Source code for "Understanding Knowledge Integration in Language Models with Graph Convolutions"

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Deep Learning GCS_KI

Graph Convolution Simulator (GCS)

Source code for "Understanding Knowledge Integration in Language Models with Graph Convolutions"


PyTorch and DGL should be installed based on your system. For other libraries, you can install them using the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Knowledge Integration Interpretation (KI) by GCS on example data:

$ bash

Interpretation results are saved in ./example/example_data/gcs.edgelist.

If the knowledge graph is small, users can visualize it by ./example/example_data/results.pdf. Here is the results for the example data: image

Run Knowledge Intergration Interpretation by GCS for your own model

Step 1: Prepare the entity embedding of vanilla LM and knowledge-enhanced LM:

Store them as PyTorch tensor (.pt) format. Make sure they have the same number of rows, and the indexes of entities are the same. The default files are and

Step 2: Prepare the knowledge graph:

Three files are needed to load the knowledge graph:

  • a) qid2idx.json: The index dictionary. The key is entity Q-label, and value is the index of entity in entity embedding
  • b) qid2label.json : The label dictionary. The key is entity Q-label, and the value is the entity label text. Note that this dictionary is only for visualization, you can set it as {Q-label: Q-label} if you don't have the text.
  • c) kg.edgelist: The knowledge triple to construct knowledge graph. Each row is for one triple as: entity1_idx \t entity2_idx \t {}.

Step 3: Run GCS for KI interpretation:

After two preparation steps, you can run GCS by:

$ python src/  --emb_vlm  -emb_klm  --data_dir ./example_data  --lr 1e-3  --loss mi_loss

As for the hyperparameters, users may check them in ./example/src/ Note that for large knowledge graphs, we recommend to use mutual information loss (mi_loss), and please do not visualize the results for large knowledge graphs.

Step 4: Analyze GCS interpretation results:

The interpretation results are saved in ./example/example_data/gcs.edgelist. Each row is for one triple as: entity1_idx \t entity2_idx \t {'a': xxxx}. Here, the value of 'a' is the attention coefficient value on the triple/entity (entity1, r, entity2). Users may use them to analyze the factual knowledge learned during knowledge integration.

Reproduce the results in the paper

Please enter ./all_exp folder for more details


If you use the code, please cite the paper:

  title={Understanding Knowledge Integration in Language Models with Graph Convolutions},
  author={Hou, Yifan and Fu, Guoji and Sachan, Mrinmaya},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00964},


Feel free to open an issue or send me ( an email if you have any questions!

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