10 Repositories
Python classroom Libraries
level1-image-classification-level1-recsys-09 created by GitHub Classroom
level1-image-classification-level1-recsys-09 ❗ 주제 설명 COVID-19 Pandemic 상황 속 마스크 착용 유무 판단 시스템 구축 마스크 착용 여부, 성별, 나이 총 세가지 기준에 따라 총 18개의 class로 구분하는 모델 ?
level2-data-annotation_cv-level2-cv-15 created by GitHub Classroom
[AI Tech 3기 Level2 P Stage] 글자 검출 대회 팀원 소개 김규리_T3016 박정현_T3094 석진혁_T3109 손정균_T3111 이현진_T3174 임종현_T3182 Overview OCR (Optimal Character Recognition) 기술
204-python-string-21BCA90 created by GitHub Classroom
204-Python This repository is created for subject "204 Programming Skill" Python Programming. This Repository contain list of programs of python progr
Tech Resources for Academic Communities
Free tech resources for faculty, students, researchers, life-long learners, and academic community builders for use in tech based courses, workshops, and hackathons.
stories-matiasucker created by GitHub Classroom
Stories do Instagram Este projeto tem como objetivo desenvolver uma pequena aplicação que simule os efeitos e funcionalidades ao estilo Instagram. A a
Final-project-robokeeper created by GitHub Classroom
RoboKeeper! Jonny Bosnich, Joshua Cho, Lio Liang, Marco Morales, Cody Nichoson Demonstration Videos Grabbing the paddle: https://youtu.be/N0HPvFNHrTw
A Classroom Engagement Platform
Project Introduction This is project introduction Setup Setting up Postgres This is the most tricky part when setting up the application. You will nee
An app to automatically take attendance by scanning students' bar coded ID card as they enter the classroom.
Auto Classroom Attendance This application may be run on a PC to automatically scan students' ID card using a generic bar code scanner and output the
sense-py-AnishaBaishya created by GitHub Classroom
Compute Statistics Here we compute statistics for a bunch of numbers. This project uses the unittest framework to test functionality. Pass the tests T
Assassination API for getting random quotes from Assassination Classroom.
Assassination API Take advantage of what you have, while you have it. Quotes from Assassination Classroom Assassination classroom is one of best anime