11199 Repositories
Python api-fastapi-python Libraries
Refactoring Python Applications for Simplicity
Python Refactoring Refactoring Python Applications for Simplicity. You can open and read project files or use this summary 👇 Concatenate String my_st
A hashtag from string extract python module
A hashtag from string extract python module
Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation.
Squidle campaign downloader Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation. usage: squidle_campaign_downloader.py [-h] [--api-token A
Python based Advanced AI Assistant
Knick is a virtual artificial intelligence project, fully developed in python. The objective of this project is to develop a virtual assistant that can handle our minor, intermediate as well as heavy tasks which we usually don’t want to do or don't wish to do.
Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team
data_dashboards Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team Getting started MacOS users: # Install the pyenv version ma
API which uses discord to scrape NameMC searches/droptime/dropping status of minecraft names
NameMC Scrape API This is an api to scrape NameMC using message previews generated by discord. NameMC makes it a pain to scrape their website, but som
Youtube Downloader GUI
Python Youtube Downloader GUI This is a GUI application that allows you to download videos from Youtube. Features Download videos from Youtube in MP3
A simple language translator with python and google translate api
Language translator with python A simple language translator with python and google translate api Install pip and python 3.9. All the required depende
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization.
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization. This is a team project to develop a Python3 console that emulates the AirBnb object management.
A python program with an Objective-C GUI for building and booting OpenCore on both legacy and modern Macs
A python program with an Objective-C GUI for building and booting OpenCore on both legacy and modern Macs, see our in-depth Guide for more information.
A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code.
A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code
Keyboard Layout Change - Extension for Ulauncher
Keyboard Layout Change - Extension for Ulauncher
A simple solution for water overflow problem in Python
Water Overflow problem There is a stack of water glasses in a form of triangle as illustrated. Each glass has a 250ml capacity. When a liquid is poure
Motion Detection Squid Game with OpenCV Python
*Motion Detection Squid Game with OpenCV Python i am newbie in python. In this project I made a simple game to follow the trend about the red light gr
Personal Discord Python Bot based on Discord.py
Personal Discord bot using the discord.py library by Rapptz
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal.
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal. I'm new to networking so sorry if some of my terminology or code is messed up.
A simple python code for hacking profile views
This code for hacking profile views. Not recommended to adding profile views in profile. This code is not illegal code. This code is for beginners.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python. The purpose of making this is for teaching the concept of XSS.
Built as part of an assignment for S5 OOSE Subject CSE
Installation Steps: Download and install Python from here based on your operating system. I have used Python v3.8.10 for this. Clone the repository gi
Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables.
ConwaysGameOfLife Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables. Custom Variables Grid-size : Change the size of the p
This is my voice assistant Patric!
voice-assistant This is my voice assistant Patric! You can add can add commands and even modify his name Indice How to use Installation guide How to u
A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture.
Collatz Conjecture A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture. Values which can be edited: Length
CHIP-8 interpreter written in Python
chip8py CHIP-8 interpreter written in Python Contents About Installation Usage License About CHIP-8 is an interpreted language developed during the 19
API written using Fast API to manage events and implement a leaderboard / badge system.
Open Food Facts Events API written using Fast API to manage events and implement a leaderboard / badge system. Installation To run the API locally, ru
This script will make it easier to connect to any wireguard vpn config
wireguard-linux-python-script-vpn This script will make it easier to connect to any wireguard vpn config also u will need your wireguard vpn from your
A minimum reproducible repository for embedding panel in FastAPI
FastAPI-Panel A minimum reproducible repository for embedding panel in FastAPI Follow either This Tutorial or These steps below ↓↓↓ Clone the reposito
Elliptic curve cryptography (ed25519) beginner tutorials in Python 3
ed25519_tutorials Elliptic curve cryptography (ed25519) beginner tutorials in Python 3 Instructions Just download the repo and read the tutorial files
Xteam All in one Instagram,Android,phishing osint and wifi hacking tool available
Xteam All in one Instagram,Android,phishing osint and wifi hacking tool available
Document blur detection based on Laplacian operator and text detection.
Document Blur Detection For general blurred image, using the variance of Laplacian operator is a good solution. But as for the blur detection of docum
A trashy useless Latin programming language written in python.
Codigum! The first programming langage in latin! (please keep your eyes closed when if you read the source code) It is pretty useless though. Document
A small Python Library to process Game Boy Camera images
GameBEye GameBEye is a Python Library to process Game Boy Camera images. Source code 📁 : https://github.com/mtouzot/GameBEye Issues 🆘 : https://gith
Web-based Sudoku solver built using Python. A demonstration of how backtracking works.
Sudoku Solver A web-based Sudoku solver built using Python and Python only The motivation is to demonstrate how Backtracking algorithm works. Some of
University of Missouri - Kansas City: CS451R: Capstone
CS451RC University of Missouri - Kansas City: CS451R: Capstone Installation cd git clone https://github.com/ala2q6/CS451RC.git cd CS451RC pip3 instal
Introduce QML-like declarative structure to Python world. Developer writes only pure Python code for QML.
Introduce QML-like declarative structure to Python world. Developer writes only pure Python code for QML.
Online Marketplace API
Online Marketplace API Table of Contents Setup Instructions Documentation Setup instructions Make sure you have python installed Clone the repository
Scraping weather data using Python to receive umbrella reminders
A Python package which scrapes weather data from google and sends umbrella reminders to specified email at specified time daily.
Python App To Encrypt Data (image, text, all data)
Python App To Encrypt Data (image, text, all data)
Library for working with QIWI API.
Library for working with QIWI API.
a cool, easily usable and customisable subdomains scanner
Subdah 🔎 another subdomains scanner. Installation ⚠️ Python 3.10 required ⚠️ $ git clone https://github.com/traumatism/subdah $ cd subdah $ pip3 inst
Yet another retry utility in Python
Yet another retry utility in Python, avereno being the Malagasy word for retry.
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Features Modern Pythonic API using async and await
A python mathematics module
A python mathematics module
SongBot2.0 With Python
SongBot2.0 Host 👨💻 Heroku 🚀 Manditary Vars BOT_TOKEN : Get It from @Botfather Special Feature Downloads Songs fastly and less errors as well as 0
Advanced Zola Cabs integrated with tkinter Graphical User Interface (GUI) made for ZOHO Corp .
ZolaCabs Advanced Zola Cabs integrated with tkinter Graphical User Interface (GUI) made for ZOHO Corp. Logs username : zoho password : zoho [ Deve
Biblioteca Python que extrai dados de mercado do Bacen (Séries Temporais)
Pybacen This library was developed for economic analysis in the Brazilian scenario (Investments, micro and macroeconomic indicators) Installation Inst
A python package to avoid writing and maintaining duplicated python docstrings.
docstring-inheritance is a python package to avoid writing and maintaining duplicated python docstrings.
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support.
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support, based on awesome and lightweight pyhocon parsing library.
CLI translator based on Google translate API
Translate-CLI CLI переводчик основанный на Google translate API как пользоваться ? запустить в консоли скомпилированный скрипт (exe - windows, bin - l
Heat transfer problemas solved using python
heat-transfer Heat transfer problems solved using python isolation-convection.py compares the temperature distribution on the problem as shown in the
Spotify Playlist Downloader With Python
Spotify Playlist Downloader This will let you download Spotify playlists for free without Premium. It gets all the songs from the API and downloads th
A python tool give n number of inputs and parallelly you will get a output by separetely
http-status-finder Hello Everyone!! This is kavisurya, In this tool you can give n number of inputs and parallelly you will get a output by separetely
twitter bot tha uses tweepy library class to connect to TWITTER API
TWITTER-BOT-tweepy- twitter bot that uses tweepy library class to connect to TWITTER API replies to mentions automatically and follows the tweet.autho
A python tool to convert Bangla Bijoy text to Unicode text.
Unicode Converter A python tool to convert Bangla Bijoy text to Unicode text. Installation Unicode Converter can be installed via PyPi. Make sure pip
Terrible python code from the "bubble that breaks maths" video.
Terrible python code from the "bubble that breaks maths" video.
Louis Manager Bot With Python
✨ Natsuki ✨ Are You Okay Baby I'm Natsuki Unmaintained. The new repo of @TheNatsukiBot is public. ⚡ (It is no longer based on this source code. The co
Web Scraping Practica With Python
Web-Scraping-Practica Integrants: Guillem Vidal Pallarols. Lídia Bandrés Solé Fitxers: Aquest document és el primer que trobem. A continuació trobem u
Resizing Canny Countour In Python
Resizing_Canny_Countour Install Visual Studio Code , https://code.visualstudio.com/download Select Python and install with terminal( pip install openc
Asita is a web application framework for python based on express-js framework.
Asita is a web application framework for python. It is designed to be easy to use and be more easy for javascript users to use python frameworks because it is based on express-js framework.
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation and Control Simulation Examples in Python
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation and Control Simulation Examples in Python THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS AND THUS THIS REPOSITORY I
LoL API is a Python application made to serve League of Legends data.
LoL API is a Python application made to serve League of Legends data.
Advanced guessing game made in only python.
Guessing Game This is a number guessing game written in python which consists of three modes; easy,medium and hard. Each mode contains there own diffi
Umamusume story patcher with python
umamusume-story-patcher How to use Go to your umamusume folder, usually C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\Cygames\umamusume Make a mods folder and clon
An open-source Discord Nuker can be used as a self-bot or a regular bot.
How to use Double click avery.exe, and follow the prompts Features Important! Make sure to use [9] (Scrape Info) before using these, or some things ma
A filler visualizer built using python
filler-visualizer 42 filler のログをビジュアライズしてスポーツさながら楽しむことができます! Usage (標準入力でvisualizer.pyに渡せばALL OK) 1. 既にあるログをビジュアライズする $ ./filler_vm -t 3 -p1 john_fill
A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy, redis, telethon.
GilbertAnimeBot A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy, redis, telethon. How to setup/deploy. Read these notes carefully b
AWS Blog post code for running feature-extraction on images using AWS Batch and Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
Batch processing with AWS Batch and CDK Welcome This repository demostrates provisioning the necessary infrastructure for running a job on AWS Batch u
Simple threaded Python Rickroll server. Listens on port 23 by default.
Terminal Rickroll Simple threaded Python Rickroll server. Listens on port 23 by default. Rickroll video made using Video-To-Ascii and the standard ric
Input-based tic tac toe game made in only python.
Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe is a game in which two players seek in alternate turns to complete a row, a column, or a diagonal with either three O's or thr
Discord Multitool made in python 3.9
XTool Discord Multitool 24 Features: Webhook Delete VC Lagger Fast Token Checker Mass Report [Not Done] Token rape 2K Characters Bypass Block bypass M
This is a backend for VCode Editor for saving & retriving data.
This is a backend for VCode Editor for saving & retriving data through the API.
This an API wrapper library for the OpenSea API written in Python 3.
OpenSea NFT API Python 3 wrapper This an API wrapper library for the OpenSea API written in Python 3. The library provides a simplified interface to f
Copier template for solving Advent of Code puzzles with Python
Advent of Code Python Template for Copier This template creates scaffolding for one day of Advent of Code. It includes tests and can download your per
BREP : Binary Search in plaintext and gzip files
BREP : Binary Search in plaintext and gzip files Search large files in O(log n) time using binary search. We support plaintext and Gzipped files. Benc
A python screen recorder for low-end computers, provides high quality video output.
RecorderX - v1.0 A screen recorder made in Python with the help of OpenCv, it has ability to record your screen in high quality. No matter what your P
This is a simple python code to get IP address and its location using python
IP address & Location finder @DEV/ED : Pavan Ananth Sharma Dependencies: ip2geotools Note: use pip install ip2geotools to install this in your termin
Python template for Advent of Code event
Advent of Code Python Starter A tamplate for Advent of Code write in Python. Usage The project use poetry for project manager. Clone this repository a
A Simple Python KeyLogger App
✨ Kurulum Uygulamayı bilgisayarınızda kullana bilmek için bazı işlemler yapmanız gerekiyor. Aşağıdaki yönlendirmeleri takip ederek bunu yapabilirsiniz
An API wrapper around Discord API.
NeoCord This project is work in progress not for production use. An asynchronous API wrapper around Discord API written in Python. Features Modern API
Named Entity Recognition API used by TEI Publisher
TEI Publisher Named Entity Recognition API This repository contains the API used by TEI Publisher's web-annotation editor to detect entities in the in
A virus/stealer made in py
python-virus A virus/stealer made in py. Features: Discord token stealer, Password stealer, Windows key stealer, Credit-card stealer, Image grab, Anti
Python script to get some stats on nodes in a Blender material nodetree
Python script to get some stats on nodes in a Blender material nodetree. It counts the nodes, the node types and the max deep level for group nodes.
A simple command line tool for changing the icons of folders or files on MacOS.
Mac OS File Icon Changer Description A small and simple script to quickly change large amounts or a few files and folders icons to easily customize th
Project description A library providing functionalities to calculate reputation and degree of trust on C2C ecommerce platforms. The work is fully base
A python package that fetches tweets and user information in a very pythonic manner.
Tweetsy Tweetsy uses Twitter's underlying API to fetch user information and tweets and present it in a human-friendly way. What makes Tweetsy special
Arp Spoofer using Python 3.
ARP Spoofer / Wifi Killer By Auax Run: Run the application with the following command: python3 spoof.py -t target_ip_address -lh host_ip_address I
Small project to recursively calculate and plot each successive order of the Hilbert Curve
hilbert-curve Small project to recursively calculate and plot each successive order of the Hilbert Curve. After watching 3Blue1Brown's video on Hilber
A simple Python CLI tool that draws routes/paths on a given map.
Map Router A simple Python CLI tool that draws routes/paths on a given map. Index Installation Usage Docs Why? License Support Installation Coming soo
Dicha herramienta esta creada con una api... esta api permite enviar un SMS cada 12 horas dependiendo del pais... Hay algunos paises y operadoras no están soportados.
SMSFree pkg install python3 pip install requests git clone https://github.com/Hidden-parker/SMSFree cd SMSFree python sms.py DISFRUTA... Dicha herrami
A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database.
Saber A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database. Originally a marie fork - Saber has evolved further and was built
A discord webhook client written in Python.
DiscordWebhook A discord webhook client written in Python. Installation pip install webhook-client Example from webhook_client import WebhookClient, E
Small game I made in 2019 using python/pygame.
Kill-The-Blokk // Shoot or Die This is a small game I made in gr.10 (2019) for my high school computer science class; the game was coded in python usi
thonny plugin for gitonic
thonny-gitonic thonny plugin for gitonic open gitonic in thonny by pressing Control+Shift+g, or via tools menu press ESC key to minimize gitonic windo
This is a simple Bitcoin non-deterministic wallet address generator coded in Python 3.
This is a simple Bitcoin non-deterministic wallet address generator coded in Python 3. It generates a Private Key in different formats (hex, wif and compressed wif) and corresponding Public Addresses, raw, P2WPKH addresses starting with prefix 1, P2SH addresses starting with prefix 3 as part of Segwit soft fork and Bech32 addresses with prefix bc1 P2WPKH and P2WSH.
Python exploit for vsftpd 2.3.4 - Backdoor Command Execution
CVE-2011-2523 - vsftpd 2.3.4 Exploit Discription vsftpd, which stands for Very Secure FTP Daemon,is an FTP server for Unix-like systems, including Lin
This is a FastAPI application that provides a RESTful API for the Podcasts from different podcast's RSS feeds
The Podcaster API This is a FastAPI application that provides a RESTful API for the Podcasts from different podcast's RSS feeds. The API response is i
A programming language with logic of Python, and syntax of all languages.
Pytov The idea was to take all well known syntaxes, and combine them into one programming language with many posabilities. Installation Install using
Open-source linguistic ethnography tool for framing public opinion in mediatized groups.
Open-source linguistic ethnography tool for framing public opinion in mediatized groups. Table of Contents Installing Quickstart Links Installing Pyth
Unsub is a collection analysis tool that assists libraries in analyzing their journal subscriptions.
About Unsub is a collection analysis tool that assists libraries in analyzing their journal subscriptions. The tool provides rich data and a summary g
A Python package to facilitate research on building and evaluating automated scoring models.
Rater Scoring Modeling Tool Introduction Automated scoring of written and spoken test responses is a growing field in educational natural language pro