

Fedora 18

Install with pip

sudo yum -y install python-ipython opencv-python scipy numpy pygame python-setuptools python-pip
sudo python-pip install

Install using clone of SimpleCV repository

sudo yum -y install python-ipython opencv-python scipy numpy pygame python-setuptools python-pip git
git clone
cd SimpleCV/
sudo python install
### Mac OS X (10.6 and above)

General OSX Overview

Note: We originally tried to bundle all Mac dependencies in a superpack. This turned out to be extremely difficult with the many differences between versions of Mac OS. Now, with Mac, you must build from source and we will try and make it as easy as possible. Please report a bug if you have issues.

Explicit (as in every step) instructions compliments of JHawkins

These instructions are geared towards people who are just getting started with python development on OSX. They will walk you through setting up all the tools you need to build SimpleCV from scratch. If you don't know which instructions you want, you probably want to use these.

Install Xcode via App Store Start Xcode and go to Xcode >> Preferences >> Downloads >> click Install across from Command Line Tools If Terminal is already running, shut it down and reopen it OS X's permissions on /usr/local are too restrictive and must be changed via:

sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local

Install homebrew via Terminal using:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Ignore the single warning that instructs you to install Xcode's CLI tools (you did that already) To verify that homebrew is installed correctly and working, run:

brew doctor

Address any errors before moving on. Remember, Google is your friend. Note: If you run VM's on my via Parallels and run into multiple warnings related to "osxfuse" thi go to System Preferences >> FUSE for OS X >> Click Remove OSXFUSE. I can add it back later if needed. Once the doctor tells you that you are 'raring to brew', run:

brew update

followed by

brew upgrade

Install OpenCV via homebrew by running:

brew tap homebrew/science
brew install opencv

Be sure to add the requested line to you ~/.bash_profile:

export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH"

Source your ~/.bash_profile file so that the changes take effect:

source ~/.bash_profile

Install Git via homebrew by running:

brew install git

Install SDL dependencies (can anyone clarify this?) via homebrew by running:

brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi

Install XQuartz from Homebrew can't install smpeg at the time of this writing however there is a workaround:

brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg

If you get a connection refused error, wait a minute and try again. Download PIL:

curl -O -L

In the unpacked folder:

python build --force
sudo python install

Manually create a few PIL symlinks:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PIL /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/

Install PIP by running:

sudo easy_install pip

Install the Scipy Superpack from Install Mercurial via homebrew by running:

 brew install mercurial

Install pygame via PIP by running:

sudo pip install hg+

Install svgwrite by running:

sudo pip install svgwrite

Note: SimpleCV's developers made a change (for the better) here that I am including, however everything up to this point is 100% guaranteed to work, because it's exactly what I did. Keeping true to that, I'll present both options. We both suggest using the develop branch. Developer's Instructions Install SimpleCV from the git repo and then run setup.

git clone
cd SimpleCV/
sudo python install

JHawkins' Instructions Install SimpleCV via PIP by running:

sudo pip install

Test by running simplecv in the command line:


If it starts (it should!) be sure to check out:


Lion Take Two

This is the abridged set of the instructions. It assumes you have most of the common OSX developer tools installed like brew and pip. If you don't know what Brew or Pip are you probably want to use the instructions above. For OSX Lion make sure you install Mercurial (aka hg - brew install hg). There may be errors in pygame associated with not installing X11, if you encounter this problem please submit an issue on github.

Before you begin installing SimpleCV make sure you have the folliwng tools installed.

Commands (for Lion)::

mkdir ~/Code
cd ~/Code
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install opencv
brew install git
brew tap homebrew/headonly
brew install --HEAD smpeg
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf portmidi
ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" brew install PIL
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/PIL
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
sudo easy_install pip
brew install hg
sudo pip install hg+
curl -sO && source
pip install

Commands (for Snow Leopard)::

mkdir ~/Code
cd ~/Code
ruby <(curl -fsSkL
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install opencv
brew install git
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi
ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" brew install PIL
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PIL /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/PIL
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
sudo easy_install pip
brew install hg
sudo pip install
curl -sO | source
pip install

Windows 7/Vista

If you want a streamlined install which gives you all the dependencies, we recommend using the Windows Superpack, available at

If you already have Python, OpenCV or SciPy installed and want to keep things the way you like them, follow the directions below

Install Prerequisties if they aren't already installed on your system:

Install OpenCV:

Once these are installed you need to add Python to your Path, open a command line (start->run->cmd)::

SETX PATH C:/Python27/;C:/Python27/Scripts/;C:/OpenCV2.3/opencv/build/x86/vc10/bin/;%PATH%
SETX PYTHONPATH C:/OpenCV2.3/opencv/build/python/2.7/;%PYTHONPATH%

Exit the command line and reopen so it loads the updated python paths, then run::

easy_install pyreadline
easy_install PIL
easy_install cython
easy_install pip
pip install ipython
pip install

###Windows 8 Step 1 => Go to this page and download SimpleCV latest stable version Superpack . It will start downloading a file named SimpleCV-(version).msi . This file will be around 192mb .

Step 2

After Downloading run the file . It will start an installation window along with a command prompt window. Give yes permission and press next . First it will install python 2.7.3 . Then it will install numpy,scipy,Pygame,openCV and now all the normal installation windows will be closed and still there will be command prompt running . Leave it as such it will download some other file like cython and when it is finished commandpromt will display a success message "SimpleCV installed successfully" "press any button in 10sec or will close automatically " . Now just press any button or wait for the count down .

Step 3

This is the final step and here we are confirming our SimpleCV installation. To do this open Python IDLE . Type in any of these two commands :

  >>from SimpleCV import *
  >>import SimpleCV

If this two commands works fine without any errors our installation was successfull. If some error occurs we should uninstall and restart or check some forums.

NOTE:- If this error is shown: "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'csgraph_to_masked' " . Before this they will be showing list of paths of scipy library . The solution for this is to install latest stable version of scipy for windows . => we can download latest stable version of scipy for windows here.


SimpleCV Interactive Shell, or how to run SimpleCV

Once you have SimpleCV installed, you can use it in a specialized IPython shell. This pre-loads all the symbols and gives you some extra functions and macros for using SimpleCV.

To run the SimpleCV shell, from the installation directory type:


If for some reason the shell doesn't start, you can always do so manually by running:

python -c "import SimpleCV.Shell;SimpleCV.Shell.main()"

To run SimpleCV within an ipython notebook (ipython-notebooks are required to be installed):

simplecv notebook

to install ipython notebooks run the following:

sudo pip install tornado

sudo pip install pyzmq

Videos - Tutorials and Demos

Video tutorials and demos can be found at:

SimpleCV on Mobile (Android)

SimpleCV can in fact be used on a mobile device. Although the processing requires a server to be setup that runs SimpleCV our 2012 Google Summer of Code student had built, we have forked the project and instructions on how to set it up and run it can be found at:

Getting Help

You can always head over to the SimpleCV help forums to ask questions: (SimpleCV Help Forums) -

Troubleshooting installation problems.

If for some reason the standard installation methods do not work you may have to manually install some or all of the dependencies required by SimpleCV.

Required Libraries

The installation instructions below should explain more on how to install. They can also be installed manually.

Optional Libraries

These libraries are NOT required to run or use SimpleCV but are needed for some of the examples if they are ran. Some of these may be included in your systems software manager or app store.

  • Ubuntu package: can't find SimpleCV logo

    Ubuntu package: can't find SimpleCV logo

    I don't know if this is the correct place to report this - please point me in the right direction if not.

    I've just installed the .deb package for SimpleCV on Ubuntu 12.04. When I try to show any image, I get the traceback pasted below. I assume this is just trouble with the packaging, as it's not finding the logo in the directory where it expects it.

    IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
    /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/SimpleCV/Shell/Shell.pyc in <module>()
    ----> 1
    /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/SimpleCV/ImageClass.pyc in show(self, type)
       5445               d = Display(displaytype='notebook')
       5446           else:
    -> 5447               d = Display(self.size())
       5449           return d
    /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/SimpleCV/Display.pyc in __init__(self, resolution, flags, title, displaytype, headless)
        156         if not displaytype == 'notebook':
        157             self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(resolution, flags)
    --> 158         scvLogo = SimpleCV.Image("simplecv").scale(32,32)
        159         pg.display.set_icon(scvLogo.getPGSurface())
        160         if flags != pg.FULLSCREEN and flags != pg.NOFRAME:
    /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/SimpleCV/ImageClass.pyc in __init__(self, source, camera, colorSpace, verbose, sample, cv2image)
        785                     self._bitmap = cv.LoadImage(self.filename, iscolor=cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        786                 except:
    --> 787                     self._pil ="RGB")
        788                     self._bitmap = cv.CreateImageHeader(self._pil.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
        789                     cv.SetData(self._bitmap, self._pil.tostring())
    /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/Image.pyc in open(fp, mode)
       1950         import __builtin__
       1951         filename = fp
    -> 1952         fp =, "rb")
       1953     else:
       1954         filename = ""
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/SimpleCV/sampleimages/simplecv.png'
    bug low priority deployment GSOC future-release 
    opened by takluyver 30
  • Always check for the return value of cv.QueryFrame()

    Always check for the return value of cv.QueryFrame()

    When grabbing frames from a video file, we have to check the return value of cv.QueryFrame() in order to understand whether the video is ended or not. Currently, SimpleCV gives an exception when the video is over. See issue #135

    opened by mfkaptan 15
  • UserWarning: SimpleCV Find Blobs Failed

    UserWarning: SimpleCV Find Blobs Failed

    What does the below error message means?

    And how can i solve that? I am running example

    UserWarning: SimpleCV Find Blobs Failed - This could be an OpenCV python binding issue warnings.warn("SimpleCV Find Blobs Failed - This could be an OpenCV python binding issue")

    opened by joetsuihk 14
  • svgwrite Module dependency added without any notifications

    svgwrite Module dependency added without any notifications

    I updated my develop branch and was troubled with the following error.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/simplecv", line 9, in <module>
        load_entry_point('SimpleCV==1.3', 'console_scripts', 'simplecv')()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 337, in load_entry_point
        return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 2279, in load_entry_point
        return ep.load()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 1989, in load
        entry = __import__(self.module_name, globals(),globals(), ['__name__'])
      File "/home/jay/SimpleCV/SimpleCV/", line 4, in <module>
        from SimpleCV.Camera import *
      File "/home/jay/SimpleCV/SimpleCV/", line 5, in <module>
        from SimpleCV.ImageClass import Image, ImageSet, ColorSpace
      File "/home/jay/SimpleCV/SimpleCV/", line 14497, in <module>
        from SimpleCV.DrawingLayer import *
      File "/home/jay/SimpleCV/SimpleCV/", line 5, in <module>
        import svgwrite
    ImportError: No module named svgwrite

    It seems that svgwrite module is required. It was added in this commit

    Addition of a new dependency should have been notified and added in setup.

    opened by jayrambhia 12
  • edgeSnap method

    edgeSnap method

    To implement feature request in #237

    Added edgeSnap method in Image Class

    My first pull request ever. Let me know if I have missed anything. I'll make the changed ASAP

    opened by vighneshbirodkar 12
  • Copy cv.QueryFrame() into freshly created image

    Copy cv.QueryFrame() into freshly created image

    Due to every cv.QueryFrame() modifies the same memory area we have to use cv.CreateImage() and copy our cv.QueryFrame() into it. This should fix the issue #96.

    opened by mfkaptan 11
  • "Need scikits learn installed" message on console -- why?

    After following the installation instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 I try to import 1.3 SimpleCV, I receive the message Need scikits learn installed on the console.

    Is this an error or a benign message? If it's benign, should it be suppressed by default?

    $ ipython 
    Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug  1 2012, 05:14:39) 
    Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    # snip
    In [1]: from SimpleCV import *
    Need scikits learn installed
    bug GSOC 
    opened by inactivist 11
  • ImageSet.load and save does not preserve order

    ImageSet.load and save does not preserve order

    When I create an ImageSet, append images and do a save, the Images are saved with names like Image1.png, Image2.png etc. If the images are loaded into an ImageSet with ImageSet('pathtodirwithimages') this does not preserve order. If one creates an empty ImageSet and then does imageset.load(directory='pathtodirwithimages', sort_by='time") the images are still not in the right order. It turns out that the images are, according to the creation date, not written in order?! At least, when sorting the files in FInder according to creation date, they are not.

    All this is on OSX 10.8 with SimpleCV from trunk.

    This is the program to write the images:

    from SimpleCV import *

    cam = VirtualCamera("/Users/mjm/Projects/python/simplecv/blobber/", "video")
    display = Display()
    width = 960
    height = 512
    print width, height
    result = ImageSet()
    while display.isNotDone():
        if display.mouseLeft:
        img = cam.getImage().scale(width, height)
        # print img'/Users/mjm/Projects/python/simplecv/blobber/traffic')

    This is the program to read the images:

    from SimpleCV import *

    print "Starting"
    images = ImageSet()
    images.load(directory="/Users/mjm/Projects/python/simplecv/blobber/traffic", sort_by="time")
    print images
    opened by mjmare 11
  • Goodies for GSoC students

    Goodies for GSoC students

    This issue is completely non-technical and we are waiting for the SimpleCV T-Shirts and stickers. :P Hope i haven't troubled you people. :)

    Regards, Vijay Mahantesh SM.

    opened by vijaym123 11
  • Camera/multiple instances

    Camera/multiple instances

    Resolves Issue #389

    cam = Camera()
    cam1 = Camera()

    Supports multiple cameras also.

    cam = Camera(1)
    cam1 = Camera(1)
    cam2 = Camera(2)
    cam2 = Camera(2)

    If default index is 0, this will also work

    cam = Camera(0)
    cam1 = Camera()

    And this too

    cam = Camera()
    cam1 = Camera(0)

    If default index is 1, this will also work

    cam = Camera(1)
    cam1 = Camera()

    And this too

    cam = Camera()
    cam1 = Camera(1)
    opened by jayrambhia 10
  • Smart Straighten Function

    Smart Straighten Function

    Create a function that looks at the longest and strongest lines and sets them to be horizontal and vertical images. A good example would be scanning a business card at an arbitrary angle and the function would rotate it so the edges are horizontal and vertical.

    feature request mid priority 
    opened by kscottz 10
  • docs: Fix a few typos

    docs: Fix a few typos

    There are small typos in:

    • SimpleCV/
    • SimpleCV/
    • SimpleCV/Features/
    • SimpleCV/
    • SimpleCV/
    • SimpleCV/examples/detection/
    • scripts/install/win/OpenKinect/freenect-examples/


    • Should read correspondence rather than correspondonce.
    • Should read yields rather than yeilds.
    • Should read threshold rather than threshhold.
    • Should read through rather than throught.
    • Should read submitting rather than submiting.
    • Should read specify rather than spicify.
    • Should read occurrence rather than occurence.
    • Should read coordinates rather than cooridnates.
    • Should read array rather than arrray.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 0
  • Contribution: a new image edge detection technique

    Contribution: a new image edge detection technique

    Hello Sir/ Madam,

    I want to contribute to SimpleCV (Python) with a new image edge detection technique a-better-first-derivative-approach-for-edge-detection-IJERTV2IS110616.pdf which is more generic & better than the similar popular techniques for the same. The paper that I have published is attached here with this email. Please go through it. If you like it, please tell me the process to move next.

    Thanks & Regards, Sujoy K Goswami Principal Data Scientist TVS Motor Company India

    opened by SujoyKG 1
  • Add OCR in Docker

    Add OCR in Docker

    Hello! How to add pytesseract to work in docker container? I use the Dockerfile for running SimpleCV, and when I use readText() function , it throws an error that pytesseract in not installed.

    opened by dima12qw 0
  • Directly 2to3

    Directly 2to3

    A simple 2to3 command is conducted for Python3 compatibility. In order to successfully build all .py files, I'll provide more Pull Requests later on...

    opened by jiapei100 0
Sight Machine
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Multi-choice answer sheet correction system using computer vision with opencv & python.

Multi choice answer correction ?? 5 answer sheet samples with a specific solution for detecting answers and sheet correction. ?? By running the soluti

Reza Firouzi 7 Mar 7, 2022
A dataset handling library for computer vision datasets in LOST-fromat

A dataset handling library for computer vision datasets in LOST-fromat

null 8 Dec 15, 2022