An administration website for Django


yawd-admin, a django administration website

yawd-admin now has a live demo at Use demo / demo as username & passowrd.


yawd-admin is an administration website for django. It extends the default django admin site and offers the following:

  • A clean and beautiful bootstrap user interface
  • Hand-written pure HTML5/CSS3 code with indented HTML output
  • Responsive interface, optimized for mobile phones and tablets
  • Register custom database settings (options) editable from the UI. You can use all standard django form fields for these settings
  • Integration with google analytics for displaying statistics in the admin home page
  • Register your applications to the top-bar navigation
  • Refurbished original django admin widgets
  • Mechanism for opening the original django admin popup windows with fancybox
  • Seamless integration with yawd-translations for multilingual admin websites


yawd-admin v0.6.1 is the last version intended to work with Django 1.4. yawd-admin v.0.7.0 and on is developed under Django 1.5.x and does NOT work with older Django releases. For those still using Django 1.4, you can checkout the 0.6.x branch or use the yawd-admin v0.6.1 pypi package. New features will not be backported to the 0.6.x branch. Since many of us run production systems tied to Django 1.4, both v0.6.1 and the latest documentation will be online on

Usage and demo

See the yawd-admin documentation for information on how to install the demo and use yawd-admin. There is also an online version of the demo at Just use demo/demo as username and password.


Side navigation for change forms


Sortable changelists


Modal inlines


Admin db options


Bitdeli badge
  • Javascript in master is not working

    Javascript in master is not working

    It appears something broke the JS in the master branch with Django 1.5. None of the admin js is working. All the js files are being served.

    Uncaught ReferenceError: yawdadmin is not defined select2.min.js:488 Uncaught ReferenceError: yawdadmin is not defined localhost:26 Uncaught ReferenceError: yawdadmin is not defined localhost:33 Uncaught ReferenceError: yawdadmin is not defined actions.js:139

    opened by volksman 12
  • Allow customization of admin site name

    Allow customization of admin site name

    You have it as Django Administration in admin/includes/topnav.html

    This should be customizable with a setting attribute or something. It's a fairly large template so overriding it locally would likely be a pain to maintain.

    opened by volksman 8
  • YawdAdmin breaks custom User model

    YawdAdmin breaks custom User model

    You define a form that has fields hard coded. This can't be for custom user models as the fields may not exist. By defining this Django errors on basics like syncdb or shell.

    opened by volksman 6
  • Can't select an id with raw_id_fields

    Can't select an id with raw_id_fields


    I just installed yawd-admin and it's very nice (thanks for the work!).

    I've a problem with the fancy box and the raw_id_fields.

    When I click on the magnifiying glass next to a raw_id_field, this open the fancybox but I can't select directly the object that I want to populate the raw_id_field with the object id.

    Thanks for looking at this "problem"

    opened by rspt 4
  • Add user problem

    Add user problem

    We are working with yawd-admin v0.7.0 and django-1.5.2. When we try to add a new user, we see the edition form instead of the add form. Another problem we found is that the password input in the html is not of type password as it should be. More on this, is that when we try to save the changes, the password is not encrypted.

    opened by dnievas8k 4
  • Namespace the static files (please)

    Namespace the static files (please)

    I think it would be a really good idea to namespace the static files since you modify bootstrap.min.js and I may want a different version for my front end. Something like {{ STATIC_URL }}yawd/js/bootstrap.min.js

    As it stands now if I call in js/bootstrap.min.js I get yours. If I override it I loose the admin skin.

    opened by volksman 4
  • PopupModelAdmin inside another PopupModelAdmin

    PopupModelAdmin inside another PopupModelAdmin


    One question, my application needs a PopupModelAdmin) inside another PopupModelAdmin) and i have this:


    This is good anyway, but the clean solution would be like modal_size = '900:300px' or something better i guess... Ouch! In this case CKEditor does not show the entire on modal.

    What do you think? Is there anything that can help me?

    opened by lerrua 3
  • KeyError on new Analytics property/app with no data

    KeyError on new Analytics property/app with no data

    Django Version: 1.4.2 Exception Type: KeyError Exception Value: 'rows' Exception Location: /yawdadmin/ in get_analytics_data, line 98

    As the title says, this happens when you add a property which has no visitor tracking data yet (api doesn't return what is expected).

    opened by chielteuben 2
  • Edit user details

    Edit user details

    A user should be able to edit his own "Personal Information" (first name, last name etc) even if he has no permissions to edit or view other users. This is not possible with the original django admin, neither with yawd-admin so far, but in real-world apps it's a must-have feature. A new view should be implemented and added to the top-right drop-down menu, above the 'Change password' link.

    opened by ghost 2
  • collectstatic failed!

    collectstatic failed!

    Hi, when i run collectstatic in django 1.6 this fails, this says

    Post-processing 'yawd-admin/css/admin.css' failed!

    raise processed ValueError: The file 'yawd-admin/img/gcons/cassete.png' could not be found with < object at 0xa4b5c2c>.

    i used django-pipeline, django1.6.x and yawd-admin 0.7.0 is normal the file or imagen cassete.png no exist???


    opened by CARocha 1
  • Export does not respect filter

    Export does not respect filter

    The export does not respect filter. The template admin/import_export/export.html has to be changed.

    Replace line 18 by this :

    The original issue on django-import-export project :

    opened by mwolff44 1
  • New repo compatible with django 1.8

    New repo compatible with django 1.8

    As the project seems unmaintained, i forked it and updated it.

    As, i did not have any news about the repo owner, I will rename it yawd-admin2 in the future to get an official fork available in pypi.

    This is the repo :

    opened by mwolff44 0
  • Inline UserProfile id not being passed correctly in Django Admin (Django 1.6, YawdAdmin 0.7.0)

    Inline UserProfile id not being passed correctly in Django Admin (Django 1.6, YawdAdmin 0.7.0)

    Hi there, firstly: great project!

    I have a problem using (i.e. editing, updating) models with Yawd-Admin (0.7.0) on Python 2.7.8 when applying modal = True in my Inline Django Admin classes using the Django Proxy model for User Profiles.

    Using the following as simplified case ( excluded, as well as INSTALLED_APPS, and associated imports):

    # app_name/
    class UserProfileInline(admin.StackedInline):
        model = UserProfile
        max_num = 1
        can_delete = False
        modal = True # This causes the error
    class UserProfileAdmin(UserAdmin):
        inlines = (UserProfileInline, ), UserProfileAdmin)
    # app_name/
    class UserProfile(models.Model):
        user = models.OneToOneField(User)
        website = models.URLField(blank=True)

    I obtain the following error creating / editing a user (e.g.):

    MultiValueDictKeyError at /admin/auth/user/3/ "u'userprofile-0-id'"

    Since this inline is now associated with User, the extraneous information (website in this example) shows up as a Profile heading in the same page when creating a user (which is expected behavior). If this information (i.e. website) is added, and then saved; on the next page (the edit page), and a save is attempted, you obtain that error. This also occurs when you attempt to edit such a post. The only time you have a successful user creation / edit occurs when you don't modify any info in the class where modal = True is present.

    Also, because of the first save when creating a user, the user is added (in the default django auth tables), regardless of the success of entry of extra information via modal = True.

    I've looked quite deeply in the Yawd-Admin source, and for the life of me I cannot find why this information isn't passed correctly.

    Furthermore, having tried a number of combinations, it seems to be a Yawd-Admin problem with how modal = True loads and passes the information - as the default Django admin has no problem with this. And, when modal isn't present, everything works perfectly as in the default Django admin.

    UPDATE: The problem occurs even without modal = True if one follows the sequence: add extra info, and then modify it. It seems to be Yawd-Admin related as django-admin-bootstrap3 has no issues with it - as does the default Django admin site.

    I would appreciate any insight anyone can offer on this, please.

    Many thanks!

    opened by jared-l 1
  • Make oauth2client optional

    Make oauth2client optional

    oauth2client doesn't have support for Python3, since that package is only required for the Google Analytics part, shouldn't it be optional like the google-api-python-client?

    Currently the oauth2client requirement is preventing to set up yawd admin in any Python 3 projects.

    opened by oscarcp 0
  • Redirecting admin_site.urls to root

    Redirecting admin_site.urls to root

    Using url(r'^', include(admin_site.urls)) makes the admin panel to appear on the root url.


    When typing 1 segment aside the root url that doesn't exist. It generates an 500 KeyError, not a 404 Page not Found.

    How to reproduce on the example site: 1 ) login demo/demo 2 ) go to

    This only happens with unknown urls that have 1 segment and no special characters.

    opened by Zundrium 0
  • v0.7.0(Oct 23, 2013)

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