Zeyuan Chen, Yangchao Wang, Yang Yang and Dong Liu.


Principled S2R Dehazing

This repository contains the official implementation for PSD Framework introduced in the following paper:

PSD: Principled Synthetic to Real Dehazing Guided by Physical Priors
Zeyuan Chen, Yangchao Wang, Yang Yang, Dong Liu
CVPR 2021 (Oral)


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

    author    = {Chen, Zeyuan and Wang, Yangchao and Yang, Yang and Liu, Dong},
    title     = {PSD: Principled Synthetic-to-Real Dehazing Guided by Physical Priors},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {7180-7189}


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.3.0

Pre-trained Model

Model File size Download
PSD-MSBDN 126M Google Drive
PSD-FFANET 24M Google Drive
PSD-GCANET 9M Google Drive

百度网盘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1M1RO5AZaYcZtckb-OzfXgw (提取码: ixcz)

In the paper, all the qualitative results and most visual comparisons are produced by PSD-MSBDN model.


python test.py
  • Note that the test.py file is hard coded, and the default code is for the testing of PSD-FFANET model. If you want to test the other two models, you need to modify the code. See annotations in test.py and it would only take seconds.
  • If the program reports an error when going through A-Net, please make sure that your PyTorch version is 1.3.0. You could also solve the problem by resize the input of A-Net to 512×512 or delete A-Net (only for testing). See issue #5 for more information.

Train Custom Model by PSD

Modify the network:

As most existing dehazing models are end-to-end, you are supposed to modify the network to make it a physics-baesd one.

To be specific, take GCANet as an example. In its GCANet.py file, the variable y in Line 96 is the final feature map. You should replace the final deconv layer by two branches for transmission maps and dehazing results, separately. The branch can be consisted of two simple convolutional layers. In addition, you should also add an A-Net to generate atmosphere light.


With the modified Network, you can do the pre-train phase with synthetic data. In our settings, we use OTS from RESIDE dataset as the data for pre-training.

In main.py, we present the pipeline and loss settings for the pre-training of PSD-FFANet, you can take it as an example and modify it to fit your own model.

Based on our observations, the pre-train models usually have similar performance (sometimes suffer slight drops) on PSNR and SSIM compared with the original models.


Start from a pre-trained model, you can fine-tune it with real-world data in an unsupervised manner. We use RTTS from RESIDE dataset as our fine-tuning data. We also process all hazy images in RTTS by CLAHE for convenience.

You can find both RTTS and our pre-processed data in this Link (code: wxty). Code for the fine-tuning of the three provided models is included in finetune.py.

  • some code errors in test.py

    some code errors in test.py

    Thanks for you excellent work! but , when I use test.py , there are some errors .

      Such as ,   model.cuda & net.cuda & batchnormal error.
      Can you check your test.py code?

    Thanks a lot.

    opened by peylnog 8
  • 训练验证的一些问题



    我们仅进行了如下修改: 1.由于RESIDE/SOTS/indoor内的clear和hazy尺寸不对应,我们对真值进行了resize:

        H, W, C = np.shape(haze_img)
        gt_img = gt_img.resize((W, H), Image.ANTIALIAS)



    1. utilis.py 第 112 行 应改为: dehaze = net(haze, haze_A, True)
    2. utilis.py 96、97行 代码应该隐去
    3. ......


    opened by xiaoyuan1996 6
  • 显存不足的问题


    在运行main.py时(使用FFA),出现了 RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 32.00 MiB (GPU 0; 6.00 GiB total capacity; 4.30 GiB already allocated; 25.12 MiB free; 4.30 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF 在减少了batch_size,num_workers等后仍然如此,将训练集的数量减少至几十张的情况下,仍然如此,请问是训练算法本身的开销就是如此巨大吗,期待您的回复

    opened by Tennyson0331 5
  • 关于finetune


    感谢您能为此出色的工作提供开源代码和微调后的模型! 我对微调的无监督过程中各个损失函数的设置比较感兴趣,希望在您的预训练的基础上重新微调模型。 请问您能否提供在finetune.py中需要load的预训练的模型(如MSBDN/FFANet),以及使用CLAHE对RTTS做预处理的代码呢? 另外,想确认一下,您使用了CLAHE预处理后的数据进行微调,而不是原始RTTS数据是吗?

    opened by ZekaiShao25 4
  • test时出现问题


    您好,我在尝试运行test.py文件时遇到下列问题。 我将需要测试的图片放在新建的data文件夹中,但是出现以下问题

    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:62: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:62: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:124: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:124: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/sweet_li/Desktop/PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main/PSD/test.py", line 38, in <module>
        test_data_loader = DataLoader(TestData_FFA(test_data_dir), batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) # For FFA and MSBDN
      File "C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py", line 491, in __init__
        self.haze_names = list(os.walk(self.haze_dir))[0][2]
    IndexError: list index out of range
    进程已结束,退出代码为 1

    在我注释掉self.haze_names = list(os.walk(self.haze_dir))[0][2]这一行之后,又出现

    D:\anaconda\python.exe C:/Users/sweet_li/Desktop/PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main/PSD/test.py
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:62: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:62: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:124: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\datasets\pretrain_datasets.py:124: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
      if list(haze.shape)[0] is not 3 or list(gt.shape)[0] is not 3:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 116, in spawn_main
        exitcode = _main(fd, parent_sentinel)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 125, in _main
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 236, in prepare
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 287, in _fixup_main_from_path
        main_content = runpy.run_path(main_path,
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\runpy.py", line 265, in run_path
        return _run_module_code(code, init_globals, run_name,
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\runpy.py", line 97, in _run_module_code
        _run_code(code, mod_globals, init_globals,
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\runpy.py", line 87, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "C:\Users\sweet_li\Desktop\PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors-main\PSD\test.py", line 47, in <module>
        for batch_id, val_data in enumerate(test_data_loader):
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\dataloader.py", line 359, in __iter__
        return self._get_iterator()
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\dataloader.py", line 305, in _get_iterator
        return _MultiProcessingDataLoaderIter(self)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\dataloader.py", line 918, in __init__
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\process.py", line 121, in start
        self._popen = self._Popen(self)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\context.py", line 224, in _Popen
        return _default_context.get_context().Process._Popen(process_obj)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\context.py", line 327, in _Popen
        return Popen(process_obj)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\popen_spawn_win32.py", line 45, in __init__
        prep_data = spawn.get_preparation_data(process_obj._name)
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 154, in get_preparation_data
      File "D:\anaconda\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 134, in _check_not_importing_main
        raise RuntimeError('''
            An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
            current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
            This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
            child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
            in the main module:
                if __name__ == '__main__':
            The "freeze_support()" line can be omitted if the program
            is not going to be frozen to produce an executable.


    opened by 011043 4
  • Can you share the yolov3 model for object detction?

    Can you share the yolov3 model for object detction?

    Hi, Thanks for your sharing of your work. And I want to follow your work. However, when I test the detect the object in RTTS the results can not achieve your report. When I use the MSBDN to dehaze the image, and detect the object with Yolov3 by pytorch, and evaluate the mAP, the results is decreased than the hazy images. Can you give some suggestion?

    opened by syzlhh 4
  • test.py中使用“PSB-MSBDN”模型报错


    test.py当我使用您提供的'PSD-FFANET'模型时测试没有问题; 但是当切换成使用‘’PSB-MSBDN‘’模型时报错:

    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "module.convd4xconvd4x.conv2d.weight", "module.convd4xconvd4x.conv2d.bias". Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "module.convd4x.conv2d.weight", "module.convd4x.conv2d.bias".


    opened by LiMinghui19 3
  • License for this model

    License for this model

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful results with us!

    I have successfully converted your model to ONNX. If possible, I would like to share this model in my repository, what is the license? My model conversion scripts are released under the MIT license, but the license of the source model itself is subject to the license of the provider repository.

    • My Repo https://github.com/PINTO0309/PINTO_model_zoo

    Model format that was successfully converted

    1. ONNX
    2. TensorFlow Lite
    3. TFJS
    4. TFTRT
    5. CoreML
    6. OpenVINO
    7. Myriad Inference Blob
    opened by PINTO0309 3
  • Could you please share the code that PSD used in yolov3? Thank you!

    Could you please share the code that PSD used in yolov3? Thank you!

    Thank you for your work! Could you please share the code that PSD used in yolov3? I have emailed you twice but didn't recive the answer. Thank you so much!

    opened by Eazin-g 2
  • 数据集问题


    非常出色的工作,感谢您愿意开源代码与模型! 我对您工作中使用的数据集存在一些疑问,希望您能不吝赐教:

    1. 请问您在预训练的过程中使用的OTS数据集是来源于RESIDE:v0版本(313950对图片)还是RESIDE:β版本(72135对图片)呢?是否有对数据集进行采样呢?
    2. 关于finetune过程中使用的数据集,您在论文中提到使用的是URHI,但在此处使用的似乎是RTTS,或者是我产生了误解么?以及是否有进行采样呢? 希望您有时间时能够给予解答,万分感谢!
    opened by Emersonzyh 2
  • 预训练问题


    您好,感谢为图像去雾提供了一个很好的解决思路,向您表示真挚的感谢。但是在运行main.py的时候,选择的是FFANet,前面DATALOADER的时候是正确的,输出的:DATALOADER ### DONE!也开了第一个Epoch,但是之后就开始报错了,具体的显示如下(为了验证可行性,只选择了34张照片进行训练):DATALOADER DONE! Epoch: 0, Iteration: 0, Loss: 0.14289504289627075, Rec_Loss1: 0.05949130654335022, Rec_loss2: 0.08340374380350113 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 1, Loss: 0.04430900514125824, Rec_Loss1: 0.02571740560233593, Rec_loss2: 0.01859159767627716 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 2, Loss: 0.1531301736831665, Rec_Loss1: 0.07720714807510376, Rec_loss2: 0.07592301815748215 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 3, Loss: 0.04206860437989235, Rec_Loss1: 0.014385269023478031, Rec_loss2: 0.027683334425091743 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 4, Loss: 0.024794980883598328, Rec_Loss1: 0.018735533580183983, Rec_loss2: 0.0060594468377530575 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 5, Loss: 0.02767857350409031, Rec_Loss1: 0.004832420963793993, Rec_loss2: 0.022846153005957603 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 6, Loss: 0.05871203541755676, Rec_Loss1: 0.02811766229569912, Rec_loss2: 0.030594373121857643 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 7, Loss: 0.05164826288819313, Rec_Loss1: 0.024732043966650963, Rec_loss2: 0.026916218921542168 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 8, Loss: 0.059729255735874176, Rec_Loss1: 0.0336235910654068, Rec_loss2: 0.026105666533112526 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 9, Loss: 0.03006775490939617, Rec_Loss1: 0.013887450098991394, Rec_loss2: 0.016180304810404778 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 10, Loss: 0.02384977787733078, Rec_Loss1: 0.011282042600214481, Rec_loss2: 0.012567736208438873 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 11, Loss: 0.028310412541031837, Rec_Loss1: 0.022773319855332375, Rec_loss2: 0.005537092685699463 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 12, Loss: 0.009352276101708412, Rec_Loss1: 0.002952676033601165, Rec_loss2: 0.006399600300937891 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 13, Loss: 0.011586668901145458, Rec_Loss1: 0.005171761382371187, Rec_loss2: 0.006414907518774271 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 14, Loss: 0.01459668017923832, Rec_Loss1: 0.005380912218242884, Rec_loss2: 0.009215767495334148 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 15, Loss: 0.01685214228928089, Rec_Loss1: 0.006959381978958845, Rec_loss2: 0.009892760775983334 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 16, Loss: 0.009804013185203075, Rec_Loss1: 0.0033319436479359865, Rec_loss2: 0.0064720697700977325 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 17, Loss: 0.016198759898543358, Rec_Loss1: 0.005649095866829157, Rec_loss2: 0.010549664497375488 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 18, Loss: 0.016497818753123283, Rec_Loss1: 0.007637546863406897, Rec_loss2: 0.008860272355377674 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 19, Loss: 0.007037108298391104, Rec_Loss1: 0.0028563570231199265, Rec_loss2: 0.004180751275271177 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 20, Loss: 0.024494905024766922, Rec_Loss1: 0.010508932173252106, Rec_loss2: 0.013985971920192242 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 21, Loss: 0.017702093347907066, Rec_Loss1: 0.0060675074346363544, Rec_loss2: 0.011634585447609425 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 22, Loss: 0.028357721865177155, Rec_Loss1: 0.005747524555772543, Rec_loss2: 0.022610196843743324 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 23, Loss: 0.018168855458498, Rec_Loss1: 0.004355086944997311, Rec_loss2: 0.01381376851350069 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 24, Loss: 0.018373781815171242, Rec_Loss1: 0.005595667753368616, Rec_loss2: 0.012778114527463913 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 25, Loss: 0.009770587086677551, Rec_Loss1: 0.006647426635026932, Rec_loss2: 0.0031231604516506195 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 26, Loss: 0.009897572919726372, Rec_Loss1: 0.0016765507170930505, Rec_loss2: 0.008221021853387356 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 27, Loss: 0.010041097179055214, Rec_Loss1: 0.0023588703479617834, Rec_loss2: 0.007682227063924074 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 28, Loss: 0.0069048767909407616, Rec_Loss1: 0.0014798814663663507, Rec_loss2: 0.005424995440989733 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 29, Loss: 0.02984018251299858, Rec_Loss1: 0.005807706620544195, Rec_loss2: 0.0240324754267931 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 30, Loss: 0.005661278031766415, Rec_Loss1: 0.0023895849008113146, Rec_loss2: 0.0032716933637857437 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 31, Loss: 0.021612636744976044, Rec_Loss1: 0.008022915571928024, Rec_loss2: 0.013589720241725445 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 32, Loss: 0.028909411281347275, Rec_Loss1: 0.010480371303856373, Rec_loss2: 0.018429039046168327 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 33, Loss: 0.010996435768902302, Rec_Loss1: 0.0022096827160567045, Rec_loss2: 0.008786752820014954 Epoch: 0, Iteration: 34, Loss: 0.009218547493219376, Rec_Loss1: 0.0021805008873343468, Rec_loss2: 0.007038047071546316 Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/xixixi/Dehaze/main.py", line 101, in val_psnr, val_ssim = validation(net, val_data_loader, device, category) # TypeError: validation() missing 1 required positional argument: 'category'

    进程已结束,退出代码为 1 ` 我对utils.py中的def validation进行了检查,没有察觉的有问题,该添加的路径和目录也添加了,但始终都报这个错误。 最后,对您的帮助表示感谢。

    opened by chenxiG 2
  • 预训练模型


    你好,最近我在使用您的代码跑自己的数据集,运行test.py效果还不错。但是在我运行finetune.py时,出现这样的错误:FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/model/nnice1216/DAD/MSBDNNet_pretrain.pth' 。我看了您之前回复的一些问题中知道,readme里面提供的模型是在预训练后进行过微调的模型。那么这里的报错出现的模型是什么模型呢,是未微调的嘛?我不是太理解,如果不是,是否可以提供一下呢。期待您的解答,感谢!

    opened by Zy-kim 1
  • Questions about the hyper-parameter generating CLAHE real images

    Questions about the hyper-parameter generating CLAHE real images

    Hello, Thanks for your incredible work! Now I'd like to run the PSD dehazing method on my own dataset. However, the fine-tuning step requires the CLAHE version of real haze images. I have downloaded the CLAHE code (Matlab version), but I'm not sure how to set the parameters in CLAHE. I'd appreciate it if you could offer some advice about how to set this hyper-parameter. Thanks!

    p.s. CLAHE code (Matlab Version)https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22182-contrast-limited-adaptive-histogram-equalization-clahe [CEImage] = runCLAHE(Image,XRes,YRes,Min,Max,NrX,NrY,NrBins,Cliplimit); % Image - The input/output image % XRes - Image resolution in the X direction % YRes - Image resolution in the Y direction % Min - Minimum greyvalue of input image (also becomes minimum of output image) % Max - Maximum greyvalue of input image (also becomes maximum of output image) % NrX - Number of contextial regions in the X direction (min 2, max uiMAX_REG_X) % NrY - Number of contextial regions in the Y direction (min 2, max uiMAX_REG_Y) % NrBins - Number of greybins for histogram ("dynamic range") % Cliplimit - Normalized cliplimit (higher values give more contrast)

    opened by HuaYuuu 0
[CVPRW 21] "BNN - BN = ? Training Binary Neural Networks without Batch Normalization", Tianlong Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Xu Ouyang, Zechun Liu, Zhiqiang Shen, Zhangyang Wang

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VITA 156 Nov 28, 2022
[ICLR 2021 Spotlight Oral] "Undistillable: Making A Nasty Teacher That CANNOT teach students", Haoyu Ma, Tianlong Chen, Ting-Kuei Hu, Chenyu You, Xiaohui Xie, Zhangyang Wang

Undistillable: Making A Nasty Teacher That CANNOT teach students "Undistillable: Making A Nasty Teacher That CANNOT teach students" Haoyu Ma, Tianlong

VITA 71 Dec 28, 2022
[ICML 2021] “ Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning”, Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Bobak Mortazavi, Zhangyang Wang

Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning Introduction The recent breakthrough achieved by contrastive learning accelerates the pace for deploying unsupervis

VITA 51 Dec 29, 2022
[Preprint] "Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration" by Tianlong Chen, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang, Zhangyang Wang

Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration Codes for [Preprint] Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Explora

VITA 64 Dec 8, 2022
[CVPR 2022] "The Principle of Diversity: Training Stronger Vision Transformers Calls for Reducing All Levels of Redundancy" by Tianlong Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Yu Cheng, Ahmed Awadallah, Zhangyang Wang

The Principle of Diversity: Training Stronger Vision Transformers Calls for Reducing All Levels of Redundancy Codes for this paper: [CVPR 2022] The Pr

VITA 16 Nov 26, 2022
"SinNeRF: Training Neural Radiance Fields on Complex Scenes from a Single Image", Dejia Xu, Yifan Jiang, Peihao Wang, Zhiwen Fan, Humphrey Shi, Zhangyang Wang

SinNeRF: Training Neural Radiance Fields on Complex Scenes from a Single Image [Paper] [Website] Pipeline Code Environment pip install -r requirements

VITA 250 Jan 5, 2023
Code for the ICML 2021 paper "Bridging Multi-Task Learning and Meta-Learning: Towards Efficient Training and Effective Adaptation", Haoxiang Wang, Han Zhao, Bo Li.

Bridging Multi-Task Learning and Meta-Learning Code for the ICML 2021 paper "Bridging Multi-Task Learning and Meta-Learning: Towards Efficient Trainin

AI Secure 57 Dec 15, 2022
Y. Zhang, Q. Yao, W. Dai, L. Chen. AutoSF: Searching Scoring Functions for Knowledge Graph Embedding. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). 2020

AutoSF The code for our paper "AutoSF: Searching Scoring Functions for Knowledge Graph Embedding" and this paper has been accepted by ICDE2020. News:

AutoML Research 64 Dec 17, 2022
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM (Chen et al IROS 2019)

SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM This repository contains the implementation of SuMa++, which generates semantic maps only using three-dime

Photogrammetry & Robotics Bonn 701 Dec 30, 2022
[ICLR 2021] "CPT: Efficient Deep Neural Network Training via Cyclic Precision" by Yonggan Fu, Han Guo, Meng Li, Xin Yang, Yining Ding, Vikas Chandra, Yingyan Lin

CPT: Efficient Deep Neural Network Training via Cyclic Precision Yonggan Fu, Han Guo, Meng Li, Xin Yang, Yining Ding, Vikas Chandra, Yingyan Lin Accep

null 26 Oct 25, 2022
Pre-trained BERT Models for Ancient and Medieval Greek, and associated code for LaTeCH 2021 paper titled - "A Pilot Study for BERT Language Modelling and Morphological Analysis for Ancient and Medieval Greek"

Ancient Greek BERT The first and only available Ancient Greek sub-word BERT model! State-of-the-art post fine-tuning on Part-of-Speech Tagging and Mor

Pranaydeep Singh 22 Dec 8, 2022