Build Windows installers for Python applications

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Distribution pynsist

Pynsist is a tool to build Windows installers for your Python applications. The installers bundle Python itself, so you can distribute your application to people who don't have Python installed.

Pynsist 2 requires Python 3.5 or above. You can use Pynsist 1.x on Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 or above.

For more information, see the documentation and the examples.


  1. Get the tools. Install NSIS, and then install pynsist from PyPI by running pip install pynsist.

  2. Write a config file installer.cfg, like this:

    name=My App
    # How to launch the app - this calls the 'main' function from the 'myapp' package:
    # Packages from PyPI that your application requires, one per line
    # These must have wheels on PyPI:
    pypi_wheels = requests==2.18.4
    # To bundle packages which don't publish wheels, or to include directly wheel files
    # from a directory, see the docs on the config file.
    # Other files and folders that should be installed
    files = LICENSE
  3. Run pynsist installer.cfg to generate your installer. If pynsist isn't found, you can use python -m nsist installer.cfg instead.

This example illustrates how to use Pynsist by itself, for simple projects. There are other options which can make it easier to integrate as a step in a more complex build process. See the docs for more information.

  • 32-bit QML Application not working on Windows 7

    32-bit QML Application not working on Windows 7

    I created an installer using the code from with the bitness=32 in installer.cfg

    I installed it on the IE8 on Win7 machine from here

    When I launch the shortcut nothing happens. If I run it from Python

    > Python\pythonw.exe QMLApplication.launch.pyw

    In %appdata%\QMLApplication.launch.pyw

    there is

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "QMLApplication.launch.pyw", line 30, in <module>
        from qmlapp import Main
      File "pkgs\qmlapp\", line 1, in <module>
        from .main import Main
      File "pkgs\qmlapp\", line 5, in <module>
        from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtQml
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
    opened by Siecje 86
  • Update scripting of Python installer for Python 3.5

    Update scripting of Python installer for Python 3.5

    Python 3.5 will have a rebuilt Python installer, and it seems likely that we will need to pass some slightly different options to it. The details aren't finalised yet, I'll get back to this when they are.

    opened by takluyver 57
  • Inconsistencies when running a CLI constructed with pynsist

    Inconsistencies when running a CLI constructed with pynsist

    So I continue to build my installer for certbot, and I would like to expose a certbot command on Windows command line.

    The relevant part of installer.cfg is the following:

    [Command certbot]

    Installer is built correctly, installation behaves correctly. However, from one build + install to another, sometimes the certbot command fails. And when it fails, it just returns failed to create process. Nothing more, and I did not find any way to trigger some debug mode and provide more logs.

    So I understood that the certbot.exe executable, which is copied from the NSIS installer into %installdir%\bin\, is available to the user through an injection in PATH. Direct running of certbot.exe leads to the same inconsistencies.

    I also understood that certbot.exe is in fact a copy of cli-{32|64}.exe from the project, that is itself a 3 years old extract of the cli-{32|64}.exe from the well-known setuptools project. Tried to copy the executables from a fresh and recent copy of setuptools, same inconsistencies.

    Finally, I understood that cli-{32|64}.exe is a VisualStudio binary that reads a python script in the same folder, with the name of type cli-{32|64} (or if the executable is renamed to something.exe). It will then resolve the Python executable path from the environment or an optional shebang available at the beginning of the python script file (for instance #!C:\some\path\to\python).

    I could not succeed in repairing this behavior from the existing executables files provided by setuptools or win_cli_launchers launchers. However, I succeeded in reproducing the expected behavior with a batch file. This one:

    @echo off
    set env_dir=%~dp0
    set install_dir=%env_dir:\bin\=%
    set python_path=%install_dir%\Python\python.exe
    set script_path=%install_dir%\bin\
    set error=false
    if not exist "%python_path%" 2> nul (
        echo Error, python executable not found on path: %python_path%
        set error=true
    if not exist "%script_path%" 2> nul (
        echo Error, python script file not found on path: %script_path%
        set error=true
    if %error%==true (
        exit /b 1
    "%python_path%" "%script_path%" %*

    This batch file, assuming to be copied in the bin directory constructed by pynsist, and assuming to be named something.bat, will execute the python script file, using the Python distribution prepared by pynsist, and passing all command lines arguments to the python script file.

    It is everything needed, when the bin directory is in the user PATH, to have a working something command available in CLI. And this works everytime.

    One question and one proposition

    1. Question

    Is there an explanation or a process to find it, about the inconsistencies I noticed with cli.exe ?

    1. Proposition

    We need to consider also that cli.exe comes from the easy_install approach of setuptools, but the setuptools maintainers advise to not use easy_install anymore, because there are better alternatives. One of them is that starting with Python 3.3 for Windows, the py launcher can start scripts with a correct interpretation of the shebang to find the correct Python environment.

    But anyway the cli.exe executable here is used only to expose CLI commands. And because the Python environment is strictly controlled and isolated using a NSIS installer, one can have the expected behavior with a simple batch file as I shown before.

    So why not replacing the cli.exe executable by a cli.bat batch script quite similar to what I wrote ?

    opened by adferrand 40
  • How to include OpenCV?

    How to include OpenCV?

    I just tried to create an installer, but got the following error message:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Dropbox\Development\Pawlabeling\build\nsis\", line 21, in <module>
        from pawlabeling.widgets.mainwindow import main
      File "C:\Dropbox\Development\Pawlabeling\build\nsis\pkgs\pawlabeling\widgets\", line 14, in <module>
        from ..models import model
      File "C:\Dropbox\Development\Pawlabeling\build\nsis\pkgs\pawlabeling\models\", line 7, in <module>
        from ..models import table, subjectmodel, sessionmodel, measurementmodel, contactmodel, platemodel
      File "C:\Dropbox\Development\Pawlabeling\build\nsis\pkgs\pawlabeling\models\", line 2, in <module>
        import cv2
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

    It can't find OpenCV, even though I specified cv2 in my include list:

    # Importable packages that your application requires, one per line
    packages = pawlabeling
    # Other files and folders that should be installed
    files = COPYING.txt

    It seems to have forgotten to pick up the OpenCV dll's which is probably a side-effect of the rather quirky way OpenCV was installed (I used Gohlke's installer). All the dll's are in Lib/site-packages and are called something like opencv_*.dll instead of something resembling cv2.

    I'm not sure how to make sure it get's included properly, I guess I could run a script that runs Miniconda to install it anyway or bundle the installer and have it run that. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    opened by ivoflipse 29
  • Built application executables broken since distlib 0.3.4

    Built application executables broken since distlib 0.3.4

    Distlib 0.3.4 has been released in December and there have been some changes in regards to the executables which pynsist uses to build the application executables.

    The result is that the executables are broken when trying to run them from a non-command-line context (eg. a GUI application) and they immediately exit with code 3221225477 (0xC0000005). This does not happen when executing them from bash or powershell, for some reason. This was working perfectly fine previously when building pynsist installers with distlib==0.3.3 installed.

    Pip 21.3.1 currently bundles distlib 0.3.3 and executables built via pip when installing wheels are therefore working. I am not sure though if this will change once pip upgrades. In this case, the issue is caused by distlib itself.


    This is how pynsist builds (concatenates) the wrappers:

    Original issue, in case more context is required to understand the issue:

    opened by bastimeyer 28
  • Application based off Gooey GUI won't launch after being packaged

    Application based off Gooey GUI won't launch after being packaged

    I successfully packaged a python application that relies on the Gooey for GUI portion. Below is the code I used inside the installer.cfg file.

    name=SAVI Tool
    # How to launch the app - this calls the 'main' function from the 'myapp' package:
    # Packages from PyPI that your application requires, one per line
    # These must have wheels on PyPI:
    local_wheels = wheels/*.whl
    pypi_wheels = Gooey==1.0.1
    # To bundle packages which don't publish wheels, or to include directly wheel files
    # from a directory, see the docs on the config file.
    # Other files and folders that should be installed
    files = LICENSE

    The resulting packaged folder is shown in the attached image. gooey_app

    If I double-click on the .exe file, the application installs inside the ./Program Files folder with name equal to the application name (in my case SAVI tool).

    How can I now start the application and the GUI? The SAVI_Tool.launch.pyw file does not seem to launch/open anything. Am I doing something wrong?

    opened by f-tonini 28
  • Implement Python 2.7 compatibility

    Implement Python 2.7 compatibility

    As per #5

    • Add 'optionparser' backport as a dependency when installing with Python 2
    • Use Python 2.7.6 as default version when building with Python 2
    • Include pylauncher in MSI when building with Python 2
    opened by jbaiter 20
  • implemented configuration file validation and added tests for them, closes #11

    implemented configuration file validation and added tests for them, closes #11

    I have implemented the configuration validation. I guess it's easy enough to maintain and understand it like this. I also wrote tests for it, which can be checked using nosetests.

    opened by devsnd 18
  • PyQt5 dll not found

    PyQt5 dll not found


    I'm currently programming an app using several libraries such as PyQt5, numpy, scipy, matplotlib,... I get no error while building with pynsist but when I try to launch the app after installation, this message shows up in the log file in %APPDATA%:

    File "", line 1, in <module> 
         from PyQt5 import QtGui
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

    I build on a Windows 10 64bit and try to install on a Windows 7 32bit and here is my installer.cfg file:

    name=Name of my app
    directory=Some directory

    I found lots of threads on the internet talking about concrt140.dll and msvcp140.dll missing but in my case they are included with PyQt5 5.10.1. I tried everything I found, but nothing seems to help...

    Do you have any idea of what could be causing this issue?

    Thanks, Cirn3co

    opened by MartinGrignard 16
  • MSVC 2015 runtime question

    MSVC 2015 runtime question

    What needs the MSVC 2015 runtime? NSIS? Python? I wouldn't think it is needed to run the application since that is just Python and then the .pyw file.

    Can't you just bundle the files that the Vista .msu installs? So when building the installer add the Vista 32-bit or 64-bit files to the installer?

    Also both of the Vista links are 404. The other are fine.
    opened by Siecje 16
  • does not support python 2 does not support python 2

    I just tried pynsist on debian, running python 2.7.3.

    The first thing I thought I would try was building the examples with examples/ It fails immediately.

    The first crash happens immediately in due to the use of the python3-only interpolation argument on ConfigParser.

    Fixing this, the second crash is on the attempted use of __getitem__ with config[section_name]... also a python3-only thing.

    Sorry - I have no time right now to fix this or diagnose further. I fear the python2 issues run deep since the top level example fails so immediately. I was hoping pynsist would work as it would be nice to stay in debian rather than having to jump over to windows all the time to make installers (currently doing this with cx_freeze). :(

    opened by rwarren 13
  • Provide extra_index_urls in config

    Provide extra_index_urls in config

    This is in analogy to the pip option '--extra-index-urls'.

    A custom package index must provide a PyPI interface, i.e. provide a json description such as This is a limitation of yarg.

    A self signed certificate can be used with set REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=path/to/bundle.pem, see here.

    opened by lefi7z 1
  • Doc/FAQ entry/example for target

    Doc/FAQ entry/example for target

    The documentation fort target (and the related parameters) is currently a bit sparse.

    It might be useful to explain, that unlike the other options to create link, target is not automatically relative to the installation directory. To link to a file in the files section, you therefore need to write target=$INSTDIR\filename.ext

    Could this hint be added to the documentation, and or an example?

    opened by oefe 0
  • Ship built-in python modules by default

    Ship built-in python modules by default

    Hey, thanks for this great project!

    I'm using the [Command my_command] section feature to accommodate multiple entry points to my application.

    However, when invoking "\Program Files\my_app\bin\my_command.exe" [OPTIONS], error messages indicate that some standard built-in python modules are not available (No module named <module>), e.g., http, stringprep, or mimetypes.

    Is there a simple way to bundle the built-in modules? It'd also help to find out which modules are used by my application, such that I don't have to add a module/package and test until I listed them all. Thanks!

    opened by kobroli 1
  • Python 3.11 Windows ARM64

    Python 3.11 Windows ARM64

    Python has started offering embeddables and installers for Python 3.11 Windows ARM64. Is this something pynsist can include, if I want to distribute a native Windows ARM build?

    You could probably add arm64 as an option for bitness in the config file.

    opened by infinitepower18 11
  • Docs: How to single source dependencies?

    Docs: How to single source dependencies?

    I decided to ask about single sourcing dependencies in separate issue, since there might be slightly different approach than with version numbers.

    Currently, I list my dependencies in

    import setuptools
        author="Niko Pasanen",
        description="My package",

    This is needed so that I can install the mypackage in editable state with

    pip install -e <folder>

    This is not, however the full list of packages, since all of the packages listed in install_requires might depend on other packages. Since I am using virtual environments, I can easily take a snapshot of everything I'm using with pip freeze. I could use this snapshotted list (with perhaps some manual editing, removing development time dependencies) then in the and installer.cfg. But if I modify anything, I have to remember modify two places. What would be the best way to single-source dependencies? I'm thinking that perhaps I could put all to installer.cfg and read them in Would that be the way to go?

    opened by np-8 1
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