Plotly scatterplots which show molecule images on hovering over the datapoints!
Required packages:
for an example :)
import pandas as pd
import as px
import molplotly
# load a DataFrame with smiles
df_esol = pd.read_csv('esol.csv')
df_esol['y_pred'] = df_esol['ESOL predicted log solubility in mols per litre']
df_esol['y_true'] = df_esol['measured log solubility in mols per litre']
# generate a scatter plot
fig = px.scatter(df_esol, x="y_true", y="y_pred")
# add molecules to the plotly graph - returns a Dash app
app = molplotly.add_molecules(fig=fig,
title_col='Compound ID',
# run Dash app inline in notebook (or in an external server)
app.run_server(mode='inline', port=8011, height=1000)
Input parameters
: plotly.graph_objects.Figure object
a plotly figure object containing datapoints plotted from dfdf
: pandas.DataFrame object
a pandas dataframe that contains the data plotted in figsmiles_col
: str, optional
name of the column in df containing the smiles plotted in fig (default 'SMILES')show_img
: bool, optional
whether or not to generate the molecule image in the dash app (default True)title_col
: str, optional
name of the column in df to be used as the title entry in the hover box (default None)show_coords
: bool, optional
whether or not to show the coordinates of the data point in the hover box (default True)caption_cols
: list, optional
list of column names in df to be included in the hover box (default None)condition_col
: str, optional
name of the column in df that is used to color the datapoints in df - necessary when there is discrete conditional coloring (default None)wrap
: bool, optional
whether or not to wrap the title text to multiple lines if the length of the text is too long (default True)wraplen
: int, optional
the threshold length of the title text before wrapping begins - adjust when changing the width of the hover box (default 20)width
: int, optional
the width in pixels of the hover box (default 150)fontfamily
: str, optional
the font family used in the hover box (default 'Arial')fontsize
: int, optional
the font size used in the hover box - the font of the title line is fontsize+2 (default 12)
Output parameters
by default a JupyterDash app
is returned which can be run inline in a jupyter notebook or deployed on a server via app.run_server()
Features to-add:
- Individual styles for each caption (fonts, colors etc)
- Some way to save the plot
- Highlight points by clicking on them
- SVG image generation