The official implementation of VAENAR-TTS, a VAE based non-autoregressive TTS model.



This repo contains code accompanying the paper "VAENAR-TTS: Variational Auto-Encoder based Non-AutoRegressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis".

Samples | Paper | Pretrained Models


0. Dataset

  1. English: LJSpeech
  2. Mandarin: DataBaker(标贝)

1. Environment setup

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate vaenartts-env

2. Data pre-processing

For English using LJSpeech:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= python --dataset ljspeech --data_dir /path/to/extracted/LJSpeech-1.1 --save_dir ./ljspeech

For Mandarin using Databaker(标贝):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= python --dataset databaker --data_dir /path/to/extracted/biaobei --save_dir ./databaker

3. Training

For English using LJSpeech:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true python --dataset ljspeech --log_dir ./lj-log_dir --test_dir ./lj-test_dir --data_dir ./ljspeech/tfrecords/ --model_dir ./lj-model_dir

For Mandarin using Databaker(标贝):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true python --dataset databaker --log_dir ./db-log_dir --test_dir ./db-test_dir --data_dir ./databaker/tfrecords/ --model_dir ./db-model_dir

4. Inference (synthesize speech for the whole test set)

For English using LJSpeech:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true python --dataset ljspeech --test_dir ./lj-test-2000 --data_dir ./ljspeech/tfrecords/ --batch_size 16 --write_wavs true --draw_alignments true --ckpt_path ./lj-model_dir/ckpt-2000

For Mandarin using Databaker(标贝):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true python --dataset databaker --test_dir ./db-test-2000 --data_dir ./databaker/tfrecords/ --batch_size 16 --write_wavs true --draw_alignments true --ckpt_path ./db-model_dir/ckpt-2000


  1. XuezheMax/flowseq
  2. keithito/tacotron
  • Can I use a GAN-based network to replace the flow-based prior P(Z|X)?

    Can I use a GAN-based network to replace the flow-based prior P(Z|X)?

    If I understand this paper and FlowSeq correctly, the normalizing flow is used to model the dependence of text X (from the posterior P(Z|X, Y)). As GAN can also model the distribution, can I use a GAN-based network to replace the flow-based prior P(Z|X)?

    opened by seekerzz 4
  • Different result

    Different result

    Hi thank you for your awesome work. I tried to synthesize using inference script and checkpoint u provided the result sound robotic, why is that ? do I missing something ?

    opened by kikirizki 2
  • 关于跑代码时候发生 Type mismatch 的异常

    关于跑代码时候发生 Type mismatch 的异常

    在运行 这步时出现异常

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 329, in main() File "", line 257, in main for fids, texts, mels, t_lengths, m_lengths in train_set.take(1): File "/home/wuyx/miniconda3/envs/vc/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/data/ops/", line 761, in next return self._next_internal() File "/home/wuyx/miniconda3/envs/vc/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/data/ops/", line 747, in _next_internal output_shapes=self._flat_output_shapes) File "/home/wuyx/miniconda3/envs/vc/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line 2728, in iterator_get_next _ops.raise_from_not_ok_status(e, name) File "/home/wuyx/miniconda3/envs/vc/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 6897, in raise_from_not_ok_status six.raise_from(core._status_to_exception(e.code, message), None) File "", line 3, in raise_from tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Type mismatch between parsed tensor (float) and dtype (double) [[{{node ParseTensor_1}}]] [Op:IteratorGetNext]

    opened by wuyx517 2
  • about log probability?

    about log probability?

    in code: time_level_log_probs = -0.5 * (tf.cast(dim, tf.float32) * tf.math.log(2 * np.pi)+ tf.reduce_sum(expanded_logvar + normalized_samples ** 2., axis=3))

    but the log_prob of gaussian: log_probs = log(1.0 / (sqrt(2.0 * pi) * std) * exp(-0.5 * (x-u) ** 2 / std ** 2)) = -0.5 * (log(2.0 * pi) + 2.0 * log(std) + (x-u) ** 2 / std ** 2)

    so you miss a constant value 2.0 of expanded_logvar although it doesn't matter? time_level_log_probs = -0.5 * (tf.cast(dim, tf.float32) * tf.math.log(2 * np.pi)+ tf.reduce_sum(2.0 * expanded_logvar + normalized_samples ** 2., axis=3))

    opened by BridgetteSong 1
  • synthesized wavs of long texts

    synthesized wavs of long texts

    I downloaded the pretrained model of databaker and synthesized wavs using The results are not very good, I mean the alignment is not right especially when the input text is long. For example, "失恋的人特别喜欢往人烟罕至的角落里钻。", the synthesized wavs sounds like: 失恋的人特别喜欢往人烟罕至的_角角落里钻钻钻钻_

    For longer input text,the synthesized wavs are totally wrong

    opened by Liujingxiu23 2
  • The config of hifigan used when generate samples

    The config of hifigan used when generate samples

    Hi, I want to know what config does you use when you train the hifigan model of DataBaker to get the samples in the webset
    With these parameters clearified, we can better compare the quality of the synthsized wavs with other SOTA acoustic models.

    I mean the following three parameter in config file. "upsample_rates":

    Thank you!

    opened by Liujingxiu23 14
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