Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation, ICCV2021


Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation

Pytorch Implementation of our paper Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation accepted by ICCV2021. We propose a Transformer-based model STTran to generate dynamic scene graphs of the given video. STTran can detect the visual relationships in each frame.

The introduction video is available now:

GitHub Logo

About the code We run the code on a single RTX2080ti for both training and testing. We borrowed some code from Yang's repository and Zellers' repository.


We use python=3.6, pytorch=1.1 and torchvision=0.3 in our code. First, clone the repository:

git clone

We borrow some compiled code for bbox operations.

cd lib/draw_rectangles
python build_ext --inplace
cd ..
cd fpn/box_intersections_cpu
python build_ext --inplace

For the object detector part, please follow the compilation from We provide a pretrained FasterRCNN model for Action Genome. Please download here and put it in



We use the dataset Action Genome to train/evaluate our method. Please process the downloaded dataset with the Toolkit. The directories of the dataset should look like:

|-- action_genome
    |-- annotations   #gt annotations
    |-- frames        #sampled frames
    |-- videos        #original videos

In the experiments for SGCLS/SGDET, we only keep bounding boxes with short edges larger than 16 pixels. Please download the file object_bbox_and_relationship_filtersmall.pkl and put it in the dataloader


You can train the STTran with We trained the model on a RTX 2080ti:

  • For PredCLS:
python -mode predcls -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH 
  • For SGCLS:
python -mode sgcls -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH 
  • For SGDET:
python -mode sgdet -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH 


You can evaluate the STTran with

python -m predcls -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH -model_path $MODELPATH
python -m sgcls -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH -model_path $MODELPATH
python -m sgdet -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH -model_path $MODELPATH


If our work is helpful for your research, please cite our publication:

  title={Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation},
  author={Cong, Yuren and Liao, Wentong and Ackermann, Hanno and Rosenhahn, Bodo and Yang, Michael Ying},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},


When you have any question/idea about the code/paper. Please comment in Github or send us Email. We will reply as soon as possible.

  • How to use faster rcnn?

    How to use faster rcnn?

    您好,打扰了!请问目前编译 jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch,是需要将您仓库中的fasterRCNN目录下文件替换为 中文件、修改 中代码,然后按照 jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch 的readme要求进行编译吗?此外, jwyang中的faster rcnn对于环境的要求似乎与您readme中的环境不同,请问会有影响吗?

    opened by Yassin-fan 5
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.fpn.box_intersections_cpu.bbox'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.fpn.box_intersections_cpu.bbox'

    thanks for your great job. when I followed README, and try to run the train command:

    python -mode predcls -datasize large -data_path $DATAPATH

    I had some problem. First, in dataloader/, from scipy.misc import imread . the lib scipy seems not surport the fuction imread in latest version. so i change it to from imageio import imread

    Second, when I continue totry to run the project, a new problem occured: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lib.fpn.box_intersections_cpu.bbox' it means i didnt generate the file in this directory, so I went back to

    cd fpn/box_intersections_cpu python install ( i found if i dont add 'install ' , the command cant work)

    and then

    ~/project/STTran/lib/fpn/box_intersections_cpu$ python install running install running build running build_ext running install_lib running install_egg_info Removing /home/liujingwei/anaconda3/envs/scene_graph_benchmark/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bbox_cython-0.0.0-py3.7.egg-info Writing /home/liujingwei/anaconda3/envs/scene_graph_benchmark/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bbox_cython-0.0.0-py3.7.egg-info

    So, it didnt generate the file(lib.fpn.box_intersections_cpu.bbox), and i dont know how to fix it, then I may need your help.^_^

    opened by PrimoWW 5
  • use glove failed

    use glove failed

    Thanks for your codes, its helpful! but some error happend when i run the Train command,error like this:

    The CKPT saved here: data/
    spatial encoder layer num: 1 / temporal decoder layer num: 3
    mode : predcls
    save_path : data/
    model_path : None
    data_path : /home/abc/NewDisk/origin_datasets/ActionGenome/dataset/ag/
    datasize : large
    ckpt : None
    optimizer : adamw
    lr : 1e-05
    nepoch : 10
    enc_layer : 1
    dec_layer : 3
    bce_loss : False
    -------loading annotations---------slowly-----------
    There are 7584 videos and 177330 valid frames
    144 videos are invalid (no person), remove them
    49 videos are invalid (only one frame), remove them
    21643 frames have no human bbox in GT, remove them!
    -------loading annotations---------slowly-----------
    There are 1750 videos and 56923 valid frames
    41 videos are invalid (no person), remove them
    19 videos are invalid (only one frame), remove them
    8636 frames have no human bbox in GT, remove them!
    loading word vectors from data/
    loading word vectors from /home/abc/NewDisk/model_zoo/STTran/
    __background__ -> __background__ 
    fail on __background__

    The program is stuck at this point, so i wonder why? Thanks!

    opened by ghostlyFeng 4
  • fasterRCNN compilation error with python 3.8 and pytorch 1.12 cuda 11.3

    fasterRCNN compilation error with python 3.8 and pytorch 1.12 cuda 11.3

    I.m trying to setup sttran from scratch and I'm getting errors while setting up fasterRCNN package. The command I run is : STTran/fasterRCNN/lib: python install

    fatal error: THC/THC.h: No such file or directory
        5 | #include <THC/THC.h>
          |          ^~~~~~~~~~~
    compilation terminated.
    opened by zee-fee 3
  • the Action Genome Dump frames of this paper

    the Action Genome Dump frames of this paper

    In your readme, it is said to follow JingweiJ/ActionGenome to get the dataset. Could you please supply the version of your ffmpeg? For I followed JingweiJ/ActionGenome and get the empty folders of all the videos. By the way, I'd like to know whether you use 'python tools/ --all_frames' or just 'python tools/' to get the dataset? Thanks for your work!

    opened by Yassin-fan 3
  • RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (78) : a PTX JIT compilation failed at

    RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (78) : a PTX JIT compilation failed at

    Wonderful code! Howerever,I encountered the following error.Did I miss something that caused this error?

    mode : predcls save_path : /media/wow/disk2/AG/save model_path : /media/wow/disk2/AG/predcls.tar data_path : /media/wow/disk2/AG/dataset datasize : large ckpt : None optimizer : adamw lr : 1e-05 nepoch : 10 enc_layer : 1 dec_layer : 3 bce_loss : False -------loading annotations---------slowly----------- --------------------finish!------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx There are 1750 videos and 56923 valid frames 41 videos are invalid (no person), remove them 19 videos are invalid (only one frame), remove them 8636 frames have no human bbox in GT, remove them! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx loading word vectors from data/ loading word vectors from /media/wow/disk2/AG/ background -> background fail on background

    CKPT /media/wow/disk2/AG/predcls.tar is loaded THCudaCheck FAIL file=/home/cong/Dokumente/faster-rcnn.pytorch/lib/model/csrc/cuda/ line=297 error=78 : a PTX JIT compilation failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 80, in entry = object_detector(im_data, im_info, gt_boxes, num_boxes, gt_annotation, im_all=None) File "/home/wow/anaconda2/envs/STTran/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/media/wow/disk2/STT/STTran-main/lib/", line 306, in forward FINAL_FEATURES = self.fasterRCNN.RCNN_roi_align(FINAL_BASE_FEATURES, FINAL_BBOXES) File "/home/wow/anaconda2/envs/STTran/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/media/wow/disk2/STT/STTran-main/fasterRCNN/lib/model/roi_layers/", line 58, in forward input, rois, self.output_size, self.spatial_scale, self.sampling_ratio File "/media/wow/disk2/STT/STTran-main/fasterRCNN/lib/model/roi_layers/", line 20, in forward output = _C.roi_align_forward(input, roi, spatial_scale, output_size[0], output_size[1], sampling_ratio) RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (78) : a PTX JIT compilation failed at /home/cong/Dokumente/faster-rcnn.pytorch/lib/model/csrc/cuda/

    opened by Tudouu 3
  • Problem with torch.utils.ffi

    Problem with torch.utils.ffi


    I am trying to run your code but I'm coming across some issues regarding torch.utils.ffi. I compiled the draw_rectangles, fpn. Then compiled faster rcnn as instructed and copied the files over the fasterRCNN folder inside STTran, but when I try to run the code as it tries to resolve all the dependencies from line 10 on from lib.object_detector import detector it crashes with the following error:

    File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/", line 10, in from lib.object_detector import detector File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/lib/", line 10, in from fasterRCNN.lib.model.faster_rcnn.resnet import resnet File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/faster_rcnn/", line 6, in from fasterRCNN.lib.model.faster_rcnn.faster_rcnn import _fasterRCNN File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/faster_rcnn/", line 10, in from model.rpn.rpn import _RPN File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/rpn/", line 8, in from .proposal_layer import _ProposalLayer File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/rpn/", line 20, in from model.nms.nms_wrapper import nms File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/nms/", line 10, in from model.nms.nms_gpu import nms_gpu File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/nms/", line 4, in from ._ext import nms File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/nms/_ext/nms/", line 2, in from torch.utils.ffi import _wrap_function File "/media/hdd5/raphael/HOI/HOI_env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/ffi/", line 1, in raise ImportError("torch.utils.ffi is deprecated. Please use cpp extensions instead.") ImportError: torch.utils.ffi is deprecated. Please use cpp extensions instead.

    This seems to be deprecated for pytorch versions > 0.4 but on the repo, it is stated to use 1.1. Strangely I tried downgrading to torch==0.4.1 but the same error persists. Any ideas on how to work around that would be appreciated!

    opened by RRuschel 2
  • clean_class in ObjectClassifier

    clean_class in ObjectClassifier

    Thanx for ur wonderful work. It seems that the clean_class replaces the categories of those data that originally classified as class_ idx with their second highest confidence categories when it is sgdet mode. Could you explain why this operation performs here? Thanx again. Waiting for reply : )

    opened by jkli-aa 2
  • About SGCLS

    About SGCLS

    Hi! I tried your code but I have found that the evaluation for sgcls is extremely low (near to 0) and the predcls and sgdet were the same with your paper. Could you please give me some hint about this problem or could you please check your code for sgcls again? Thank you so much!

    opened by qiuyue1993 2
  • view size is not compatible with input tensor for sgdet

    view size is not compatible with input tensor for sgdet

    Hi, thanks for your code and paper in advance. However, I have a small question. When I run the training code in predcls or sgcls mode, everything is fine but when I run the training code in sgdet mode, the error below shows:

    File "/home/quhaoxuan/STTran/fasterRCNN/lib/model/rpn/", line 50, in reshape x = x.view( RuntimeError: view size is not compatible with input tensor's size and stride (at least one dimension spans across two contiguous subspaces). Use .reshape(...) instead.

    I understand that this function seems to be only triggered in sgdet setting. But can I ask is there any suggestions on any possible solutions to this error? Many thanks in advance

    opened by Harryqu123 2
  • Decoder_lin in Object Classifier

    Decoder_lin in Object Classifier

    Hi, I want to make sure for "sgdet" task, why is the decoder_lin not used during testing

    Does it mean that the object prediction labels from the faserRCNN are used directly in "sgdet"? Then why is decoder_lin trained?

    opened by Shengyu-Feng 2
  • Test set for performance metrics

    Test set for performance metrics

    @yrcong What train-val-test split is used with Action Genome dataset? From the codebase, it seems like the same test set was used as validation set during training (in and also as test set in ( What dataset split is used for reported metrics in paper?

    opened by zee-fee 1
  • video action recognition visualization

    video action recognition visualization

    In the introduction video on youtube, we see the author visualize the recognition of human actions in video frames. What I want to know is, did the author include the code for video action recognition visualization in the code? I hope the author can provide some help, thank you very much

    opened by lili124 1
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