Watch classic spongebob from the terminal! Thanks to everyone that is starring, forking, writing issues, pull requesting and just users of spongebob-cli!
Dependecies (all python dependecies will automatically be installed):
- mpv player https://mpv.io/
- youtube-dl https://github.com/ytdl-org
If the programm was ran without arguments it will ist all the episodes an it will let you play them.
--download | -d, usage --download {a number of a episode}, This will download that video under a directory the command was run
--list | -l, usage --list, this will list all the episodes and then exit the programm
--list | -l, usage --list {number} this will show the number of episodes with the limit you provided.
--play | -p usage --play {a number of a episode}, This will play the episode without listing the episodes
--random | -r, usage spongebob-cli --random, This will play a random episode
--help | -h usage --help this will print what each argument does
How to install:
Download this repository with git or other.
cd spongebob-cli
sudo chmod +x spongebob-cli; sudo python setup.py install
Arch and arch based distributions
There is an AUR package for spongebob-cli mantained by getchoo
yay -S spongebob-cli-git
If setup.py fails try this:
pip3 install termcolor beautifulsoup4 prettytable
If video wont play check if you have mpv and youtube-dl installed. If you dont have youtube-dl but a fork of it, make a alias in your .zshrc or .bashrc and alias it to youtube-dl