Implementation of CVPR'21: RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction


RfD-Net [Project Page] [Paper] [Video]

RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction
Yinyu Nie, Ji Hou, Xiaoguang Han, Matthias Nießner
In CVPR, 2021.

points.png pred.png

From an incomplete point cloud of a 3D scene (left), our method learns to jointly understand the 3D objects and reconstruct instance meshes as the output (right).


  1. This implementation uses Python 3.6, Pytorch1.7.1, cudatoolkit 11.0. We recommend to use conda to deploy the environment.

    • Install with conda:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate rfdnet
    • Install with pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Next, compile the external libraries by

    python build_ext --inplace
  3. Install PointNet++ by

    cd external/pointnet2_ops_lib
    pip install .


The pretrained model can be downloaded here. Put the pretrained model in the directory as below


A demo is illustrated below to see how our method works.

cd RfDNet
python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_test.yaml --mode demo --demo_path demo/inputs/

VTK is used here to visualize the 3D scenes. The outputs will be saved under 'demo/outputs'. You can also play with your toy with this script.

If everything goes smooth, there will be a GUI window popped up and you can interact with the scene as below. screenshot_demo.png

If you run it on machines without X display server, you can use the offscreen mode by setting offline=True in The rendered image will be saved in demo/outputs/some_scene_id/pred.png.

Prepare Data

In our paper, we use the input point cloud from the ScanNet dataset, and the annotated instance CAD models from the Scan2CAD dataset. Scan2CAD aligns the object CAD models from ShapeNetCore.v2 to each object in ScanNet, and we use these aligned CAD models as the ground-truth.

Preprocess ScanNet and Scan2CAD data

You can either directly download the processed samples [link] to the directory below (recommended)



  1. Ask for the ScanNet dataset and download it to
  2. Ask for the Scan2CAD dataset and download it to
  3. Preprocess the ScanNet and Scan2CAD dataset for training by
    cd RfDNet
    python utils/scannet/
Preprocess ShapeNet data

You can either directly download the processed data [link] and extract them to datasets/ShapeNetv2_data/ as below



  1. Download ShapeNetCore.v2 to the path below

  2. Process ShapeNet models into watertight meshes by

    python utils/shapenet/
  3. Sample points on ShapeNet models for training (similar to Occupancy Networks).

    python utils/shapenet/ --resize --packbits --float16
  4. There are usually 100K+ points per object mesh. We simplify them to speed up our testing and visualization by

    python utils/shapenet/ --in_dir datasets/ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled --out_dir datasets/ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled_simplified
Verify preprocessed data

After preprocessed the data, you can run the visualization script below to check if they are generated correctly.

  • Visualize ScanNet+Scan2CAD+ShapeNet samples by

    python utils/scannet/visualization/

    A VTK window will be popped up like below.


Training, Generating and Evaluation

We use the configuration file (see 'configs/config_files/****.yaml') to fully control the training/testing/generating process. You can check a template at configs/config_files/ISCNet.yaml.


We firstly pretrain our detection module and completion module followed by a joint refining. You can follow the process below.

  1. Pretrain the detection module by

    python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_detection.yaml --mode train

    It will save the detection module weight at out/iscnet/a_folder_with_detection_module/model_best.pth

  2. Copy the weight path of detection module (see 1.) into configs/config_files/ISCNet_completion.yaml as

    weight: ['out/iscnet/a_folder_with_detection_module/model_best.pth']

    Then pretrain the completion module by

    python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_completion.yaml --mode train

    It will save the completion module weight at out/iscnet/a_folder_with_completion_module/model_best.pth

  3. Copy the weight path of completion module (see 2.) into configs/config_files/ISCNet.yaml as

    weight: ['out/iscnet/a_folder_with_completion_module/model_best.pth']

    Then jointly finetune RfD-Net by

    python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet.yaml --mode train

    It will save the trained model weight at out/iscnet/a_folder_with_RfD-Net/model_best.pth


Copy the weight path of RfD-Net (see 3. above) into configs/config_files/ISCNet_test.yaml as

weight: ['out/iscnet/a_folder_with_RfD-Net/model_best.pth']

Run below to output all scenes in the test set.

python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_test.yaml --mode test

The 3D scenes for visualization are saved in the folder of out/iscnet/a_folder_with_generated_scenes/visualization. You can visualize a triplet of (input, pred, gt) following a demo below

python utils/scannet/visualization/ 

If everything goes smooth, there will be three windows (corresponding to input, pred, gt) popped up by sequence as

Input Prediction Ground-truth


You can choose each of the following ways for evaluation.

  1. You can export all scenes above to calculate the evaluation metrics with any external library (for researchers who would like to unify the benchmark). Lower the dump_threshold in ISCNet_test.yaml in generation to enable more object proposals for mAP calculation (e.g. dump_threshold=0.05).

  2. In our evaluation, we voxelize the 3D scenes to keep consistent resolution with the baseline methods. To enable this,

    1. make sure the executable binvox are downloaded and configured as an experiment variable (e.g. export its path in ~/.bashrc for Ubuntu). It will be deployed by Trimesh.

    2. Change the ISCNet_test.yaml as below for evaluation.

         evaluate_mesh_mAP: True
         dump_results: False

    Run below to report the evaluation results.

    python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_test.yaml --mode test

    The log file will saved in out/iscnet/a_folder_named_with_script_time/log.txt

Differences to the paper

  1. The original paper was implemented with Pytorch 1.1.0, and we reconfigure our code to fit with Pytorch 1.7.1.
  2. A post processing step to align the reconstructed shapes to the input scan is supported. We have verified that it can improve the evaluation performance by a small margin. You can switch on/off it following
  3. A different learning rate scheduler is adopted. The learning rate decreases to 0.1x if there is no gain within 20 steps, which is much more efficient.


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing

    title={RfD-Net: Point Scene Understanding by Semantic Instance Reconstruction},
    author={Nie, Yinyu and Hou, Ji and Han, Xiaoguang and Nie{\ss}ner, Matthias},
    booktitle={Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE},


RfD-Net is relased under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

  • Different per category AP scores from the paper & potential bug in the evaluation

    Different per category AP scores from the paper & potential bug in the evaluation

    Hello, thanks for the amazing work!

    I'm trying to reproduce the results with the pre-trained model, but I got quite different per category AP scores from the paper:

    |           | display | bathtub | trashbin | sofa  | chair | table | cabinet | bookshelf | mAP   |
    | --------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ------- | --------- | ----- |
    | paper     | 26.67   | 27.57   | 23.34    | 15.71 | 12.23 | 1.92  | 14.48   | 13.39     | 16.90 |
    | reproduce | 23.13   | 15.89   | 18.00    | 41.61 | 10.13 | 0.95  | 26.35   | 9.10      | 18.14 |

    Besides, there seems to be a lot of false positives at conf_thresh = 0.05:

    ----------iou_thresh: 0.500000----------
    [eval mesh] table
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.0037091005431182937 (28.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.05063291139240506(28.0/553) | ap = 0.00946969696969697
    [eval mesh] chair
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.01814809908597165 (137.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.1253430924062214(137.0/1093) | ap = 0.10131491817235834
    [eval mesh] bookshelf
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.002119486024639025 (16.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.07547169811320754(16.0/212) | ap = 0.09090909090909091
    [eval mesh] sofa
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.007948072592396344 (60.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.5309734513274337(60.0/113) | ap = 0.416168487597059
    [eval mesh] trash_bin
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.010994833752814943 (83.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.3577586206896552(83.0/232) | ap = 0.18000805806512327
    [eval mesh] cabinet
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.017618227579811897 (133.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.5115384615384615(133.0/260) | ap = 0.26358882912551806
    [eval mesh] display
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.008610411975096039 (65.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.3403141361256545(65.0/191) | ap = 0.23137496193523358
    [eval mesh] bathtub
    [eval mesh] prec = 0.005961054444297258 (45.0/7549.0 | rec = 0.375(45.0/120) | ap = 0.15889753331566212

    Is this expected? Or should I use a higher confidence threshold?

    opened by ashawkey 7
  • demo executed fail

    demo executed fail

    Begin to finetune from the existing weight. Loading checkpoint from out/pretrained_models/pretrained_weight.pth. set() subnet missed. Weights for finetuning loaded. Loading data. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 38, in File "/home//code/RfDNet-main/", line 409, in run our_data = generate(cfg, net.module, input_data, post_processing=False) File "/home//code/RfDNet-main/", line 223, in generate eval_dict, parsed_predictions = parse_predictions(end_points, data, cfg.eval_config) File "/home/**/code/RfDNet-main/net_utils/", line 257, in parse_predictions assert (len(pick) > 0) AssertionError

    opened by lonsathing 2
  • distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with

    distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools"

    Hi, I've been trying this code on Windows with Python3.7  Pytorch1.7.1. And I'm having this now:

    subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'cmd /u /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 && set' returned non-zero exit status 255.

    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": al-cpp-build-tools/

    I've installed the build tools from the given link and configure my environment variables and all possible solutions from the Internet. But the issue stayed.

    Any advice?

    Many thanks!

    opened by YuQiao0303 2
  • ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled preprocessed ScanNet data not provided

    ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled preprocessed ScanNet data not provided

    In your Preprocessed ScanNet data, ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled is not provided (only watertight_scaled_simplified is provided). Please provide ShapeNetv2_data/watertight_scaled, thanks

    opened by KangchengLiu 2
  • Missing file external.pointnet2.pytorch_utils

    Missing file external.pointnet2.pytorch_utils

    When I run command python --config configs/config_files/ISCNet_detection.yaml --mode train, I met the following error.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 31, in <module>
        import train
      File "/home/Projects/RfDNet/", line 4, in <module>
        from models.optimizers import load_optimizer, load_scheduler, load_bnm_scheduler
      File "/home/Projects/RfDNet/models/", line 5, in <module>
        from external.pointnet2.pytorch_utils import BNMomentumScheduler
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'external.pointnet2'
    opened by CurryYuan 2
  • Project not building

    Project not building

    Hi, thank you for making your codebase public. Unfortunately I cannot build the project, as for the environemt.yml gives an error for the pointnet. I tried to intstall it seperately but still it does not work. Are you sure the project is working with pytorch 1.7.1?

    opened by gchal 2
  • Same data for validation set and testing set

    Same data for validation set and testing set

    By chance, I find the data splitting files for validation and testing are identical. I wonder whether it uses the same data for validation and testing. test data validation data

    opened by Co1lin 1
  • Demo is not executing successfully

    Demo is not executing successfully

    The demo file is not running successfully at all. It's not showing any error and logs. I tried to decipher the code and found that in file its not able to import "net_utils.utils" module. The code is stuck on line 22. I tried to print a string before the import and after the import. But only a string before the import statement is printed. For reference screenshot is attached. scannet. I have followed every step mentioned in file. Please help.

    opened by shifaezainab 0
  • ChamferDistance


    Dear @yinyunie , When running file (after finishing all the above installations), i met an error about the ChamferDistance file. I also run the file alone but still met that error:

    nvcc fatal : Unknown option '-generate-dependencies-with-compile' ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

    opened by trungpham2606 2
Yinyu Nie
currently a Ph.D. student at NCCA, Bournemouth University.
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