271 Repositories
Python download Libraries
Download your bandcamp collection using this python script.
bandcamp-downloader Download your Bandcamp collection using this python script. It requires you to have a browser with a logged in session of bandcamp
Download archived malware from ActiveState's source code mirror
malware-archivist (ma) Tool to aid security researchers in dissecting malware. Often, repository maintainers will remove malicious packages entirely f
The Most advanced and User-Friendly Google Collab NoteBook to download Torrent directly to Google Drive with File or Magnet Link support and with added protection of Timeout Preventer.
Torrent To Google Drive (UI Added! 😊 ) A Simple and User-Friendly Google Collab Notebook with UI to download Torrent to Google Drive using (.Torrent)
Simple Python script to download images and videos from public subreddits without using Reddit's API 😎
Subreddit Media Downloader Download images and videos from any public subreddit without using Reddit's API Made with ❤ by Nico 💬 About: This script a
The Simple Google Colab Notebook to Download Files from Direct Link to Google Drive with custom name and bulk link support.
Direct Link to Google Drive (Advanced! 🔥 ) The Most Advanced yet Simple Google Colab Notebook to Download Files from Direct Link to Google Drive. 🆕
Download & Install mods for your favorit game with a few simple clicks
Husko's SteamWorkshop Downloader 🔴 IMPORTANT ❗ 🔴 The Tool is currently being rewritten so updates will be slow and only on the dev branch until it i
Ego4d dataset repository. Download the dataset, visualize, extract features & example usage of the dataset
Ego4D EGO4D is the world's largest egocentric (first person) video ML dataset and benchmark suite, with 3,600 hrs (and counting) of densely narrated v
FAST Aiming at the problems of cumbersome steps and slow download speed of GNSS data
FAST Aiming at the problems of cumbersome steps and slow download speed of GNSS data, a relatively complete set of integrated multi-source data download terminal software fast is developed. The software contains most of the data sources required in the process of GNSS scientific research and learning. The way of parallel download greatly improves the efficiency of download.
script to scrape direct download links (ddls) from google drive index.
bhadoo Google Personal/Shared Drive Index scraper. A small script to scrape direct download links (ddls) of downloadable files from bhadoo google driv
A script to download all the challenges and files from the CTFd instance.
Python CTFd Downloader A script to download all the challenges and files from the CTFd instance. Installation Clone this repo: git clone https://githu
A simple MTProto-based bot that can download various types of media (10MB) on a local storage
TG Media Downloader Bot 🤖 A telegram bot based on Pyrogram that downloads on a local storage the following media files: animation, audio, document, p
A Telegram bot to download posts, videos, reels, IGTV and a user profile picture from Instagram!
Telegram Bot A telegram bot to download media from Instagram! No API Key or Login Needed! Requirements You must have python installed (of course) You
Download from Onlyfans.com.
OnlySave: Onlyfans downloader Getting Started: Download the setup executable from the latest release. Install and run. Only works on Windows currently
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord, run it and wait for free nitro to come
Search & download music from a certain streaming service
Search & download music from a certain streaming service
Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically
paper finder Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically. How to use this? Search CLI python search.py -k "knowledge tracing,kn
This package helps you to directly download an APK from Google Play by providing the package id of the app
Apk Downloader About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | License | Author 🎯 About This package helps you to directly download an AP
This project is helps to download contents from Streamtape by utilizing the API
It scrapes Streamtape api and download contents from the site.
A Python script to download PDB files associated with a Portable Executable (PE)
A Python script to download PDB files associated with a Portable Executable (PE)
Download Web-10K data by querying Bing Image Search
gpv2-web10k This repository contains the script to download images from the Web-10K dataset. The script takes in a list of queries, queries Bing Image
This code will be able to scrape movies from a movie website and also provide download links to newly uploaded movies.
Movies-Scraper You are probably tired of navigating through a movie website to get the right movie you'd want to watch during the weekend. There may e
Python scripts to interact with the CakeCMS API.
Python scripts to interact with the CakeCMS API. Installation of the python module Prerequisites The cakecms module has to be installed first. Install
The sole purpose of this script is to download any NFT collection from OpenSea
OpenSea NFT Stealer The sole purpose of this script is to download any NFT collection from OpenSea. Setup Prerequisites: Python 3 Python requests libr
Export transactions for an algorand wallet to a CSV file
algorand_txn_csv_exporter - (Algorand transaction CSV exporter) This script will export transactions for an algorand wallet to a CSV file. It is inten
A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs
Project IBEX A Celery application to collect data, download media and extract information from social media APIs. Requirements You must have a Redis D
Yuque2md - Offline download the markdown file and image from yuque
yuque2md 按照语雀知识库里的目录,导出语雀知识库中所有的markdown文档,并离线图片到本地 使用 安装 Python3.x clone 项目 下载依
TikTok - TikTok Bot to download video or audio from TikTok
TikTok - TikTok Bot to download video or audio from TikTok
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more
Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more
Download and process GOES-16 and GOES-17 data from NOAA's archive on AWS using Python.
Download and display GOES-East and GOES-West data GOES-East and GOES-West satellite data are made available on Amazon Web Services through NOAA's Big
Quickly, simply, and asynchronously download NFT's from an Opensea collection
iRightClick Quickly, simply, and asynchronously download NFT's from an Opensea collection. NOTICE This tool is not developed to encourage or facilitat
ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool
ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool Copyright: 2021-2022 Antonio Valentino Small Python tool (asfsmd) that allows to download XML files containing S
A Python package that can be used to download post and comment data from Reddit.
Reddit Data Collector Reddit Data Collector is a Python package that allows a user to collect post and comment data from Reddit. It is built on top of
Python for downloading model data (HRRR, RAP, GFS, NBM, etc.) from NOMADS, NOAA's Big Data Program partners (Amazon, Google, Microsoft), and the University of Utah Pando Archive System.
Python for downloading model data (HRRR, RAP, GFS, NBM, etc.) from NOMADS, NOAA's Big Data Program partners (Amazon, Google, Microsoft), and the University of Utah Pando Archive System.
Script that allows to download data with satellite's orbit height and create CSV with their change in time.
Satellite orbit height ◾ Requirements Python = 3.8 Packages listen in reuirements.txt (run pip install -r requirements.txt) Account on Space Track ◾
Automatically download and crop key information from the arxiv daily paper. (cpu version)
Automatically download and crop key information from the arxiv daily paper. (cpu version)
Download files from DSpace systems (because for some reason DSpace won't let you)
DSpaceDL A tool for downloading files from DSpace items. For some reason, DSpace systems have a dogshit UI, and Universities absolutely LOOOVE to use
Python script to automatically download from Zippyshare
Zippyshare downloader and Links Extractor Python script to automatically download from Zippyshare using Selenium package and Internet Download Manager
Python scrapper scrapping torrent website and download new movies Automatically.
torrent-scrapper Python scrapper scrapping torrent website and download new movies Automatically. If you like it Put a ⭐ on this repo 😇 Run this git
Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2.
Persepolis Download Manager Content About FAQ Screenshots Credits About Persepolis is a download manager & a GUI for Aria2. It's written in Python. Pe
Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
Since iOS 11, Apple released Core ML framework to help developers integrate machine learning models into applications. The official documentation We'v
Liveskidordownload - Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings and results from live.skidor.com
LiveSkidorDownload Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings
YoutubeDownloader - Download any public Playlist from Youtube
YoutubeDownloader Download any public Youtube Channel / Playlist Features Bulk d
A library to make concurrent selenium tests that automatically download and setup webdrivers
AutoParaSelenium A library to make parallel selenium tests that automatically download and setup webdrivers Usage Installation pip install autoparasel
Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings and results from live.skidor.com
LiveSkidorDownload Simple tool to scrape and download cross country ski timings and results from live.skidor.com Usage: Put the python file in a dedic
Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁
TGCLOUD 🪁 Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁 Features Easy to Deploy Heroku Supp
PlaylistAudioBot - Telegram playlist download bot with ytdl
Telegram PlaylistAudioBot PlaylistAudioBot: 🇬🇧 Telegram playlist download bot
Python Programming (Practical) (1-25) Download 👇🏼
BCA-603 : Python Programming (Practical) (1-25) Download zip 🙂 🌟 How to run programs : Clone or download this repo to your computer. Unzip (If you d
Archivist - Easily archive 📦 Download folder to Google Drive ☁️
Archivist Script for archiving Download folder by uploading unmodified files to a Google Drive folder. Modified files will remain in the Download fold
A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use.
udemy-dl A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use. Warning Udemy has started to encrypt many of t
GibMacOS - Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple
Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple Can also now build Internet Recovery USB installers from Windows using dd and 7zip
YouTube-Video-Downloader - Download Youtube Videos for free.
YouTube-Video-Downloader Download Youtube Videos for free. Installing Dependencies:- Windows pip install pytube Mac/Linux pip3 install pytube Clonin
Tool To download - Amazon - Netflix- Disney+ - VideoLand - Boomerang - RTE.ie
vinetrimmer Widevine Decryption Script for Python Modules Amazon Netflix (with h264@mpl support) Disney+ VideoLand Boomerang RTE.ie Hello Fellow Dev
Subscribe, listen and (in the future) download your favorite podcasts, quickly and easily.
Minimal Podcasts Player https://github.com/son-link/minimal-podcasts-player Subscribe, listen and (in the future) download your favorite podcasts, qui
Quickly download, clean up, and install public datasets into a database management system
Finding data is one thing. Getting it ready for analysis is another. Acquiring, cleaning, standardizing and importing publicly available data is time
A python module to download ISO Standards
ISO Standards Downloader A python module to download ISO Standards from https://standards.iso.org/iso-iec/ Report Bug · Request Feature Table of conte
Tool To download Amazon 4k SDR HDR 1080, CDM IS Not Included
WV-AMZN-4K-RIPPER Tool To download Amazon 4k SDR HDR 1080, CDM IS Not Included For CDM You can Mail :- wvfuck@cyberfiends.net Note : CDM is not free L
Python script to download (TCR) genes from IMGT/GENE-DB
IMGTgeneDL 0.1.0 Jamie Heather | CCR @ MGH | 2021 This script provides an alternative way to access TCR and IG genes stored in IMGT/GENE-DB. It's prim
The tool allows to download a list of tiktok sounds
dependencies: pip install requests how to use LAUCH THE PROGRAM file (option f)
Tkinter based YouTube video downloader works on pytube 11.0.2. Can download YouTube videos in 720p(HD), 144p and even only audio.
YouTube-Downloader Tkinter based YouTube video downloader works on pytube 11.0.2. Can download YouTube videos in 720p(HD), 144p and even only audio. G
Download minecraft head or skin, allows TLauncher accounts
Download minecraft head or skin, allows TLauncher accounts
Easily download audio described movies and TV shows found on audiovault.net
AudioVault Downloader A convenient downloader for audio described movies and TV shows found on the Audio Vault. get latest binary release for Windows
Download clips from youtube videos with a few clicks and a GUI!
YouClip v2.0.0 Table Of Contents: What Is YouClip Installation Usage Stuff To Fix Changelog What Is YouClip? ! IMPORTANT: The source files are a total
Produce pdf in python backend from simple bootstrap vue frontend and download to browser
vollmacht produce pdf in python backend from simple bootstrap vue frontend and download to browser Frontend in one file with bootstrap-vue (allthough
A manga download script written in python.
manga-dlp python script to download mangas Description A manga download script written in python. It only supports mangadex.org for now. But support f
Download minecraft head or skin, allows TLauncher accounts
Minecraft-skin-downloader Download minecraft head or skin, allows TLauncher accounts by BoBkiNN_ Contact: https://vk.com/bobkinnvk Requirements: Modul
Can automatically download mods from a Curseforge modpack
Curseforge-Modpack-Downloader A Python script which automatically downloads mods from a Curseforge modpack. Installing Dependencies ⚠ Make sure you ha
Free Game Download Client
XGames Free Game Download Client В проекте была использована библиотека igruha а также PyQt5 WARN ⚠️ Возможно потребуется скачать и установить vc_redi
Tool To download 4KHDR DV SDR from AppleTV
# APPLE-TV 4K Downloader Tool To download 4K HDR DV SDR from AppleTV Hello Fellow Developers/ ! Hi! My name is WVDUMP. I am Leaking the scripts to
Download from HBO-MAX-BLIM-TV-Paramount
#HBO MAX- BlimTV -Paramount plus 4K Downloader Tool To download 4K HDR DV SDR from HBO MAX- BlimTV -Paramount plus Hello Fellow Developers/ ! Hi! M
A cli tool to download purchased products from the DLsite.
dlsite-downloader A cli tool to download purchased products from the DLsite. How can I use? This program runs with configurations defined at settings.
SubGrab is a utility that allows you to automate subtitles downloading for your media files.
SubGrab - Command-line Subtitles Downloader: A utility which provides an ease for automating media i.e., Movies, TV-Series subtitle scraping from mult
Tool to download Netflix in 4k
Netflix-4K-Script Tool to download Netflix in 4k You will need to get a L1 CDM that is whitelsited with Netflix CDM In this script are downgraded
Tool To download Amazon 4k SDR HDR 1080, CDM IS Not Included
WV-AMZN-4K-RIPPER Tool To download Amazon 4k SDR HDR 1080, CDM IS Not Included For CDM You can Mail :- wvfuck@cyberfiends.net Note : CDM is not free L
S3 file download with Python and access with VBA
S3 file download with Python and access with VBA This simple project is using the following stacks: Python AWS S3 VBA/Excel A Bitcoin API With this st
RADIal is available now! Check the download section
Latest news: RADIal is available now! Check the download section. However, because we are currently working on the data anonymization, we provide for
Download YouTube videos that are available in a playlist
Youtube-Playlist-Downloader Download YouTube videos that are in a playlist Project assets: music downloaded music folder. (will be generated) music.db
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata
spotDL Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata The fastest, easiest, and most accurate command-line music download
Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region (South Asia, SE Asia, Africa-MiddleEast, Europe-Americas).
Go Noto Universal Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region (South Asia, SE Asia, East Asia, Africa-MiddleEast, Europe
Application Updater using an download link
Application-Updater This tool will update your app using an storage link
The Ultimate Widevine Content Ripper (KEY Extract + Download + Decrypt) is REBORN
NARROWVINE-REBORN ** UPDATE 21.12.01 ** As expected Google patched its ChromeCDM Whitebox exploit by Satsuoni with a force-update on the ChromeCDM. Th
Python script to automate youtube-dl downloads
Automated Download Tool !! Project status I am writing a new version of this program, which will solve several errors. The new version only supports G
Download YouTube videos that are available in the given playlist
Youtube-Playlist-Downloader Download YouTube videos that are available in the given playlist Project assets: music downloaded music folder. (will be g
A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool
Privateer A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool How
An API or getting Optifine VersionsList/Version/Download-URL.
Optifine-API An API for getting Optifine VersionsList/Versions/Download-URL. Table of contents Get Versions List Get Specify Versions Download Optifin
Metasploit Multi Purpose Exploiting Toolkit For Termux
MSF-EXPLOIT MSF-ANDRO is a Metasploit Multi Purpose Exploiting Toolkit For Termux . Only a Basic Script , Still in Development . FEATURES : Install Me
A Telegram bot to download Subtitle for movies and tv shows.
Subtitle Downloader Bot A Telegram bot to download Subtitle for movies and tv shows. Host on Heroku Configuring Environments API_HASH : Your Telegram
Python script for downloading audio from YouTube songs/videos.
Python script for downloading audio from YouTube songs/videos. All you have to do is specify the path to your folder and then type song's/video's name and the sound will be downloaded into your folder.
An Inline Telegram bot that can download YouTube videos with permanent thumbnail support
Tube (YouTube Downloader) An Inline Telegram bot that can download YouTube videos with permanent thumbnail support About Bot need to be in Inline Mode
A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube.
YouTube-Video-Downloader A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube. Quick Start guide First Clone The Project git clone https:/
Download songs and playlists from Spotify for free!
spotify-to-mp3-converter You can basically understand the process with just this image but for clarity, these are the steps. Before using the exe down
PaperRobot: a paper crawler that can quickly download numerous papers, facilitating paper studying and management
PaperRobot PaperRobot 是一个论文抓取工具,可以快速批量下载大量论文,方便后期进行持续的论文管理与学习。 PaperRobot通过多个接口抓取论文,目前抓取成功率维持在90%以上。通过配置Config文件,可以抓取任意计算机领域相关会议的论文。 Installation Down
A small distributed download manager to help bypass device-specific bandwidth limitations.
Distributed Download Manager A small distributed download manager to help bypass device-specific bandwidth limitations. Architecture The download mana
Download YouTube videos/music and images in MP4, JPG with this tool.
ABOUT THE TOOL Download YouTube videos, music and images in MP4, JPG with this tool, with an easy to understand interface. This tool works with both,
Download candlestick data fast & easy for analysis
crypto-candlesticks 📈 The goal behind this project is to facilitate downloading cryptocurrency candlestick data fast & simple. Currently only the Bit
Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region
noto-cjk Noto CJK fonts Noto Serif CJK update was released on 25 October 2021. We moved the release history and other notes into both Sans and Serif s
A Telegram Bot to generate permanent Stream and Download links for any Telegram file
Telegram File To Stream Link This bot will give you permanent Stream and Download links for Telegram files Deploy the Bot Press the below button to de
Tools to download and cleanup Common Crawl data
cc_net Tools to download and clean Common Crawl as introduced in our paper CCNet. If you found these resources useful, please consider citing: @inproc
Provides script to download and format public IP lists related to the Log4j exploit.
Provides script to download and format public IP lists related to the Log4j exploit. Current format includes: plain list, Cisco ASA Network Group.
👻🟡 Download all Snapchat video & photo memories from a data export.
Snapchat "Memories" Fetcher In compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), businesses which collect and store user data must