Experimental Demo for our paper
'Escaping the Gradient Vanishing: Periodic Alternatives of Softmax in Attention Mechanism'
We suggest that replacing the exponential function by periodic functions. Through experiments on a simply designed demo referenced to LeViT, our method is proved to be able to alleviate the gradient problem and yield substantial improvements compared to Softmax and its variants.
** Create your own 'dataset' fold, and maybe need to modify the file for your own dataset except for cifar-10, cifar-100 and Tiny-imageNet.
Function available:
softmax , norm_softmax
sinmax, norm_sinmax
cosmax, norm_cosmax
sin_2_max, norm_sin_2_max
sin_2_max_move, norm_sin_2_max_move
sirenmax, norm_sirenmax
sin_softmax, norm_sin_softmax
mode available:
Random search for a suitable set of learning rate and weight decay, and record the results in
Train the demo, and there will be four .npy files created in root.
(1) 'record_val_acc.npy' for val acc record every 100 iter;
(2) 'record_train_acc.npy' for train acc record every batch;
(3) 'record_loss.npy' for train loss record every batch;
(4) 'kq_value.npy' for Q.K record *before sclaled*.
Same as the run mode but:
(1) No kq_value record;
(2) Every 5 epoch, input a test image and record the attention score map of each head of each layer.
Saved in 'Attention_test/attention_maps.npy'