KoRean based ELECTRA pre-trained models (KR-ELECTRA) for Tensorflow and PyTorch



This is a release of a Korean-specific ELECTRA model with comparable or better performances developed by the Computational Linguistics Lab at Seoul National University. Our model shows remarkable performances on tasks related to informal texts such as review documents, while still showing comparable results on other kinds of tasks.

Released Model

We pre-trained our KR-ELECTRA model following a base-scale model of ELECTRA. We trained the model based on Tensorflow-v1 using a v3-8 TPU of Google Cloud Platform.

Model Details

We followed the training parameters of the base-scale model of ELECTRA.

model # of layers embedding size hidden size # of heads
Discriminator 12 768 768 12
Generator 12 768 256 4
batch size train steps learning rates max sequence length generator size
256 700000 2e-4 128 0.33333

Training Dataset

34GB Korean texts including Wikipedia documents, news articles, legal texts, news comments, product reviews, and so on. These texts are balanced, consisting of the same ratios of written and spoken data.


vocab size 30,000

We used morpheme-based unit tokens for our vocabulary based on the Mecab-Ko morpheme analyzer.

Download Link

  • Tensorflow-v1 model (download)

  • PyTorch models on HuggingFace

from transformers import ElectraModel, ElectraTokenizer

model = ElectraModel.from_pretrained("snunlp/KR-ELECTRA-discriminator")
tokenizer = ElectraTokenizer.from_pretrained("snunlp/KR-ELECTRA-discriminator")


We used and slightly edited the finetuning codes from KoELECTRA, with additionally adjusted hyperparameters. You can download the codes and config files that we used for our model.

python3 run_seq_cls.py --task nsmc --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_seq_cls.py --task kornli --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_seq_cls.py --task paws --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_seq_cls.py --task question-pair --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_seq_cls.py --task korsts --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_seq_cls.py --task korsts --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_ner.py --task naver-ner --config_file kr-electra.json
python3 run_squad.py --task korquad --config_file kr-electra.json

Experimental Results

Naver NER
Question Pair
KorQuaD (Dev)
Korean-Hate-Speech (Dev)
KoBERT 89.59 87.92 81.25 79.62 81.59 94.85 51.75 / 79.15 66.21
XLM-Roberta-Base 89.03 86.65 82.80 80.23 78.45 93.80 64.70 / 88.94 64.06
HanBERT 90.06 87.70 82.95 80.32 82.73 94.72 78.74 / 92.02 68.32
KoELECTRA-Base 90.33 87.18 81.70 80.64 82.00 93.54 60.86 / 89.28 66.09
KoELECTRA-Base-v2 89.56 87.16 80.70 80.72 82.30 94.85 84.01 / 92.40 67.45
KoELECTRA-Base-v3 90.63 88.11 84.45 82.24 85.53 95.25 84.83 / 93.45 67.61
KR-ELECTRA (ours) 91.168 87.90 82.05 82.51 85.41 95.51 84.93 / 93.04 74.50

The baseline results are brought from KoELECTRA's.


  author = {Lee, Sangah and Hyopil Shin},
  title = {KR-ELECTRA: a KoRean-based ELECTRA model},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/snunlp/KR-ELECTRA}}
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