MusicYOLO framework uses the object detection model, YOLOx, to locate notes in the spectrogram.



MusicYOLO framework uses the object detection model, YOLOX, to locate notes in the spectrogram. Its performance on the ISMIR2014 dataset, MIR-ST500 dataset and SSVD dataset show that MusicYOLO significantly improves onset/offset detection compared with previous approaches.


Step1. Install pytorch.

conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

Step1. Install YOLOX.

git clone [email protected]:xk-wang/MusicYOLO.git
cd MusicYOLO
pip3 install -U pip && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -v -e .  # or  python3 develop

Step2. Install apex.

# skip this step if you don't want to train model.
cd apex
pip3 install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" .

Step3. Install pycocotools.

pip3 install cython;
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI && pip3 install -v .


Download the pretrained musicyolo1 and musicyolo2 models described in our paper. Put these two models under the models folder. The models are stored in BaiduYun code: 1234


Step1. Download SSVD-v2.0 from

Step2. Onset/offset detection (use musicyolo2.pth)

python3 tools/ -f exps/example/custom/ -c models/musicyolo2.pth --audiodir $SSVD_TEST_SET_PATH --savedir $SAVE_PATH --ext .flac --device gpu

Step3. Evaluate

python3 tools/ --label $SSVD_TEST_SET_PATH --result $SAVE_PATH --offset

Similar process for ISMIR2014 dataset.


Since MIR-ST500 dataset is a mixture of vocals and accompaniments, we need to separate vocals and accompaniments with spleeter first. Besides, since the singing duration of each audio in MIR-ST500 dataset is too long, we will first cut each audio into short audios of about 35s for on/offset detection.

Step1. Audio source seperation

python3 tools/util/ $MIR_ST500_DIR

Step2. Split audio

python3 tools/util/ --mst_path $MST_TEST_VOCAL_PATH --dest_dir $SPLIT_PATH

Step3. Onset/offset detection (use musicyolo1.pth)

python3 tools/ -f exps/example/custom/ -c models/musicyolo1.pth --audiodir $SPLIT_PATH --savedir $SAVE_PATH --ext .wav --device gpu

Step4. Merge results

Because we split the MIR-ST500 test set audio earlier, the results are also splited. Here we merge the split results.

python3 tools/util/ --audio_dir $SPLIT_PATH --origin_dir $SAVE_PATH --final_dir $MERGE_PATH

Step5. Evaluate

python3 tools/ --label $MIR_ST500_TEST_LABEL_PATH --result $MERGE_PATH --offset

Train yourself

Download yolox-s weight from . Put the model weight under models folder.

Train on SSVD (get musicyolo2)

Step1. Get SSVD train set

Download SSVD-v2.0 from Put the images folder under the datasets folder.

Step2. Train

python3 tools/ -f exps/example/custom/ -d 1 -b 16 --fp16 -o -c models/yolox_s.pth

Train on MIR-ST500 (get musicyolo1)

Prepair note object detection dataset

Because there are a few audios for SSVD training set, we use Labelme software to annotate note object manually. There are a lot of data in MIR-ST500 training set, so we design a set of automatic annotation tools.

Step1. Audio source seperation

python3 tools/util/ $MIR_ST500_TRAIN_DIR

Step2. Split audio

python3 tools/util/ --mst_path $MIR_ST500_TRAIN_DIR --dest_dir $TRAIN_SPLIT_PATH

Step3. Automatic annotation

python3 tools/util/ --audiodir $TRAIN_SPLIT_PATH --imgdir $MST_NOTE_PATH

Step4. Automatic annotation

Divide the training set and validation set by yourself. We break up the images and divide them according to the ratio of 7:3 to get the training set and validation set. The images and annotations are put under $YOU_MIR_ST500_IMAGES folder.

Step4. Coco dataset format

The MIR-st500 note object detection dataset is organized in a format similar to the images folder in SSVD v2.0 dataset.

python3 tools/util/ --annotationpath $YOU_MIR_ST500_IMAGES/train --jsonpath $IMAGE_DIR/train/_annotations.coco.json

python3 tools/util/ --annotationpath $YOU_MIR_ST500_IMAGES/valid --jsonpath $IMAGE_DIR/valid/_annotations.coco.json

then put the MIR-ST500 note object detection dataset under the datasets folder like SSVD.


the similar process like training on SSVD dataset.


  title={YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021},
  author={Ge, Zheng and Liu, Songtao and Wang, Feng and Li, Zeming and Sun, Jian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.08430},

  author={X. Wang, W. Xu, W. Yang and W. Cheng},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
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