11276 Repositories
Python Python-Text-editor Libraries
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.
Python based scripts for obtaining system information from Linux.
sysinfo Python based scripts for obtaining system information from Linux. Python2 and Python3 compatible Output in JSON format Simple scripts and exte
A simple script that will watch a stream for you and earn the channel points.
Credits Main idea: https://github.com/gottagofaster236/Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner Bet system (Selenium): https://github.com/ClementRoyer/TwitchAutoCo
Converts text into a PDF of handwritten notes
Text To Handwritten Notes Converts text into a PDF of handwritten notes Explore the docs » · Report Bug · Request Feature · Steps: $ git clone https:/
A simple asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner in Python 3
Python 3 Asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner A simple pure-Python TCP Connect port scanner. This application leverages the use of Python's Standa
Python Proof of Concept for retrieving Now Playing on YouTube Music with TabFS
Youtube Music TabFS Python Proof of Concept for retrieving Now Playing on YouTube Music with TabFS. music_information = get_now_playing() pprint(music
Telegram Voice-Chat Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
Telegram Voice-Chat Bot Telegram Voice-Chat Bot To Play Music From Various Sources In Your Group Support All linux based os. Windows Mac Diagram Requi
Jarvis is a simple Chatbot with a GUI capable of chatting and retrieving information and daily news from the internet for it's user.
J.A.R.V.I.S Kindly consider starring this repository if you like the program :-) What/Who is J.A.R.V.I.S? J.A.R.V.I.S is an chatbot written that is bu
Automatically erase objects in the video, such as logo, text, etc.
Video-Auto-Wipe Read English Introduction:Here 本人不定期的基于生成技术制作一些好玩有趣的算法模型,这次带来的作品是“视频擦除”方向的应用模型,它实现的功能是自动感知到视频中我们不想看见的部分(譬如广告、水印、字幕、图标等等)然后进行擦除。由于图标擦
A simple terminal Christmas tree made with Python
Python Christmas Tree A simple CLI Christmas tree made with Python Installation Just clone the repository and run $ python terminal_tree.py More opti
HTTP(s) "monitoring" webpage via FastAPI+Jinja2. Inspired by https://github.com/RaymiiOrg/bash-http-monitoring
python-http-monitoring HTTP(s) "monitoring" powered by FastAPI+Jinja2+aiohttp. Inspired by bash-http-monitoring. Installation can be done with pipenv
A programming language built on top of Python to easily allow Swahili speakers to get started with programming without ever knowing English
pyswahili A programming language built over Python to easily allow swahili speakers to get started with programming without ever knowing english pyswa
A GUI for designing Python GUI's for PySimpleGUI.
SimpleGUIBuilder A GUI for designing Python GUI's for PySimpleGUI. Installation There is none :) just download the file from a release and run it. Don
yolov5-dnn-cpp-py yolov5s,yolov5l,yolov5m,yolov5x的onnx文件在百度云盘下载, 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d67LUlOoPFQy0MV39gpJiw 提取码:bayj python版本的主程序是main_yolov5.
This repository is related to an Arabic tutorial, within the tutorial we discuss the common data structure and algorithms and their worst and best case for each, then implement the code using Python.
Data Structure and Algorithms with Python This repository is related to the Arabic tutorial here, within the tutorial we discuss the common data struc
Python commandline tool for remembering linux/terminal commands
ehh Remember linux commands Commandline tool for remembering linux/terminal commands. It stores your favorite commands in ~/ehh.json in your homedir a
DDRecorder Headless全自动B站直播录播、切片、上传一体工具 感谢 FortuneDayssss/BilibiliUploader 安装指南(Windows) 在Release下载zip包解压。 修改配置文件config.json 双击运行DDRecorder.exe (这将使用co
Code for "Contextual Non-Local Alignment over Full-Scale Representation for Text-Based Person Search"
Contextual Non-Local Alignment over Full-Scale Representation for Text-Based Person Search This is an implementation for our paper Contextual Non-Loca
DaProfiler vous permet d'automatiser vos recherches sur des particuliers basés en France uniquement et d'afficher vos résultats sous forme d'arbre.
A but educatif seulement. DaProfiler DaProfiler vous permet de créer un profil sur votre target basé en France uniquement. La particularité de ce prog
Spectrum is an AI that uses machine learning to generate Rap song lyrics
Spectrum Spectrum is an AI that uses deep learning to generate rap song lyrics. View Demo Report Bug Request Feature Open In Colab About The Project S
Python wrapper to access the amazon selling partner API
PYTHON-AMAZON-SP-API Amazon Selling-Partner API If you have questions, please join on slack Contributions very welcome! Installation pip install pytho
Official implementation of AAAI-21 paper "Label Confusion Learning to Enhance Text Classification Models"
Description: This is the official implementation of our AAAI-21 accepted paper Label Confusion Learning to Enhance Text Classification Models. The str
Discord Bot for server hosts, devs, and admins. Analyzes timings reports & uploads text files to hastebin. Developed by https://birdflop.com.
"Botflop" Click here to invite Botflop to your server. Current abilities Analyze timings reports Paste a timings report to review an in-depth descript
华为商城抢购手机的Python脚本 Python script of Huawei Store snapping up mobile phones
HUAWEI STORE GO 2021 说明 基于Python3+Selenium的华为商城抢购爬虫脚本,修改自近两年没更新的项目BUY-HW,为女神抢Nova 8(什么时候华为开始学小米玩饥饿营销了?) 原项目的登陆以及抢购部分已经不可用,本项目对原项目进行了改正以适应新华为商城,并增加一些功能
PyCG: Practical Python Call Graphs
PyCG - Practical Python Call Graphs PyCG generates call graphs for Python code using static analysis. It efficiently supports Higher order functions T
CCF BDCI 2020 房产行业聊天问答匹配赛道 A榜47/2985
CCF BDCI 2020 房产行业聊天问答匹配 A榜47/2985 赛题描述详见:https://www.datafountain.cn/competitions/474 文件说明 data: 存放训练数据和测试数据以及预处理代码 model_bert.py: 网络模型结构定义 adv_train
Useful tools for building interactions in Python
discord-interactions-python Types and helper functions for Discord Interactions webhooks. Installation Available via pypi: pip install discord-interac
Async database support for Python. 🗄
Databases Databases gives you simple asyncio support for a range of databases. It allows you to make queries using the powerful SQLAlchemy Core expres
Familiar asyncio ORM for python, built with relations in mind
Tortoise ORM Introduction Tortoise ORM is an easy-to-use asyncio ORM (Object Relational Mapper) inspired by Django. Tortoise ORM was build with relati
GINO Is Not ORM - a Python asyncio ORM on SQLAlchemy core.
GINO - GINO Is Not ORM - is a lightweight asynchronous ORM built on top of SQLAlchemy core for Python asyncio. GINO 1.0 supports only PostgreSQL with
Asynchronous interface for peewee ORM powered by asyncio
peewee-async Asynchronous interface for peewee ORM powered by asyncio. Important notes Since version 0.6.0a only peewee 3.5+ is supported If you still
Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB
aioinflux Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB. Built on top of aiohttp and asyncio. Aioinflux is an alternative to the official InfluxDB Python cl
Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156)
Redis client for Python asyncio. Redis client for the PEP 3156 Python event loop. This Redis library is a completely asynchronous, non-blocking client
asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support
aioredis asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis client library. Features hiredis parser Yes Pure-python parser Yes Low-level & High-level APIs Yes Connections Pool
Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
Motor Info: Motor is a full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado and asyncio applications. Documentation: Available at motor.readt
A wrapper around asyncpg for use with sqlalchemy
asyncpgsa A python library wrapper around asyncpg for use with sqlalchemy Backwards incompatibility notice Since this library is still in pre 1.0 worl
A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
asyncpg -- A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio asyncpg is a database interface library designed specifically for PostgreSQL a
Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine.
Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine. Special placeholders in the template allow writing code similar to Python syntax.
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlmap sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of
fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
Fsociety Hacking Tools Pack A Penetration Testing Framework, you will have every script that a hacker needs. Works with Python 2. For a Python 3 versi
zerorpc for python
zerorpc Mailing list: [email protected] (https://groups.google.com/d/forum/zerorpc) zerorpc is a flexible RPC implementation based on zeromq an
RPyC (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for python
RPyC (pronounced like are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering, and distribute
A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
python-sqlparse - Parse SQL statements sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting S
A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
Python User Agents user_agents is a Python library that provides an easy way to identify/detect devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabili
Python port of Google's libphonenumber
phonenumbers Python Library This is a Python port of Google's libphonenumber library It supports Python 2.5-2.7 and Python 3.x (in the same codebase,
A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components
Name Parser A simple Python (3.2+ & 2.6+) module for parsing human names into their individual components. hn.title hn.first hn.middle hn.last hn.suff
Python library for creating PEG parsers
PyParsing -- A Python Parsing Module Introduction The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, vs. the t
Python Lex-Yacc
PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) Copyright (C) 2001-2020 David M. Beazley (Dabeaz LLC) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, wi
Implementation of hashids (http://hashids.org) in Python. Compatible with Python 2 and Python 3
hashids for Python 2.7 & 3 A python port of the JavaScript hashids implementation. It generates YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hash
Returns unicode slugs
Python Slugify A Python slugify application that handles unicode. Overview Best attempt to create slugs from unicode strings while keeping it DRY. Not
Python flexible slugify function
awesome-slugify Python flexible slugify function PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/awesome-slugify Github: https://github.com/dimka665/awesome-slugif
Compute distance between sequences. 30+ algorithms, pure python implementation, common interface, optional external libs usage.
TextDistance TextDistance -- python library for comparing distance between two or more sequences by many algorithms. Features: 30+ algorithms Pure pyt
汉字拼音转换工具(Python 版) 将汉字转为拼音。可以用于汉字注音、排序、检索(Russian translation) 。 基于 hotoo/pinyin 开发。 Documentation: http://pypinyin.rtfd.io/ GitHub: https://github.co
An implementation of figlet written in Python
All of the documentation and the majority of the work done was by Christopher Jones ([email protected]). Packaged by Peter Waller [email protected],
Paranoid text spacing in Python
pangu.py Paranoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width charact
The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity
Contents Maintainer wanted Introduction Installation Documentation License History Source code Authors Maintainer wanted I am looking for a new mainta
Fuzzy String Matching in Python
FuzzyWuzzy Fuzzy string matching like a boss. It uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences in a simple-to-use package.
Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode text, after the fact.
ftfy: fixes text for you print(fix_encoding("(ง'⌣')ง")) (ง'⌣')ง Full documentation: https://ftfy.readthedocs.org Testimonials “My life is li
Python character encoding detector
Chardet: The Universal Character Encoding Detector Detects ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 (2 variants), UTF-32 (4 variants) Big5, GB2312, EUC-TW, HZ-GB-2312, IS
Doom-based AI Research Platform for Reinforcement Learning from Raw Visual Information. :godmode:
ViZDoom ViZDoom allows developing AI bots that play Doom using only the visual information (the screen buffer). It is primarily intended for research
Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots that learn to play any game you own!
Serpent.AI - Game Agent Framework (Python) Update: Revival (May 2020) Development work has resumed on the framework with the aim of bringing it into 2
A minimalistic library designed to provide native access to YNAB data from Python
pYNAB A minimalistic library designed to provide native access to YNAB data from Python. Install The simplest way is to install the latest version fro
A Python wrapper for the Yelp API v2
python-yelp-v2 A Python wrapper for the Yelp API v2. The structure for this was inspired by the python-twitter library, and some internal methods are
Python library for interacting with the Wunderlist 2 REST API
Overview Wunderpy2 is a thin Python library for accessing the official Wunderlist 2 API. What does a thin library mean here? Only the bare minimum of
Wordnik Python public library
Python 2.7 client for Wordnik.com API Overview This is a Python 2.7 client for the Wordnik.com v4 API. For more information, see http://developer.word
A Python wrapper for the WooCommerce API.
WooCommerce API - Python Client A Python wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API. Easily interact with the WooCommerce REST API using this library. Insta
Python wrapper library for World Weather Online API
pywwo Python wrapper library for World Weather Online API using lxml.objectify How to use from pywwo import * setKey('your_key', 'free') w=LocalWeat
Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs
wbpy A Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs. Readthedocs Github source World Bank API docs The Indicators API lets you acces
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Python. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/python/azure/ or our versioned developer docs at https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk-for-python.
Azure SDK for Python This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Python. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public
Python wrapper for Wikipedia
Wikipedia API Wikipedia-API is easy to use Python wrapper for Wikipedias' API. It supports extracting texts, sections, links, categories, translations
🤖 A fully featured, easy to use Python wrapper for the Walmart Open API
Wapy Wapy is a fully featured Python wrapper for the Walmart Open API. Features Easy to use, object oriented interface to the Walmart Open API. (Produ
Модуль для создания скриптов для ВКонтакте | vk.com API wrapper
vk_api vk_api – Python модуль для создания скриптов для ВКонтакте (vk.com API wrapper) Документация Примеры Чат в Telegram Документация по методам API
vk.com API python wrapper
Python vk.com API wrapper This is a vk.com (the largest Russian social network) python API wrapper. The goal is to support all API methods (current an
:lock: Python 2.7/3.X client for HashiCorp Vault
hvac HashiCorp Vault API client for Python 3.x Tested against the latest release, HEAD ref, and 3 previous minor versions (counting back from the late
Python module and command line script client for http://urbandictionary.com
py-urbandict py-urbandict is a client for urbandictionary.com. Project page on github: https://github.com/novel/py-urbandict PyPI: https://pypi.org/pr
Unirest in Python: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
Unirest for Python Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages, built and maintained by Mashape, who also maintain
Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python
Pyudemy Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python Quick start $ pip install pyudemy or $ python setup.py install Authentication To make any calls
Twitter for Python!
Tweepy: Twitter for Python! Installation The easiest way to install the latest version from PyPI is by using pip: pip install tweepy You can also use
A super awesome Twitter API client for Python.
birdy birdy is a super awesome Twitter API client for Python in just a little under 400 LOC. TL;DR Features Future proof dynamic API with full REST an
A Python wrapper around the Twitter API.
Python Twitter A Python wrapper around the Twitter API. By the Python-Twitter Developers Introduction This library provides a pure Python interface fo
A Python module for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML.
twilio-python The default branch name for this repository has been changed to main as of 07/27/2020. Documentation The documentation for the Twilio AP
A Python Library to interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth
Tumblpy Tumblpy is a Python library to help interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth Features Retrieve user information and blog information Common T
A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
PyTumblr Installation Install via pip: $ pip install pytumblr Install from source: $ git clone https://github.com/tumblr/pytumblr.git $ cd pytumblr $
Wrapper around the latest Tuenti API
python-tuenti Overview Wrapper around the latest Tuenti API. Installation Install using pip, including any optional packages you want... $ pip install
Python API wrapper around Trello's API
A wrapper around the Trello API written in Python. Each Trello object is represented by a corresponding Python object. The attributes of these objects
:cloud: Python API for ThePirateBay.
Unofficial Python API for ThePirateBay. Build Status Test Coverage Version Downloads (30 days) Installation $ pip install ThePirateBay Note that ThePi
Python client for the Echo Nest API
Pyechonest Tap into The Echo Nest's Musical Brain for the best music search, information, recommendations and remix tools on the web. Pyechonest is an
A Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API
tesserocr A simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). tesserocr integrates directly with
A python API wrapper for temp-mail.org
temp-mail Python API Wrapper for temp-mail.ru service. Temp-mail is a service which lets you use anonymous emails for free. You can view full API spec
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group. Join us! Stay tuned fo
:evergreen_tree: Python module for communicating with the Taiga API
python-taiga A python wrapper for the Taiga REST API. Documentation: https://python-taiga.readthedocs.io/ Usage: : https://python-taiga.readthedocs.io
Python bindings to the Syncthing REST interface.
python-syncthing Python bindings to the Syncthing REST interface. Python API Documentation Syncthing Syncthing REST Documentation Syncthing Forums $ p
Python library for the Stripe API.
Stripe Python Library The Stripe Python library provides convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in the Python language. It incl
Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP.
stanfordcorenlp stanfordcorenlp is a Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP. It provides a simple API for text processing tasks such as Tokenization, Par
A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API
Spotipy A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API Documentation Spotipy's full documentation is online at Spotipy Documentation. Installat
Python wrapper for the Sportradar APIs ⚽️🏈
Sportradar APIs This is a Python wrapper for the sports APIs provided by Sportradar. You'll need to sign up for an API key to use the service. Sportra
A Python wrapper around the Soundcloud API
soundcloud-python A friendly wrapper around the Soundcloud API. Installation To install soundcloud-python, simply: pip install soundcloud Or if you'r
Python client for the Socrata Open Data API
sodapy sodapy is a python client for the Socrata Open Data API. Installation You can install with pip install sodapy. If you want to install from sour
SmartFile API Client (Python).
A SmartFile Open Source project. Read more about how SmartFile uses and contributes to Open Source software. Summary This library includes two API cli
A Flask inspired, decorator based API wrapper for Python-Slack.
A Flask inspired, decorator based API wrapper for Python-Slack. About Tangerine is a lightweight Slackbot framework that abstracts away all the boiler