Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders


Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders

Arnheim 1

The original algorithm from the paper Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders running on 1 GPU allows optimization of any image using a genetic algorithm. This is much more general but much slower than using Arnheim 2 which uses gradients.

Arnheim 2

A reimplementation of the Arnheim 1 generative architecture in the CLIPDraw framework allowing optimization of its parameters using gradients. Much more efficient than Arnheim 1 above but requires differentiating through the image itself.


Usage instructions are included in the Colabs which open and run on the free-to-use Google Colab platform - just click the buttons below! Improved performance and longer timeouts are available with Colab Pro.

Arnheim 1 Open In Colab

Arnheim 2 Open In Colab

Citing this work

If you use this code (or any derived code), data or these models in your work, please cite the relevant accompanying paper.

      title={Generative Art Using Neural Visual Grammars and Dual Encoders},
      author={Chrisantha Fernando and S. M. Ali Eslami and Jean-Baptiste Alayrac and Piotr Mirowski and Dylan Banarse and Simon Osindero}


This is not an official Google product.

CLIPDraw provided under license, Copyright 2021 Kevin Frans.

Other works may be copyright of the authors of such work.

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  • CLIPDraw license

    CLIPDraw license

    The README says:

    CLIPDraw provided under license, Copyright 2021 Kevin Frans.

    I am slightly confused as to what this means.

    Can arnheim_2.ipynb be used under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license? Is CLIPDraw provided under the Apache 2.0 license?

    opened by Aspie96 2
  • Kernel keeps on dying when trying arnheim_3.ipynb

    Kernel keeps on dying when trying arnheim_3.ipynb

    When trying to run arnheim_3.ipynb on local machine, the kernel keeps on dying when executing output = ct.loop(). There no errors before this piece of code. Could you please tell me how to resolve it?

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    AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

    in () 18 19 import clip ---> 20 import pydiffvg 21 22 os.environ["FFMPEG_BINARY"] = "ffmpeg"

    2 frames

    /content/diffvg/pydiffvg/ in RenderFunction() 25 shapes, 26 shape_groups, ---> 27 filter = pydiffvg.PixelFilter(type =, 28 radius = torch.tensor(0.5)), 29 output_type = OutputType.color,

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