Python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28


python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28

Original version of windows:

make pack up python files easier.


  1. Install: Download the .zip archive then decompress or use 'git clone' in your terminal
  2. 打开你的terminal
  3. 切换到程序所在目录,输入python index.py来运行程序。当然,你直接输入运行./index.py也无妨。
  4. 按照要求输入。请注意:目前安装第三方库的功能还未完全完善(一点也不银杏),如果需要第三方库,建议手动在./pyvenv-easypack/bin目录里使用pip命令安装第三方库。
  5. 请认真查看每一条要求输入的信息。这很重要,直接关乎打包的成功与否。
  6. 打包完成并显示成功信息后,你可以在./dist文件夹里找到你想要的东西。


  1. Program won't always create the python virtual environment
  2. Program won't always check for pyinstaller
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    # Auther: 碳酸氢钠
    # Changed by: laman28(LMFS)
    # For linux
    import os
    import time
    import sys
    def pack(clearVenv=False):
        if clearVenv:
            os.system("rm -rf pyvenv-easypack")
            os.system("rm -rf build")
            os.system("rm *.spec")
        if(not os.path.isdir("./pyvenv-easypack")):
            start_time = time.time()
            print('creating pyvenv...')
            if os.system('python -m venv ./pyvenv-easypack'):
                raise Exception("something wrong happend.")
            print(f'pyvenv created successful[{time.time()-start_time}s]')
            print("[\033[92;1mINFO\033[0m] Python virtual environment was already in the directory")
                if(has_pyi=="1"): has_pyi=True
                else:             has_pyi=False
                os.system("rm -rf ./.PYI.insd")
        if(not has_pyi):
            start_time = time.time()
            print('installing pyinstaller...')
            if os.system('pyvenv-easypack/bin/pip install pyinstaller'):
                raise Exception("something wrong happend.")
            print(f'pyinstaller indtalled successful[{time.time()-start_time}s]')
            print("[\033[92;1mINFO\033[0m] Pyinstaller was already in pyvenv_easypack/lib")
        start_time = time.time()
        print("installing other moudels...")
        for i in modules:
            if os.system('pyvenv-easypack/bin/pip install '+i):
                raise Exception("something wrong happend.")
        start_time = time.time()
        print('packing '+pyFileName+"...")
        pack_command = 'pyvenv-easypack/bin/pyinstaller -F '
        if needConsole!="1":pack_command += '-w '
        if iconURL!='':pack_command += '-i '+iconURL+' '
        if os.system(pack_command+pyFileName):
            raise Exception("something wrong happend.")
    clearVenv = False
    if input("do you want to rebuild pyvenv? yes[1] no[Enter] ") == "1":clearVenv = True
    pyFileName = input("input .py file ")
    iconURL = input("do you need icon? yes[1] no[Enter] ")
    needConsole = input("do you need console? yes[1] no[Enter] ")
    haveModules = input("Is there any other moudels? yes[1] no[Enter] ")
    modules = []
        way_to_pack_modules = input("How do you want to install moudels? manual[1] needn't[Enter] ")
        if(way_to_pack_modules == "1"):
            while True:
                modules.append(input("type moudel name. [end] to end."))
                if modules[i] == '[end]':
            print('sorry... But you can\'t use it now.')
    start_time = time.time()
    print(f"pack .py file successful\n\

    # python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28
    Original version of windows:
    make pack up python files easier.
    # How to use it?
    1. Install: Download the .zip archive then decompress or use 'git clone' in your terminal
    1. open yourterminal
    3. cd to your project folder and run ``
    4. input according to requirement. 
    > attention! If your progmming has other moudels, maybe you need to install them manual.
    6. you can find things you wanted in `./dist/`.
    # New
    1. Program won't always create the python virtual environment
    2. Program won't always check for pyinstaller


    python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28

    Original version of windows:

    make pack up python files easier.

    How to use it?

    1. Install: Download the .zip archive then decompress or use 'git clone' in your terminal
    2. open yourterminal
    3. cd to your project folder and run
    4. input according to requirement.

    attention! If your progmming has other moudels, maybe you need to install them manual.

    1. you can find things you wanted in ./dist/.


    1. Program won't always create the python virtual environment
    2. Program won't always check for pyinstaller
    opened by NaHCO3-code 2
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