4001 Repositories
Python face-detection-using-opencv Libraries
Gaussian Process Optimization using GPy
End of maintenance for GPyOpt Dear GPyOpt community! We would like to acknowledge the obvious. The core team of GPyOpt has moved on, and over the past
cve-search - a tool to perform local searches for known vulnerabilities
cve-search cve-search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to facilitat
iNAS: Integral NAS for Device-Aware Salient Object Detection
iNAS: Integral NAS for Device-Aware Salient Object Detection Introduction Integral search design (jointly consider backbone/head structures, design/de
YOLOX_AUDIO is an audio event detection model based on YOLOX
YOLOX_AUDIO is an audio event detection model based on YOLOX, an anchor-free version of YOLO. This repo is an implementated by PyTorch. Main goal of YOLOX_AUDIO is to detect and classify pre-defined audio events in multi-spectrogram domain using image object detection frameworks.
A Telegram bot to send messages in Telegram groups or Channels using bots anonymously.
Group-chatting-bot A bot to send messeges to group using bot telegram bot ❤️ Support Made with Python3
Using modified BiSeNet for face parsing in PyTorch
face-parsing.PyTorch Contents Training Demo References Training Prepare training data: -- download CelebAMask-HQ dataset -- change file path in the pr
Chainer Implementation of Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Networks
Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Networks Requirements Chainer (1.23.0) Differences Use of FCN-VGG16 instead of Dilated8 as Segmentor. Caution
Segmentation-Aware Convolutional Networks Using Local Attention Masks
Segmentation-Aware Convolutional Networks Using Local Attention Masks [Project Page] [Paper] Segmentation-aware convolution filters are invariant to b
Pytorch code for semantic segmentation using ERFNet
ERFNet (PyTorch version) This code is a toolbox that uses PyTorch for training and evaluating the ERFNet architecture for semantic segmentation. For t
The repository contains source code and models to use PixelNet architecture used for various pixel-level tasks. More details can be accessed at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/pixelNet/.
PixelNet: Representation of the pixels, by the pixels, and for the pixels. We explore design principles for general pixel-level prediction problems, f
Using fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation with caffe for the cityscapes dataset
Using fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation (Shelhamer et al.) with caffe for the cityscapes dataset How to get started Download the
SegNet model implemented using keras framework
keras-segnet Implementation of SegNet-like architecture using keras. Current version doesn't support index transferring proposed in SegNet article, so
Repository for tackling Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation challenge using Torchnet.
Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation Challenge using Torchnet This repository acts as a starting point for someone who wants to start with the kaggle ultraso
Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras
Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras This tutorial shows how to use Keras library to build deep ne
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis Abstract In this paper sentiment analysis has been performed in or
Information about the weather in a city written using Python
Information about the weather in a city Enter the desired city Climate information of the target city This program is written using Python programming
The main aim of this project is to avoid the accidents in shredding ( Waste Recycling Industry )
shredder-Machine-Hand-Safety The main aim of this project is to avoid the accidents in shredding ( Waste Recycling Industry ) . The Basic function of
Position detection system of mobile robot in the warehouse enviroment
Autonomous-Forklift-System About | GUI | Tests | Starting | License | Author | 🎯 About An application that run the autonomous forklift paletization a
An Instagram Clone using Flask, Python, Redux, Thunk, React
An Instagram Clone using Flask, Python, Redux, Thunk, React
Library management using python & MySQL
Library management using python & MySQL Dev/Editor: Pavan Ananth Sharma & MK Akash Introduction: This is an intermediate project which is a user-frie
I coded the sha256 algorithm into python without using any modules.
sha256.py I coded the sha256 algorithm in python without using any modules. The purpose of the code was to better understand the algorithm and learn h
This is a minimal project using graphene with django and user authentication to expose a graphql endpoint.
Welcome This is a minimal project using graphene with django and user authentication to expose a graphql endpoint. Definitely checkout how I have mana
PyQT5 app that colorize black & white pictures using CNN(use pre-trained model which was made with OpenCV)
About PyQT5 app that colorize black & white pictures using CNN(use pre-trained model which was made with OpenCV) Colorizor Приложение для проекта Yand
Python library for using SMS.ir web services
smsir smsir is a Python library for using SMS web services www.sms.ir Installation Use the package manager pip to install smsir. pip install smsir Usa
Anime Face Detector using mmdet and mmpose
Anime Face Detector This is an anime face detector using mmdetection and mmpose. (To avoid copyright issues, I use generated images by the TADNE model
Turning pixels into virtual points for multimodal 3D object detection.
Multimodal Virtual Point 3D Detection Turning pixels into virtual points for multimodal 3D object detection. Multimodal Virtual Point 3D Detection, Ti
Sentiment analysis on streaming twitter data using Spark Structured Streaming & Python
Sentiment analysis on streaming twitter data using Spark Structured Streaming & Python This project is a good starting point for those who have little
PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.
PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.
Addon for adding subtitle files to blender VSE as Text sequences. Using pysub2 python module.
Import Subtitles for Blender VSE Addon for adding subtitle files to blender VSE as Text sequences. Using pysub2 python module. Supported formats by py
Blazing fast language detection using fastText model
Luga A blazing fast language detection using fastText's language models Luga is a Swahili word for language. fastText provides a blazing fast language
Virtual Assistant Using Python
-Virtual-Assistant-Using-Python Virtual desktop assistant is an awesome thing. If you want your machine to run on your command like Jarvis did for Ton
Torch-based tool for quantizing high-dimensional vectors using additive codebooks
Trainable multi-codebook quantization This repository implements a utility for use with PyTorch, and ideally GPUs, for training an efficient quantizer
Stock Price Prediction Bank Jago Using Facebook Prophet Machine Learning & Python
Stock Price Prediction Bank Jago Using Facebook Prophet Machine Learning & Python Overview Bank Jago has attracted investors' attention since the end
A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem.
GOAT A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05366 Repo structure .github: Files specifying ho
Code for paper entitled "Improving Novelty Detection using the Reconstructions of Nearest Neighbours"
NLN: Nearest-Latent-Neighbours A repository containing the implementation of the paper entitled Improving Novelty Detection using the Reconstructions
Deliver buycraft orders to players across the map in minecraft servers using baritone
Deliver buycraft orders to players across the map in minecraft servers using baritone
Face recognize and crop them
Face Recognize Cropping Module Source 아이디어 Face Alignment with OpenCV and Python Requirement 필요 라이브러리 imutil dlib python-opence (cv2) Usage 사용 방법 open
💬 Send iMessages using Python through the Shortcuts app.
py-imessage-shortcuts Send iMessages using Python through the Shortcuts app. Requires macOS Monterey (macOS 12) or later. Compatible with Apple Silico
A flag generation AI created using DeepAIs API
Vex AI or Vexiology AI is an Artifical Intelligence created to generate custom made flag design texts. It uses DeepAIs API. Please be aware that you must include your own DeepAI API key. See instructions below for more information.
A simple desktop news application written using python created using PyQt5
News-Application---Python This is a news application created using PyQt5. News is fetched through API from newsapi.org. Available top headlines from c
Created covid data pipeline using PySpark and MySQL that collected data stream from API and do some processing and store it into MYSQL database.
Created covid data pipeline using PySpark and MySQL that collected data stream from API and do some processing and store it into MYSQL database.
Here I provide the source code for doing web scraping using the python library, it is Selenium.
Here I provide the source code for doing web scraping using the python library, it is Selenium.
Authentication provider using Synology DSM users for Home Assistant
Authentication provider using Synology DSM users for Home Assistant The Synology authentication provider lets you authenticate using the users in your
Object detection using yolo-tiny model and opencv used as backend
Object detection Algorithm used : Yolo algorithm Backend : opencv Library required: opencv = 4.5.4-dev' Quick Overview about structure 1) main.py Load
Yolo algorithm for detection + centroid tracker to track vehicles
Vehicle Tracking using Centroid tracker Algorithm used : Yolo algorithm for detection + centroid tracker to track vehicles Backend : opencv and python
Vehicle direction identification consists of three module detection , tracking and direction recognization.
Vehicle-direction-identification Vehicle direction identification consists of three module detection , tracking and direction recognization. Algorithm
The example shows using local self-hosted runners on-premises by making use of a runner on a Raspberry Pi with LED's attached to it
The example shows using local self-hosted runners on-premises by making use of a runner on a Raspberry Pi with LED's attached to it
View images in the terminal using ansi escape codes and python
terminal-photo-viewer view images in the terminal using ansi escape codes and python !! Only tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with python version 3.8.10 D
We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural language processing.
Voice Based Personal Assistant We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural lang
A Python library for setting up projects using tabular data.
A Python library for setting up projects using tabular data. It can create project folders, standardize delimiters, and convert files to CSV from either individual files or a directory.
A basic quiz game using Python
QuizGame A basic quiz game using Python Passwords for quizzes (NO CAPS LOCK!): -ryzermattishandsome -canisleepwithyou Before using this, please make s
Gesture controlled media player
Media Player Gesture Control Gesture controller for media player with MediaPipe, VLC and OpenCV. Contents About Setup About A tool for using gestures
Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal
pystego Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal Installation The recommended way for installing this package is using, python
Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud with Only Image Level Annotation
SCCKTIM Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud with Only Image-Level Annotation Our code will be available soon. The class knowledge t
Stream deck using Arduino and Python
Stream deck using Arduino and Python This is a little project I started due to the fact that I wanted to stream and didn't want to spend lots on a sim
Implementation of H-Transformer-1D, Hierarchical Attention for Sequence Learning using 🤗 transformers
hierarchical-transformer-1d Implementation of H-Transformer-1D, Hierarchical Attention for Sequence Learning using 🤗 transformers In Progress!! 2021.
Implementation of the state of the art beat-detection, downbeat-detection and tempo-estimation model
The ISMIR 2020 Beat Detection, Downbeat Detection and Tempo Estimation Model Implementation. This is an implementation in TensorFlow to implement the
CoReD: Generalizing Fake Media Detection with Continual Representation using Distillation (ACMMM'21 Oral Paper)
CoReD: Generalizing Fake Media Detection with Continual Representation using Distillation (ACMMM'21 Oral Paper) (Accepted for oral presentation at ACM
Tools for analyzing Git history using SQLite
git-history Tools for analyzing Git history using SQLite Installation Install this tool using pip: $ pip install git-history Usage This tool can be r
A Python Tool to encrypt all types of files using AES and XOR Algorithm.
DataShield This project intends to protect user’s data, it stores files in encrypted format in device provided the passcode and path of the file. AES
Generate music from midi files using BPE and markov model
Generate music from midi files using BPE and markov model
A free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture using blendshapes, and rigid head pose in 3D space from any RGB camera, photo, or video.
mocap4face by Facemoji mocap4face by Facemoji is a free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture based on Facial Action Coding System or
Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders
Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders Arnheim 1 The original algorithm from the paper Generative Art Using Neural Visual Gramm
Oriented Object Detection: Oriented RepPoints + Swin Transformer/ReResNet
Oriented RepPoints for Aerial Object Detection The code for the implementation of “Oriented RepPoints + Swin Transformer/ReResNet”. Introduction Based
This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection of template image over base image.
Object Detection Project Using OpenCV This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection the template image over base ima
This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in Image and Vision Computing.
Attention-Guided-Contextual-Feature-Fusion-Network-for-Salient-Object-Detection This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in I
Stocks Trading News Alert Using Python
Stocks-Trading-News-Alert-Using-Python Ever Thought of Buying Shares of your Dream Company, When their stock price got down? But It is not possible to
Morphological edge detection or object's boundary detection using erosion and dialation in OpenCV python
Morphologycal-edge-detection-using-erosion-and-dialation the task is to detect object boundary using erosion or dialation . Here, use the kernel or st
A Python training and inference implementation of Yolov5 helmet detection in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano
yolov5-helmet-detection-python A Python implementation of Yolov5 to detect head or helmet in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano. In Jetson X
GitLab CE/EE Preauth RCE using ExifTool
CVE-2021-22205 GitLab CE/EE Preauth RCE using ExifTool This project is for learning only, if someone's rights have been violated, please contact me to
Python code for solving 3D structural problems using the finite element method
3DFEM Python 3D finite element code This python code allows for solving 3D structural problems using the finite element method. New features will be a
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using PyrogramTelegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
Facial Image Inpainting with Semantic Control
Facial Image Inpainting with Semantic Control In this repo, we provide a model for the controllable facial image inpainting task. This model enables u
Bulk send personalized emails using a .csv file and Gmail API (via EZGmail)
GSender Bulk send personalized emails using a .csv file and Gmail API (via EZGmail). Installation Install requirements.txt. Follow the EZGmail Install
Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python.
Venom Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python. Report Bug · Request Feature Contributing Well,
On the 11/11/21 the apache 2.4.49-2.4.50 remote command execution POC has been published online and this is a loader so that you can mass exploit servers using this.
ApacheRCE ApacheRCE is a small little python script that will allow you to input the apache version 2.4.49-2.4.50 and then input a list of ip addresse
A tictactoe where you never win, implemented using minimax algorithm
Unbeatable_TicTacToe A tictactoe where you never win, implemented using minimax algorithm Requirements Make sure you have the pygame module along with
Demo of using DataLoader to prevent out of memory
Demo of using DataLoader to prevent out of memory
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
In this project, we are going to display the battery notification and the time left for the battery to drain out using the battery capacity value.
In this project, we are going to display the battery notification and the time left for the battery to drain out using the battery capacity value.
DRF_commands is a Django package that helps you to create django rest framework endpoints faster using manage.py.
DRF_commands is a Django package that helps you to create django rest framework endpoints faster using manage.py.
Generate HTML using python 3 with an API that follows the DOM standard specfication.
Generate HTML using python 3 with an API that follows the DOM standard specfication. A JavaScript API and tons of cool features. Can be used as a fast prototyping tool.
A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad.
scheil A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pycalphad import Database, variables as v from scheil i
Histogram specification using openCV in python .
histogram specification using openCV in python . Have to input miu and sigma to draw gausssian distribution which will be used to map the input image . Example input can be miu = 128 sigma = 30
FairMOT for Multi-Class MOT using YOLOX as Detector
FairMOT-X Project Overview FairMOT-X is a multi-class multi object tracker, which has been tailored for training on the BDD100K MOT Dataset. It makes
This repository contains the code to predict house price using Linear Regression Method
House-Price-Prediction-Using-Linear-Regression The dataset I used for this personal project is from Kaggle uploaded by aariyan panchal. Link of Datase
Official implementation of NLOS-OT: Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Using Optimal Transport (IEEE TIP, accepted)
NLOS-OT Official implementation of NLOS-OT: Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Using Optimal Transport (IEEE TIP, accepted) Description In this reposit
Replication Package for "An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of an Ensemble of Stand-alone Sentiment Detection Tools for Software Engineering Datasets"
Replication Package for "An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of an Ensemble of Stand-alone Sentiment Detection Tools for Software Engineering Data
Python module providing a framework to trace individual edges in an image using Gaussian process regression.
Edge Tracing using Gaussian Process Regression Repository storing python module which implements a framework to trace individual edges in an image usi
Image Segmentation using U-Net, U-Net with skip connections and M-Net architectures
Brain-Image-Segmentation Segmentation of brain tissues in MRI image has a number of applications in diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment of bra
Code for "Long Range Probabilistic Forecasting in Time-Series using High Order Statistics"
Long Range Probabilistic Forecasting in Time-Series using High Order Statistics This is the code produced as part of the paper Long Range Probabilisti
Multi-Modal Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection: Evaluation On A New Dataset
PADISI USC Dataset This repository analyzes the PADISI-Finger dataset introduced in Multi-Modal Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection: Evaluation
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests (in progress) Here I will post information for creating a laser device. A warning!! How It
This repository contains the code for the binaural-detection model used in the publication arXiv:2111.04637
This repository contains the code for the binaural-detection model used in the publication arXiv:2111.04637 Dependencies The model depends on the foll
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models Descrip
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models Description
The official PyTorch code for NeurIPS 2021 ML4AD Paper, "Does Thermal data make the detection systems more reliable?"
MultiModal-Collaborative (MMC) Learning Framework for integrating RGB and Thermal spectral modalities This is the official code for NeurIPS 2021 Machi
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
Here use convulation with sobel filter from scratch in opencv python .
Here use convulation with sobel filter from scratch in opencv python .