Hello, I am new in PyTorch but i implemented DeepAR model by your implementation. I need a help to make time window inference. i am saving model as .pkl in the base model and I have modified the evaluate.py code a bit. what i need is predict function that will take a time window and give the prediction result. so far I have done this
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jun 13 13:42:11 2020
import argparse
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data.sampler import RandomSampler
from tqdm import tqdm
import utils
import model.net as net
from dataloader import *
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
logger = logging.getLogger('DeepAR.Eval')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dataset', default='test_dataset', help='Name of the dataset')
parser.add_argument('--data-folder', default='data', help='Parent dir of the dataset')
parser.add_argument('--model-name', default='base_model', help='Directory containing params.json')
parser.add_argument('--relative-metrics', action='store_true', help='Whether to normalize the metrics by label scales')
parser.add_argument('--sampling', action='store_true', help='Whether to sample during evaluation')
parser.add_argument('--restore-file', default='best',
help='Optional, name of the file in --model_dir containing weights to reload before \
def evaluate(model, loss_fn, test_loader, params, plot_num, sample=True):
'''Evaluate the model on the test set.
model: (torch.nn.Module) the Deep AR model
loss_fn: a function that takes outputs and labels per timestep, and then computes the loss for the batch
test_loader: load test data and labels
params: (Params) hyperparameters
plot_num: (-1): evaluation from evaluate.py; else (epoch): evaluation on epoch
sample: (boolean) do ancestral sampling or directly use output mu from last time step
with torch.no_grad():
print("In model .eval")
plot_batch = np.random.randint(len(test_loader))
print("plot_batch value in evaluation", plot_batch)
summary_metric = {}
raw_metrics = utils.init_metrics(sample=sample)
# Test_loader:
# test_batch ([batch_size, train_window, 1+cov_dim]): z_{0:T-1} + x_{1:T}, note that z_0 = 0;
# id_batch ([batch_size]): one integer denoting the time series id;
# v ([batch_size, 2]): scaling factor for each window;
# labels ([batch_size, train_window]): z_{1:T}.
for i, (test_batch, id_batch, v, labels) in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)):
test_batch = test_batch.permute(1, 0, 2).to(torch.float32).to(params.device)
id_batch = id_batch.unsqueeze(0).to(params.device)
v_batch = v.to(torch.float32).to(params.device)
labels = labels.to(torch.float32).to(params.device)
batch_size = test_batch.shape[1]
input_mu = torch.zeros(batch_size, params.test_predict_start, device=params.device) # scaled
input_sigma = torch.zeros(batch_size, params.test_predict_start, device=params.device) # scaled
hidden = model.init_hidden(batch_size)
cell = model.init_cell(batch_size)
for t in range(params.test_predict_start):
# if z_t is missing, replace it by output mu from the last time step
zero_index = (test_batch[t,:,0] == 0)
if t > 0 and torch.sum(zero_index) > 0:
test_batch[t,zero_index,0] = mu[zero_index]
mu, sigma, hidden, cell = model(test_batch[t].unsqueeze(0), id_batch, hidden, cell)
input_mu[:,t] = v_batch[:, 0] * mu + v_batch[:, 1]
input_sigma[:,t] = v_batch[:, 0] * sigma
if sample:
samples, sample_mu, sample_sigma = model.test(test_batch, v_batch, id_batch, hidden, cell, sampling=True)
raw_metrics = utils.update_metrics(raw_metrics, input_mu, input_sigma, sample_mu, labels, params.test_predict_start, samples, relative = params.relative_metrics)
sample_mu, sample_sigma = model.test(test_batch, v_batch, id_batch, hidden, cell)
raw_metrics = utils.update_metrics(raw_metrics, input_mu, input_sigma, sample_mu, labels, params.test_predict_start, relative = params.relative_metrics)
if i == plot_batch:
if sample:
sample_metrics = utils.get_metrics(sample_mu, labels, params.test_predict_start, samples, relative = params.relative_metrics)
sample_metrics = utils.get_metrics(sample_mu, labels, params.test_predict_start, relative = params.relative_metrics)
# select 10 from samples with highest error and 10 from the rest
top_10_nd_sample = (-sample_metrics['ND']).argsort()[:batch_size // 10] # hard coded to be 10
chosen = set(top_10_nd_sample.tolist())
all_samples = set(range(batch_size))
not_chosen = np.asarray(list(all_samples - chosen))
if batch_size < 100: # make sure there are enough unique samples to choose top 10 from
random_sample_10 = np.random.choice(top_10_nd_sample, size=10, replace=True)
random_sample_10 = np.random.choice(top_10_nd_sample, size=10, replace=False)
if batch_size < 12: # make sure there are enough unique samples to choose bottom 90 from
random_sample_90 = np.random.choice(not_chosen, size=10, replace=True)
random_sample_90 = np.random.choice(not_chosen, size=10, replace=False)
combined_sample = np.concatenate((random_sample_10, random_sample_90))
label_plot = labels[combined_sample].data.cpu().numpy()
predict_mu = sample_mu[combined_sample].data.cpu().numpy()
predict_sigma = sample_sigma[combined_sample].data.cpu().numpy()
plot_mu = np.concatenate((input_mu[combined_sample].data.cpu().numpy(), predict_mu), axis=1)
plot_sigma = np.concatenate((input_sigma[combined_sample].data.cpu().numpy(), predict_sigma), axis=1)
plot_metrics = {_k: _v[combined_sample] for _k, _v in sample_metrics.items()}
plot_eight_windows(params.plot_dir, plot_mu, plot_sigma, label_plot, params.test_window, params.test_predict_start, plot_num, plot_metrics, sample)
summary_metric = utils.final_metrics(raw_metrics, sampling=sample)
metrics_string = '; '.join('{}: {:05.3f}'.format(k, v) for k, v in summary_metric.items())
logger.info('- Full test metrics: ' + metrics_string)
return summary_metric
def plot_eight_windows(plot_dir,
x = np.arange(window_size)
f = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 42), constrained_layout=True)
nrows = 21
ncols = 1
ax = f.subplots(nrows, ncols)
for k in range(nrows):
if k == 10:
ax[k].plot(x, x, color='g')
ax[k].plot(x, x[::-1], color='g')
ax[k].set_title('This separates top 10 and bottom 90', fontsize=10)
m = k if k < 10 else k - 1
# for 24 hour predictioon
y_lower= predict_values[m,predict_start:]-predict_sigma[m,predict_start:]
y_upper=predict_values[m,predict_start:]+ predict_sigma[m,predict_start:]
y2_lower=predict_values[m,predict_start:] - 2 * predict_sigma[m,predict_start:]
y2_upper=predict_values[m,predict_start:] + 2 * predict_sigma[m,predict_start:]
#Visualgraph for 192 hour windows that is week based hourly prediction
ax[k].plot(x, predict_values[m], color='b')
ax[k].fill_between(x[predict_start:], predict_values[m, predict_start:] - 2 * predict_sigma[m, predict_start:],
predict_values[m, predict_start:] + 2 * predict_sigma[m, predict_start:], color='blue',
ax[k].plot(x, labels[m, :], color='r')
ax[k].axvline(predict_start, color='g', linestyle='dashed')
#metrics = utils.final_metrics_({_k: [_i[k] for _i in _v] for _k, _v in plot_metrics.items()})
plot_metrics_str = f'ND: {plot_metrics["ND"][m]: .3f} ' \
f'RMSE: {plot_metrics["RMSE"][m]: .3f}'
if sampling:
plot_metrics_str += f' rou90: {plot_metrics["rou90"][m]: .3f} ' \
f'rou50: {plot_metrics["rou50"][m]: .3f}'
ax[k].set_title(plot_metrics_str, fontsize=10)
f.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, str(plot_num) + '.png'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Load the parameters
args = parser.parse_args()
model_dir = os.path.join('experiments', args.model_name)
json_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'params.json')
data_dir = os.path.join(args.data_folder, args.dataset)
assert os.path.isfile(json_path), 'No json configuration file found at {}'.format(json_path)
params = utils.Params(json_path)
utils.set_logger(os.path.join(model_dir, 'eval.log'))
params.relative_metrics = args.relative_metrics
params.sampling = args.sampling
params.model_dir = model_dir
params.plot_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, 'figures')
cuda_exist = torch.cuda.is_available() # use GPU is available
# Set random seeds for reproducible experiments if necessary
if cuda_exist:
params.device = torch.device('cuda')
# torch.cuda.manual_seed(240)
logger.info('Using Cuda...')
model = net.Net(params).cuda()
params.device = torch.device('cpu')
# torch.manual_seed(230)
logger.info('Not using cuda...')
model = net.Net(params)
# Create the input data pipeline
logger.info('Loading the datasets...')
test_set = TestDataset(data_dir, args.dataset, params.num_class)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=params.predict_batch, sampler=RandomSampler(test_set), num_workers=4)
logger.info('- done.')
print('model: ', model)
loss_fn = net.loss_fn
logger.info('Starting evaluation')
# Reload weights from the saved file
utils.load_checkpoint(os.path.join(model_dir, args.restore_file + '.pkl'), model)
test_metrics = evaluate(model, loss_fn, test_loader, params, -1, params.sampling)
save_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'metrics_test_{}.json'.format(args.restore_file))
utils.save_dict_to_json(test_metrics, save_path)
so up to this
in plot window function plot_eight_windows i am calculating my y_pred, y_true, y_upper,y_lower, and save those files into a folder. what i have done is i have processed a test dataset and saved it in differnt folder for only inference purposes. and i use this it is in pretrained model in best_pkl. I am getting result but i am in confusion like , am i evaluating here or doing actual inference. what if I call a time range
2020-04-25 00:00:00 and want to predict the related values o. using my pretrained model. Kindly help me to sort it out