798 Repositories
Python all-in-one Libraries
Seeing All the Angles: Learning Multiview Manipulation Policies for Contact-Rich Tasks from Demonstrations
Seeing All the Angles: Learning Multiview Manipulation Policies for Contact-Rich Tasks from Demonstrations Trevor Ablett, Daniel (Yifan) Zhai, Jonatha
This Crash Course will cover all you need to know to start using Plotly in your projects.
Plotly Crash Course This course was designed to help you get started using Plotly. If you ever felt like your data visualization skills could use an u
DeleteAllBot - Telegram bot to delete all messages in a group
Delete All Bot A star ⭐ from you means a lot to me ! Telegram bot to delete all
VQMIVC - Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion
VQMIVC: Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion (Interspeech
Ffxiv-blended-job-icons - All action icons for each class/job are blended together to create new backgrounds for each job/class icon!
ffxiv-blended-job-icons All action icons for each class/job are blended together to create new backgrounds for each job/class icon! I used python to c
Pyrmanent - Make all your classes permanent in a flash 💾
Pyrmanent A base class to make your Python classes permanent in a flash. Features Easy to use. Great compatibility. No database needed. Ask for new fe
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning English | 中文 ❗ Now we provide inferencing code and pre-training models
Ceaser-Cipher - The Caesar Cipher technique is one of the earliest and simplest method of encryption technique
Ceaser-Cipher The Caesar Cipher technique is one of the earliest and simplest me
PathfinderMonsterDatabase - A database of all monsters in Pathfinder 1e, created by parsing aonprd.com
PathfinderMonsterDatabase A database of all monsters in Pathfinder 1e, created by parsing aonprd.com Setup Run the following line to install all requi
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker - Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished! Any contributing is welcome. How to use: Move all .mcpa
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
AI Mario challenges you to clear all stage of Super Mario game.
mario-ai-challenge Challenge AI Mario to clear all stages of Super Mario. GitHub Pages Site Rules Enjoy building AI Mario. Share information. Use Goog
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval, CVPR 2021. Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki nath Chowdh
A PyTorch implementation of Deep SAD, a deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection method.
Deep SAD: A Method for Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the Deep SAD method presented in ou
Repo for All the Assignments I have to submit for Internship Application !😅
Challenges Repository for All the Assignments I have to submit for Internship Application ! 😅 As You know, When ever We apply for an Internship, They
Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
Terminator by Chris Jones [email protected] and others. Description Terminator was originally developed by Chris Jones in 2007 as a simple, 300-ish line
Pong is one of the first computer games that ever created, this simple
Pong-Game Pong is one of the first computer games that ever created, this simple "tennis like" game features two paddles and a ball, the goal is to de
This Jupyter notebook shows one way to implement a simple first-order low-pass filter on sampled data in discrete time.
How to Implement a First-Order Low-Pass Filter in Discrete Time We often teach or learn about filters in continuous time, but then need to implement t
A bulk pdf generator. This application can generate PDFs in bulk by using just one click.
A bulk html pdf generator. This application can generate PDFs in bulk by using just one click. Screenshots Requirements 🧱 Your system must have the f
A Python application that simulates the rolling of a dice, randomly picking one of the 6 faces and then displaying it.
dice-roller-app This is an application developed in Python that shuffles between the 6 faces of a dice, using buttons to shuffle and close the applica
ProjPicker (projection picker) is a Python module that allows the user to select all coordinate reference systems (CRSs)
ProjPicker ProjPicker (projection picker) is a Python module that allows the user to select all coordinate reference systems (CRSs) whose extent compl
A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your HTPC.
Python 3 port of Hellowlol's HTPC Manager fork We made this an organization repository to be more independent from single developers. If you want to j
Bot for mirroring one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon.
Stork (pleroma-bot) Mirror one or multiple Twitter accounts in Pleroma/Mastodon. Introduction After using the pretty cool mastodon-bot for a while, I
With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen
Oraxen-item-to-yml With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen How to use Install the
All solutions for the 2021 Advent of Code event.
Advent of Code 2021 Solutions All solutions for the 2021 Advent of Code event. Setup Create a file called .session. Go to adventofcode.com and copy th
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line. Supports multithreading
Develop open-source Python Arabic NLP libraries that the Arab world will easily use in all Natural Language Processing applications
Develop open-source Python Arabic NLP libraries that the Arab world will easily use in all Natural Language Processing applications
TensorFlow implementation of "Attention is all you need (Transformer)"
[TensorFlow 2] Attention is all you need (Transformer) TensorFlow implementation of "Attention is all you need (Transformer)" Dataset The MNIST datase
Statistics Calculator module for all types of Stats calculations.
Statistics-Calculator This Calculator user the formulas and methods to find the statistical values listed. Statistics Calculator module for all types
All-in-one web-based development environment for machine learning
All-in-one web-based development environment for machine learning Getting Started • Features & Screenshots • Support • Report a Bug • FAQ • Known Issu
Utility to find games owned by all (or at least some) of the passed players.
SteamCommonGameFinder Utility to find games that are owned by all (or at least some) of the players you pass into this programm. You can already find
List of all D&D 5e monsters: WotC + popular third-party sourcebooks
Xio's Guide to Monsters If you're a DM like me, and you have multiple sources of D&D 5e monsters that include WotC as well as third-party suppliers, y
Using GNU Radio and HackRF One to Receive, Analyze and Send ASK/OOK signals
play_with_ask NIS-8016 Lab A code: Recv.grc/py: Receive signals and match with ASK button using HackRF and GNU radio. I use AM demod block(can also in
Slight modification to one of the Facebook Salina examples, to test the A2C algorithm on financial series.
Facebook Salina - Gym_AnyTrading Slight modification of Facebook Salina Reinforcement Learning - A2C GPU example for financial series. The gym FOREX d
A Discord Token Grabber/Stealer But It's in One Line of Coding
Discord-Token-Grabber-But-In-One-Line That's a Discord Token Grabber/Stealer But It's in One Line of Coding! The Name Says All 3
This script allows you to retrieve all functions / variables names of a Python code, and the variables values.
Memory Extractor This script allows you to retrieve all functions / variables names of a Python code, and the variables values. How to use it ? The si
An all-in-one financial analytics and smart portfolio creator as a Discord bot!
An all-in-one financial analytics bot to help you gain quantitative financial insights. Finn is a Discord Bot that lets you explore the stock market like you've never before!
Install All Basic Termux Packages To Your Phone
~All-Packages~ The Easiest Way To Install All Termux Packages 🤗 Tool By ⒹⓈ᭄ʜʏᴅʀᴀ✘๛ˢᴸ 👇 Contact Me On 👇 AVAILABLE ON : Termux TESTED ON : Term
A Lightweight NLP Data Loader for All Deep Learning Frameworks in Python
LineFlow: Framework-Agnostic NLP Data Loader in Python LineFlow is a simple text dataset loader for NLP deep learning tasks. LineFlow was designed to
A Python Script to scan through an Instagram account to find all the followers and followings.
Instagram Followers Scan A Python Script to scan through an Instagram account to find all the followers and followings. You can also get filtered list
⚡ ʑɠ ცơɬ Is One Of The Fastest & Smoothest Bot On Telegram Based on Telethon ⚡
『ʑɠ ცơɬ』 ⚡ ʑɠ ცơɬ Is One Of The Fastest & Smoothest Bot On Telegram Based on Telethon ⚡ Status Of Bot Telegram 🏪 Dєρℓογ το нєяοκυ Variables APP_ID =
With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding. Here is a Christmas Card for you all!
Christmas Card With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding! Here is a Christmas Card for you all! NOTE: I have not made this
Hack computer in the form of RAR files from all types of clients, even Linux
Program Features 📌 Hide malware 📌 Vulnerability software vulnerabilities RAR 📌 Creating malware 📌 Access client files 📌 Client Hacking 📌 Link Do
Source code of SIGIR2021 Paper 'One Chatbot Per Person: Creating Personalized Chatbots based on Implicit Profiles'
DHAP Source code of SIGIR2021 Long Paper: One Chatbot Per Person: Creating Personalized Chatbots based on Implicit User Profiles . Preinstallation Fir
C Y B Ξ R UserBot is a project that simplifies the use of Telegram. All rights reserved.
C Y B Ξ R USΞRBOT 🇦🇿 C Y B Ξ R UserBot is a project that simplifies the use of Telegram. All rights reserved. Automatic Setup Android: open Termux p
Plantasia, all your plants and muchrooms in one place!
Plantasia Project Description Tkinter GUI to be used as a repository for plants and muchrooms. It helps to optimize the search for species that have h
All the code and files related to the MI-Lab of UE19CS305 course in sem 5
Machine-Intelligence-Lab-CS305 The compilation of all the code an drelated files from MI-Lab UE19CS305 (of batch 2019-2023) offered by PES University
Takes output from RedLime's SpeedRunIGT mod (igt_timer.log) to get the top run retime as per the rules in speedrun.com/mc as well as generating a new file which is a copy of igt_timer.log which specifies what type of pause each one was.
top-run-time Takes output from RedLime's SpeedRunIGT mod (igt_timer.log) to get the top run retime as per the rules in speedrun.com/mc as well as gene
🐥Flappy Birds🐤 Video game. With your help I can go through🚀 the pipes. All UI is made with 🐍Pygame🐍
🐠 Flappy Fish 🐢 I am Flappy Fish 🐟 . With your help I can jump through the pipes and experience an interesting and exciting flight deep into the fi
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
cocos2d-x Win32 Others cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is
Official PyTorch repo for JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization
JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization This is the PyTorch implementation of JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization. Abstract: While there have been recent ad
Organizing ssh servers in one shell.
NeZha (哪吒) NeZha is a famous chinese deity who can have three heads and six arms if he wants. And my NeZha tool is hoping to bring developer such mult
Yet another Wahrheit-oder-Pflicht bot for Telegram, because all the others suck.
Der WoPperBot Yet another Wahrheit-oder-Pflicht bot for Telegram, because all the others suck. The existing bots are all defunct or incomplete. So I w
A check for whether the dependency jobs are all green.
alls-green A check for whether the dependency jobs are all green. Why? Do you have more than one job in your GitHub Actions CI/CD workflows setup? Do
A PyTorch version of You Only Look at One-level Feature object detector
PyTorch_YOLOF A PyTorch version of You Only Look at One-level Feature object detector. The input image must be resized to have their shorter side bein
All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Machine Learning and Data Science course.
Zero to Mastery Machine Learning Welcome! This repository contains all of the code, notebooks, images and other materials related to the Zero to Maste
Joins a specified server on all the tokens
Joins a specified server on all the tokens. Usage python -m pip install requests python joiner.py Note Your tokens must be located in a text file call
Add all JuliaLang unicode abbreviations to AutoKey.
Autokey Unicode characters Usage This script adds all the unicode character abbreviations supported by Julia to autokey. However, instead of [TAB], th
YoloAll is a collection of yolo all versions. you you use YoloAll to test yolov3/yolov5/yolox/yolo_fastest
官方讨论群 QQ群:552703875 微信群:15158106211(先加作者微信,再邀请入群) YoloAll项目简介 YoloAll是一个将当前主流Yolo版本集成到同一个UI界面下的推理预测工具。可以迅速切换不同的yolo版本,并且可以针对图片,视频,摄像头码流进行实时推理,可以很方便,直观
A code base for python programs the goal is to integrate all the useful and essential functions
Base Dev EN This GitHub will be available in French and English FR Ce GitHub sera disponible en français et en anglais Author License Screen EN 🇬🇧 D
Find all social media accounts with a username!
Aliens_eye FIND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS WITH A USERNAME! OSINT To install: Open terminal and type: git clone https://github.com/BLINKING-IDIOT/Alien
Catch-all collection of generative art made using processing
Generative art with Processing.py Some art I have created for fun. Dependencies Processing for Python, see how to download/use here Packages contained
Python script to preprocess images of all Pokémon to finetune ruDALL-E
ai-generated-pokemon-rudalle Python script to preprocess images of all Pokémon (the "official artwork" of each Pokémon via PokéAPI) into a format such
A Telegram bot to extracting text from images. All languages supported.
OCR Bot A Telegram bot to extracting text from images. All languages supported. Deploy to Heroku Local Deploying Clone the repo git clone https://gith
Build documentation in multiple repos into one site.
mkdocs-multirepo-plugin Build documentation in multiple repos into one site. Setup Install plugin using pip: pip install git+https://github.com/jdoiro
Scan all java processes on your host to check weather it's affected by log4j2 remote code execution
Log4j2 Vulnerability Local Scanner (CVE-2021-45046) Log4j 漏洞本地检测脚本,扫描主机上所有java进程,检测是否引入了有漏洞的log4j-core jar包,是否可能遭到远程代码执行攻击(CVE-2021-45046)。上传扫描报告到指定的服
d4rk Ghost is all in one hacking framework For red team Pentesting
d4rk ghost is all in one Hacking framework For red team Pentesting it contains all modules , information_gathering exploitation + vulnerability scanning + ddos attacks with 12 methods + proxy scraper and wordpress vulnerability scanning and more
Complete system for facial identity system
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
A quick recipe to learn all about Transformers
Transformers have accelerated the development of new techniques and models for natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
Dockerized service to backup all running database containers
Docker Database Backup Dockerized service to automatically backup all of your database containers. Docker Image Tags: docker.io/jandi/database-backup
People log into different sites every day to get information and browse through these sites one by one
HyperLink People log into different sites every day to get information and browse through these sites one by one. And they are exposed to advertisemen
Scans all drives for log4j jar files and gets their version from the manifest
log4shell_scanner Scans all drives for log4j jar files and gets their version from the manifest. Windows and Windows Server only.
This repo contains code to reproduce all experiments in Equivariant Neural Rendering
Equivariant Neural Rendering This repo contains code to reproduce all experiments in Equivariant Neural Rendering by E. Dupont, M. A. Bautista, A. Col
An expansion for RDKit to read all types of files in one line
RDMolReader An expansion for RDKit to read all types of files in one line How to use? Add this single .py file to your project and import MolFromFile(
A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube.
YouTube-Video-Downloader A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube. Quick Start guide First Clone The Project git clone https:/
That is a example of a Book app on Python, made with support of all JS libraries on React framework
React+Python Books App You can use this repository whenever you want Used for a video Create the database: python -m dbutils Start the web server: pyt
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Code for all the Advent of Code'21 challenges mostly written in python
Advent of Code 21 Code for all the Advent of Code'21 challenges mostly written in python. They are not necessarily the best or fastest solutions but j
Source code for "Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition [SIGGRAPH Asia 2021]".
Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition Video demonstration This repository contains an interactive software to the PolyCube-based hex-me
Erpnext app for make employee salary on payroll entry based on one or more project with percentage for all project equal 100 %
Project Payroll this app for make payroll for employee based on projects like project on 30 % and project 2 70 % as account dimension it makes genral
This repository builds a basic vision transformer from scratch so that one beginner can understand the theory of vision transformer.
vision-transformer-from-scratch This repository includes several kinds of vision transformers from scratch so that one beginner can understand the the
Program that shows all the details of the given IP address. Build with Python and ipinfo.io API
ip-details This is a program that shows all the details of the given IP address. Build with Python and ipinfo.io API Usage To use this program, run th
[ACM MM 2021] Yes, "Attention is All You Need", for Exemplar based Colorization
Transformer for Image Colorization This is an implemention for Yes, "Attention Is All You Need", for Exemplar based Colorization, and the current soft
Cloud One Container Security Runtime Events Forwarder
Example on how to query events by a RESTful API, compose CEF event format and send the events to an UDP receiver.
Find all solutions to SUBSET-SUM, including negative, positive, and repeating numbers
subsetsum The subsetsum Python module can enumerate all combinations within a list of integers which sums to a specific value. It works for both negat
👻🟡 Download all Snapchat video & photo memories from a data export.
Snapchat "Memories" Fetcher In compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), businesses which collect and store user data must
Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild.
Discondelete Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild. Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Abo
A redesign of our previous Python World Cup, aiming to simulate the 2022 World Cup all the way from the qualifiers
A redesign of our previous Python World Cup, aiming to simulate the 2022 World Cup all the way from the qualifiers. This new version is designed to be more compact and more efficient and will reflect the improvements in our programming ability.
Say "good morning" on Discord, in batch, one-click.
🌞 gm Good Morning! Usage Simply copy the channel_list to gm.py and fill authorization_list with authorization token(s). Enjoy. Authorization Please r
Tool written on Python that locate all up host on your subnet
HOSTSCAN Easy to use command line network host scanner. From noob to noobs. Dependencies Nmap 7.92 or superior Python 3.9 or superior All requirements
One of Best renamer bot with python
🌀 One of Best renamer bot repo Please Give a ☆ if You like This Open Source and Don't Forget to Follow Me On Github For More Repos And Codes. Scrappe
NeuroMorph: Unsupervised Shape Interpolation and Correspondence in One Go
NeuroMorph: Unsupervised Shape Interpolation and Correspondence in One Go This repository provides our implementation of the CVPR 2021 paper NeuroMorp
A mutable set that remembers the order of its entries. One of Python's missing data types.
An OrderedSet is a mutable data structure that is a hybrid of a list and a set. It remembers the order of its entries, and every entry has an index number that can be looked up.
Pure Python tools for reading and writing all TIFF IFDs, sub-IFDs, and tags.
Tiff Tools Pure Python tools for reading and writing all TIFF IFDs, sub-IFDs, and tags. Developed by Kitware, Inc. with funding from The National Canc
That Hash will name that hash type! Identify MD5, SHA256 and 300+ other hashes Comes with
Call for translators! We're looking for translators to help translate this spec for everyone! Read this documentation in the following languages 한국어 中
Total time of all YouTube videos in a playlist.
Youtube Playlist Total Times Total time of all YouTube videos in a playlist. How to Use Download chromedriver depending on your os and chrome version
Periodically check the manuscript state in the scholar one system and send email when finding a new state.
ScholarOne-manuscript-checker Periodically check the manuscript state in the scholar one system and send email when finding a new state. Parameters ne
A bot can play all variants, but standard are abit weak, so if you need strongest you can change fsf instead of stockfish_14_Dev
MAINTAINERS Drdisrespect1 and drrespectable lichess-bot Engine communication code taken from https://github.com/ShailChoksi/lichess-bot by ShailChoksi
A mutable set that remembers the order of its entries. One of Python's missing data types.
An OrderedSet is a mutable data structure that is a hybrid of a list and a set. It remembers the order of its entries, and every entry has an index nu
An All-In-One Pure Python PoC for CVE-2021-44228
Python Log4RCE An all-in-one pure Python3 PoC for CVE-2021-44228. Configure Replace the global variables at the top of the script to your configuratio