1956 Repositories
Python django-fcm-sample-project Libraries
In this project we investigate the performance of the SetCon model on realistic video footage. Therefore, we implemented the model in PyTorch and tested the model on two example videos.
Contrastive Learning of Object Representations Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gemma Roig Institutions: Goethe University CVAI - Computational Vision & Artifici
Python Web Scrapper Project
Web Scrapper Projeto desenvolvido em python, sobre tudo com Selenium, BeautifulSoup e Pandas é um web scrapper que puxa uma tabela com as principais e
A beginner django project and also my first Django project which involves shortening of a longer URL into a short one using a unique id.
Django-URL-Shortener A beginner django project and also my first Django project which involves shortening of a longer URL into a short one using a uni
Learn meanings behind words is a key element in NLP. This project concentrates on the disambiguation of preposition senses. Therefore, we train a bert-transformer model and surpass the state-of-the-art.
New State-of-the-Art in Preposition Sense Disambiguation Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler Alexander Henlein Institutions: Goethe University TTLa
This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX
The goal of Project CodeNet is to provide the AI-for-Code research community with a large scale, diverse, and high quality curated dataset to drive innovation in AI techniques.
Database Reasoning Over Text project for ACL paper
Database Reasoning over Text This repository contains the code for the Database Reasoning Over Text paper, to appear at ACL2021. Work is performed in
Tune in is a Collaborative Music Playing Systems where multiple guests can join a room and enjoy the song being played
✨A collaborative music playing systems🎶 where multiple guests can join a room ➡🚪 and enjoy the song🎧 being played.
A simple script which allows you to see how much GEXP you earned for playing in the last Minecraft Hypixel server session
Project Landscape A simple script which allows you to see how much GEXP you earned for playing in the Minecraft Server Hypixel Usage Install python 3.
Vanilla and Prototypical Networks with Random Weights for image classification on Omniglot and mini-ImageNet. Made with Python3.
vanilla-rw-protonets-project Vanilla Prototypical Networks and PNs with Random Weights for image classification on Omniglot and mini-ImageNet. Made wi
python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
Django REST Framework Social OAuth2 This module provides OAuth2 social authentication support for applications in Django REST Framework. The aim of th
A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.
Simple JWT Abstract Simple JWT is a JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework. For full documentation, visit django-rest-fram
JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework
REST framework JWT Auth JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework Overview This package provides JSON Web Token Authentication s
User-related REST API based on the awesome Django REST Framework
Django REST Registration User registration REST API, based on Django REST Framework. Documentation Full documentation for the project is available at
Authentication for Django Rest Framework
Dj-Rest-Auth Drop-in API endpoints for handling authentication securely in Django Rest Framework. Works especially well with SPAs (e.g React, Vue, Ang
This app makes it extremely easy to build Django powered SPA's (Single Page App) or Mobile apps exposing all registration and authentication related functionality as CBV's (Class Base View) and REST (JSON)
Welcome to django-rest-auth Repository is unmaintained at the moment (on pause). More info can be found on this issue page: https://github.com/Tivix/d
An extension of django rest framework, providing a configurable password reset strategy
Django Rest Password Reset This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework, where users can request password r
Django-google-optimize is a Django application designed to make running server side Google Optimize A/B tests easy.
Django-google-optimize Django-google-optimize is a Django application designed to make running Google Optimize A/B tests easy. Here is a tutorial on t
Test utility for validating OpenAPI documentation
DRF OpenAPI Tester This is a test utility to validate DRF Test Responses against OpenAPI 2 and 3 schema. It has built-in support for: OpenAPI 2/3 yaml
A feature flipper for Django
README Django Waffle is (yet another) feature flipper for Django. You can define the conditions for which a flag should be active, and use it in a num
Useful additions to Django's default TestCase
django-test-plus Useful additions to Django's default TestCase from REVSYS Rationale Let's face it, writing tests isn't always fun. Part of the reason
Test django schema and data migrations, including migrations' order and best practices.
django-test-migrations Features Allows to test django schema and data migrations Allows to test both forward and rollback migrations Allows to test th
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respons
Separate handling of protected media in Django, with X-Sendfile support
Django Protected Media Django Protected Media is a Django app that manages media that are considered sensitive in a protected fashion. Not only does t
Set the draft security HTTP header Permissions-Policy (previously Feature-Policy) on your Django app.
django-permissions-policy Set the draft security HTTP header Permissions-Policy (previously Feature-Policy) on your Django app. Requirements Python 3.
Full-text multi-table search application for Django. Easy to install and use, with good performance.
django-watson django-watson is a fast multi-model full-text search plugin for Django. It is easy to install and use, and provides high quality search
A light-weight image labelling tool for Python designed for creating segmentation data sets.
An image labelling tool for creating segmentation data sets, for Django and Flask.
An example of a chatbot with a number-based menu that can be used as a starting point for a project.
NumMenu Bot NumMenu Bot is an example chatbot showing a way to design a number-based menu assistant with Rasa. This type of bot is very useful on plat
Plaything for Autistic Children (demo for PaddlePaddle/Wechaty/Mixlab project)
星星的孩子 - 一款为孤独症孩子设计的聊天机器人游戏 孤独症儿童是目前常常被忽视的一类群体。他们有着类似性格内向的特征,实际却受着广泛性发育障碍的折磨。 项目背景 这类儿童在与人交往时存在着沟通障碍,其特点表现在: 社交交流差,互动障碍明显 认知能力有限,被动认知 兴趣狭窄,重复刻板,缺乏变化和想象
Google Project: Search and auto-complete sentences within given input text files, manipulating data with complex data-structures.
Auto-Complete Google Project In this project there is an implementation for one feature of Google's search engines - AutoComplete. Autocomplete, or wo
This is project is the implementation of the DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks paper
DeepShift This is project is the implementation of the DeepShift: Towards Multiplication-Less Neural Networks paper, that aims to replace multiplicati
A project for developing transformer-based models for clinical relation extraction
Clinical Relation Extration with Transformers Aim This package is developed for researchers easily to use state-of-the-art transformers models for ext
Active and Sample-Efficient Model Evaluation
Active Testing: Sample-Efficient Model Evaluation Hi, good to see you here! 👋 This is code for "Active Testing: Sample-Efficient Model Evaluation". P
Um aplicativo de usuários feito em Django REST Framework, nesse aplicativo eu modifiquei o modelo padrão de user do Django, adicionando campos personalizados e login com email e senha, também desenvolvi funcionalidades para a API e testes automatizados, para conferir tudo leia o README abaixo!
App de Usuários Esse é um app de usuários personalizado feito em Django REST Framework, nele eu modifiquei o model padrão de users do Django, adiciona
veez music bot is a telegram music bot project, allow you to play music on voice chat group telegram.
🎶 Veez Music Bot Music bot for playing music on telegram voice chat group. Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS nodesource.com Python 3.7+ PyTgCalls 🧪 Get
This project is a sample demo of Arxiv search related to AI/ML Papers built using Streamlit, sentence-transformers and Faiss.
This project is a sample demo of Arxiv search related to AI/ML Papers built using Streamlit, sentence-transformers and Faiss.
Estudo de como criar uma api para o gerenciamento de livros usando a django restframework
Boa parte do projeto foi beaseado nesse vídeo e nesse artigo. Se assim como eu, você entrou agora no mundo BackEnd, recomendo fortemente tais materiai
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt. ⚙
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
PyTorch Implementation of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation project.
PyTorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation This is a pytorch version of Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation, origin code is here Realtime_Multi-P
This project is a re-implementation of MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition by MMOCR
This project is a re-implementation of MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition by MMOCR,which is an open-source toolbox based on PyTorch. The overall architecture will be shown below.
NLPShala , the best IDE for all Natural language processing tasks.
The revolutionary IDE for all NLP (Natural language processing) stuffs on the internet.
A Django backed for PostgreSQL using Psycopg 3
A Django backend for PostgreSQL using Psycopg 2 The backend passes the entire Django test suite, but it needs a few modifications to Django and to i
A handy tool for generating Django-based backend projects without coding. On the other hand, it is a code generator of the Django framework.
Django Sage Painless The django-sage-painless is a valuable package based on Django Web Framework & Django Rest Framework for high-level and rapid web
Project page of the paper 'Analyzing Perception-Distortion Tradeoff using Enhanced Perceptual Super-resolution Network' (ECCVW 2018)
EPSR (Enhanced Perceptual Super-resolution Network) paper This repo provides the test code, pretrained models, and results on benchmark datasets of ou
Implementation of experiments in the paper Clockwork Variational Autoencoders (project website) using JAX and Flax
Clockwork VAEs in JAX/Flax Implementation of experiments in the paper Clockwork Variational Autoencoders (project website) using JAX and Flax, ported
This Github Action automatically creates a GIF from a given web page to display on your project README
This Github Action automatically creates a GIF from a given web page to display on your project README
A heterogeneous entity-augmented academic language model based on Open Academic Graph (OAG)
Library | Paper | Slack We released two versions of OAG-BERT in CogDL package. OAG-BERT is a heterogeneous entity-augmented academic language model wh
MachineLearningStocks is designed to be an intuitive and highly extensible template project applying machine learning to making stock predictions.
Using python and scikit-learn to make stock predictions
An implementation of ordered dithering algorithm in python as multimedia course project
One way of minimizing the size of an image is to simply reduce the number of bits you use to represent each pixel.
Django Project with Rest and Graphql API's
Django-Rest-and-Graphql # 1. Django Project Setup With virtual environment: mkdir {project_name}. To install virtual Environment sudo apt-get install
Matplotlib colormaps from the yt project !
cmyt Matplotlib colormaps from the yt project ! Colormaps overview The following colormaps, as well as their respective reversed (*_r) versions are av
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project :rocket:
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Project page for the paper Semi-Supervised Raw-to-Raw Mapping 2021.
Project page for the paper Semi-Supervised Raw-to-Raw Mapping 2021.
Introduction to Django Rest Framework
Introduction to Django Rest Framework This is the repository of the video series Introduction to Django Rest Framework published on YouTube. It is a s
Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class
django-admincharts Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class. Example from django.contrib import admin from .models import
It is a temporary project to study discord interactions. You can set permissions conveniently when you invite a particular disk code bot.
Permission Bot 디스코드 내에 있는 message-components 를 연구하기 위하여 제작된 봇입니다. Setup /config/config_example.ini 파일을 /config/config.ini으로 변환합니다. config 파일의 기본 양식은 아
A simple Django dev environment setup with docker for demo purposes for GalsenDev community
GalsenDEV Docker Demo This is a basic Django dev environment setup with docker and docker-compose for a GalsenDev Meetup. The main purposes was to mak
News search API developed for the purposes of the ColdCase Project.
Saxion - Cold Case - News Search API Setup Local – Linux/MacOS Make sure you have python 3.9 and pip 21 installed. This project uses a MySQL database,
Store events and publish to Kafka
Create an event from Django ORM object model, store the event into the database and also publish it into Kafka cluster.
A Python Discord bot project generator
Heater Heat up a Discord bot in a blink What is Heater? Heater is a Command Line Interface tool which allows you to generate a barebones Python Discor
This is a cryptocurrency trading bot that analyses Reddit sentiment and places trades on Binance based on reddit post and comment sentiment. If you like this project please consider donating via brave. Thanks.
This is a cryptocurrency trading bot that analyses Reddit sentiment and places trades on Binance based on reddit post and comment sentiment. The bot f
Here is my Senior Design Project that I implemented to graduate from Computer Engineering.
Here is my Senior Design Project that I implemented to graduate from Computer Engineering. It is a chatbot made in RASA and helps the user to plan their vacation in the Turkish language. In order to plan the user's vacation, it provides reservations by asking various questions for hotel, flight, or event.
Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App
privalise Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App The Main Idea: We`ve seen social media web apps that focuse
Hand gesture detection project with aweome UI implementation.
an awesome hand gesture detection project for you to be creative! Imagination is the limit to do with this project.
This project aims to assist in the search for leaked passwords while maintaining a high level of privacy using the k-anonymity method.
To achieve this, the APIs of different services are used, sending only a part of the Hash of the password we want to check, for example, the first 5 characters.
Outreachy TFX custom component project
Schema Curation Custom Component Outreachy TFX custom component project This repo contains the code for Schema Curation Custom Component made as a par
Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation"
EgoNet Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation". This repo inclu
The project is an official implementation of our paper "3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers".
3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers This repo is the official implementation for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and
An experiment to deploy a serverless infrastructure for a scrapy project.
Serverless Scrapy project This project aims to evaluate the feasibility of an architecture based on serverless technology for a web crawler using scra
Demo project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python
kafkaml-anomaly-detection Project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python It's assumed that zookeeper and kafka are running in the loca
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
A simple plugin to attach a debugger in Django on runserver command.
django-debugger A simple plugin to attach a debugger in Django during runserver Installation pip install django-debugger Usage Prepend django_debugger
Cloud Native sample microservices showcasing Full Stack Observability using AppDynamics and ThousandEyes
Cloud Native Sample Bookinfo App Observability Bookinfo is a sample application composed of four Microservices written in different languages.
DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System
# Hire-ME DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System. 💫 ✨ Features Python + MYSQL using mysql.connector library Recruiter and Client Panel Beau
This repository contains all the source code that is needed for the project : An Efficient Pipeline For Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
Pipeline For NLP with Bloom's Taxonomy Using Improved Question Classification and Question Generation using Deep Learning This repository contains all
A Django chatbot that is capable of doing math and searching Chinese poet online. Developed with django, channels, celery and redis.
Django Channels Websocket Chatbot A Django chatbot that is capable of doing math and searching Chinese poet online. Developed with django, channels, c
This project checks the weather in the next 12 hours and sends an SMS to your phone number if it's going to rain to remind you to take your umbrella.
RainAlert-Request-Twilio This project checks the weather in the next 12 hours and sends an SMS to your phone number if it's going to rain to remind yo
This is 2nd term discrete maths project done by UCU students that uses backtracking to solve various problems.
Backtracking Project Sponsors This is a project made by UCU students: Olha Liuba - crossword solver implementation Hanna Yershova - sudoku solver impl
This project is based on RIFE and aims to make RIFE more practical for users by adding various features and design new models
This project is based on RIFE and aims to make RIFE more practical for users by adding various features and design new models. Because improving the PSNR index is not compatible with subjective effects, we hope this part of work and our academic research are independent of each other.
Play the Namibian game of Owela against a terrible AI. Built using Django and htmx.
Owela Club A Django project for playing the Namibian game of Owela against a dumb AI. Built following the rules described on the Mancala World wiki pa
The (Python-based) mining software required for the Nintendo Switch mining project.
ntgbtminer - Nintendo Switch edition This is a version of ntgbtminer that works with the Nintendo Switch bitcoin miner. ntgbtminer ntgbtminer is a no
The official project of SimSwap (ACM MM 2020)
SimSwap: An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia The official reposi
It's final year project of Diploma Engineering. This project is based on Computer Vision.
Face-Recognition-Based-Attendance-System It's final year project of Diploma Engineering. This project is based on Computer Vision. Brief idea about ou
Amazing GitHub Template - Sane defaults for your next project!
🚀 Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues and Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
Automate the boilerplate while initializing your Python project
Rubric Automate the boilerplate while initializing your Python project Preface Rubric is an opinionated project initializer for Python. It assum
A basic python project which replicates the functionalities on an 8 Ball.
Magic-8-Ball To the people who wish to make decisions using a Magic 8 Ball but can't get one? I gotchu. This is a basic python project which replicate
This is django-import-export module that exports data into many formats
django-import-export This is django-import-export module which exports data into many formats, you can implement this in your admin panel. - Dehydrat
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts that will make you go wow. This repository will help you in getting those green squares. Hop in and enjoy the journey of open source. 🚀
Password Manager is a simple Python project which helps users in managing their passwords in a easier way
Password Manager is a simple Python project which helps users in managing their passwords in a easier way
A project which aims to protect your privacy using inexpensive hardware and easily modifiable software
Protecting your privacy using an ESP32, an IR sensor and a python script This project, which I personally call the "never-gonna-catch-me-in-the-act-ev
Auth module for Django and GarpixCMS
Garpix Auth Auth module for Django/DRF projects. Part of GarpixCMS. Used packages: django rest framework social-auth-app-django django-rest-framework-
This project provides an unsupervised framework for mining and tagging quality phrases on text corpora with pretrained language models (KDD'21).
UCPhrase: Unsupervised Context-aware Quality Phrase Tagging To appear on KDD'21...[pdf] This project provides an unsupervised framework for mining and
DownTime-Score is a Small project aimed to Monitor the performance and the availabillity of a variety of the Vital and Critical Moroccan Web Portals
DownTime-Score DownTime-Score is a Small project aimed to Monitor the performance and the availabillity of a variety of the Vital and Critical Morocca
PwnDatas-DB-Project PwnDatas-DB-Project(PDDP) 安裝依賴: pip3 install pymediawiki 使用: cd /opt git https://github.com/JustYoomoon/PwnDatas-DB-Project.git c
A toy project using OpenCV and PyMunk
A toy project using OpenCV, PyMunk and Mediapipe the source code for my LindkedIn post It's just a toy project and I didn't write a documentation yet,
Github project for Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting.
Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting This is the Github project for our paper Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matti
DNSStager is an open-source project based on Python used to hide and transfer your payload using DNS.
What is DNSStager? DNSStager is an open-source project based on Python used to hide and transfer your payload using DNS. DNSStager will create a malic
Django/Jinja template indenter
DjHTML A pure-Python Django/Jinja template indenter without dependencies. DjHTML is a fully automatic template indenter that works with mixed HTML/CSS
Microsoft contributing libraries, tools, recipes, sample codes and workshop contents for machine learning & deep learning.
Microsoft contributing libraries, tools, recipes, sample codes and workshop contents for machine learning & deep learning.