Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning using Robust Control Barrier Functions



Repository containing the code for the paper "Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning using Robust Control Barrier Functions". Specifically, an implementation of SAC + Robust Control Barrier Functions (RCBFs) for safe reinforcement learning in two custom environments.

While exploring, an RL agent can take actions that lead the system to unsafe states. Here, we use a differentiable RCBF safety layer that minimially alters (in the least-squares sense) the actions taken by the RL agent to ensure the safety of the agent.

Robust control barrier functions

As explained in the paper, RCBFs are formulated with respect to differential inclusions that serve to represent disturbed dynamical system (x_dot \in f(x) + g(x)u + D(x)). The QP used to ensure the system's safety is given by:

u_star(x) = minimize_u ||u||^2 + l ||epsilon||^2
subject to min. h_dot(x, D(x), u, u_RL) > - gamma * h(x) + epsilon

In this work, the disturbance set D in the differential inclusion is learned via Gaussian Processes (GPs). The underlying library is GPyTorch.

Coupling RL & RCBFs to improve training performance

The above is sufficient to ensure the safety of the system, however, we would also like to improve the performance of the learning by letting the RCBF layer guide the training. This is achieved via:

  • Using a differentiable version of the safety layer that allows us to backpropagte through the RCBF based Quadratic Program (QP).
  • Using the GPs and the dynamics prior to generate synthetic data (model-based RL).

Other approaches

In addition, the approach is compared against two other frameworks (implementated here) in the experiments:

Running the experiments

The two environments are Unicycle and SimulatedCars. Unicycle involves a unicycle robot tasked with reaching a desired location while avoiding obstacles and SimulatedCars involves a chain of cars driving in a lane, the RL agent controls the 4th car and must try minimzing control effort while avoiding colliding with the other cars.

  • Running the proposed approach: python --env SimulatedCars --cuda --updates_per_step 2 --batch_size 512 --seed 12345 --model_based

  • Running the baseline: python --env SimulatedCars --cuda --updates_per_step 1 --batch_size 256 --seed 12345 --no_diff_qp

  • Running the modified approach from "End-to-End Safe Reinforcement Learning through Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Continuous Control Tasks": python --env SimulatedCars --cuda --updates_per_step 1 --batch_size 256 --seed 12345 --no_diff_qp --use_comp True

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