4 Repositories
Python discretization Libraries
Benchmark for the generalization of 3D machine learning models across different remeshing/samplings of a surface.
Discretization Robust Correspondence Benchmark One challenge of machine learning on 3D surfaces is that there are many different representations/sampl
Omnidirectional Scene Text Detection with Sequential-free Box Discretization (IJCAI 2019). Including competition model, online demo, etc.
Box_Discretization_Network This repository is built on the pytorch [maskrcnn_benchmark]. The method is the foundation of our ReCTs-competition method
A JAX-based research framework for writing differentiable numerical simulators with arbitrary discretizations
jaxdf - JAX-based Discretization Framework Overview | Example | Installation | Documentation ⚠️ This library is still in development. Breaking changes
Time Discretization-Invariant Safe Action Repetition for Policy Gradient Methods
Time Discretization-Invariant Safe Action Repetition for Policy Gradient Methods This repository is the official implementation of Seohong Park, Jaeky