4 Repositories
Python coinmarketcap Libraries
💰 An Alfred Workflow that provides current price of cryptocurrency
Coin Ticker for Alfred Workflow An Alfred Workflow that provides current price and status about cryptocurrency from cryptocompare.com. Supports Alfred
A Discord Bot that tracks and displays cryptocurrencies using the CoinMarketCap API
PyBo - A Crypto Inspired Discord Bot Pybo (paɪ boʊ) is a Discord bot that utilizes the discord.py API wrapper to run the bot. Pybo also integrates the
Codes for the collection and predictive processing of bitcoin from the API of coinmarketcap
Codes for the collection and predictive processing of bitcoin from the API of coinmarketcap
dashboard to track crypto prices and change via the coinmarketcap APIs
crypto-dashboard Dashboard to track crypto prices and change via the coinmarketcap APIs. Uses chart.js and ag-grid. Requirements: python 3 (was writte