Codes for CIKM'21 paper 'Self-Supervised Graph Co-Training for Session-based Recommendation'.

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Codes for CIKM'21 paper 'Self-Supervised Graph Co-Training for Session-based Recommendation'.

Requirements: Python 3.7, Pytorch 1.6.0

Best Hyperparameter:

  • Tmall: beta=0.01, alpha=0.005, eps=0.2
  • RetailRocket: beta=0.01, alpha=0.005, eps=0.2
  • Diginetica: beta=0.001, alpha=0.005, eps=0.5

Datasets are available at Dropbox: The datasets are already preprocessed and encoded by pickle.

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    Hi, thank you very much for your work!

    Do you have any insights why you need the normalization and the w_k factor in computing the final session representations and scores? E.g.:

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    Thanks in advance!

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