12688 Repositories
Python k-means-implementation-in-python Libraries
Implementation of Memformer, a Memory-augmented Transformer, in Pytorch
Memformer - Pytorch Implementation of Memformer, a Memory-augmented Transformer, in Pytorch. It includes memory slots, which are updated with attentio
[NeurIPS 2020] Official Implementation: "SMYRF: Efficient Attention using Asymmetric Clustering".
SMYRF: Efficient attention using asymmetric clustering Get started: Abstract We propose a novel type of balanced clustering algorithm to approximate a
PyElastica is the Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.
PyElastica PyElastica is the python implementation of Elastica: an open-source project for simulating assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structure
Python Auto-ML Package for Tabular Datasets
Tabular-AutoML AutoML Package for tabular datasets Tabular dataset tuning is now hassle free! Run one liner command and get best tuning and processed
A Python library for generating new text from existing samples.
ReMarkov is a Python library for generating text from existing samples using Markov chains. You can use it to customize all sorts of writing from birt
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
Website OSINT untuk mencari informasi dari email dan nomor telepon. Dibuat dengan React dan Flask.
Inspektur Cari informasi mengenai email dan nomor telepon dengan mudah. Inspektur adalah aplikasi OSINT yang berguna untuk mencari informasi berdasark
An easy-to-learn, dynamic, interpreted, procedural programming language
Gen Programming Language WARNING!! THIS LANGUAGE IS IN DEVELOPMENT. ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AT ANY MOMENT. Gen is a dynamic, interpreted, procedural progr
TikTok 4L and 4C checker that doesn't count banned usernames as available
TikTok 4L and 4C checker that doesn't count banned usernames as available. Once a username is available, it will send it to your Discord Webhook.
🐍 Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys, BIP39
python-mnemonic 🐍 Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys, BIP39 Installation To install this library and its dependencies use: pip install m
Github Star Tracking app with Streamlit
github-star-tracking-python-app Github Star Tracking app with Streamlit #8daysofstreamlit How to run it locally? Clone or Download & Unzip the Repo En
This is a Image aid classification software based on python TK library development
This is a Image aid classification software based on python TK library development.
📚 A collection of all the Deep Learning Metrics that I came across which are not accuracy/loss.
📚 A collection of all the Deep Learning Metrics that I came across which are not accuracy/loss.
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt
A simple python script where the user inputs the current ingredients they have in their kitchen into ingredients.txt and then runs the main.py script, and it will output what recipes can be created based upon the ingredients supported.
This repo is about implementing different approaches of pose estimation and also is a sub-task of the smart hospital bed project :smile:
Pose-Estimation This repo is a sub-task of the smart hospital bed project which is about implementing the task of pose estimation 😄 Many thanks to th
Box CRUD API With Python
Box CRUD API: Consider a store which has an inventory of boxes which are all cuboid(which have length breadth and height). Each Cuboid has been added
A python script that will use hydra to get user and password to login to ssh, ftp, and telnet
Hydra-Auto-Hack A python script that will use hydra to get user and password to login to ssh, ftp, and telnet Project Description This python script w
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier
Reddist Just a python library to make reddit post caching easier. Caching Options In Memory Caching Redis Caching Pickle Caching Usage Installation: D
100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
100-Day-With-Python 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022. In this course, I spend with python language over 100 days, and I up
Unconventional ways to save an Image
Unexpected Image Saves Unconventional ways to save an image 😄 Have you ever been bored by the same old .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and all other image ex
Keqing Chatbot With Python
KeqingChatbot A public running instance can be found on telegram as @keqingchat_bot. Requirements Python 3.8 or higher. A bot token. Local Deploy git
Command-line Hangman game
Hang-_an-game-python-build Hangman C command-line Hangman game. Compilation Navigate to the root of the repository from your Terminal and run make to
Instagram story report with python
instagram-story-report Mass reports a victim stories. Made for fun, but can be used for chaos Single session and multi session support Login, choose a
Python data processing, analysis, visualization, and data operations
Python This is a Python data processing, analysis, visualization and data operations of the source code warehouse, book ISBN: 9787115527592 Descriptio
🕹️ Jeu Azul en Python avec 4 IAs 🤖 implémentées, jouable de 1 à 4 joueurs
Projet jeu Azul 🕹️ Jeu Azul en Python avec 4 IAs 🤖 implémentées, jouable de 1 à 4 joueurs Par : Berachem MARKRIA et Tristan MARTINEZ Projet réalisé
This is a translator that i made by myself in python with the 'googletrans' library
Translator-Python This is a translator that i made by myself in python with the 'googletrans' library This application completely made in python allow
A simple python bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack.
github alerts slack bot 🤖 What is it? 🔍 This is a simple bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack channels. These are
Flappy Bird Game using Pygame in Python
Flappy Bird Game using Pygame in Python Demo Pages Hello dear, hope you are very well! I created Flappy Bird Game using Pygame ( Pygame is a cross-pla
Simple avogadr.io batch downloader python script
Simple avogadr.io batch downloader python script
An email generator code in python language
An email generator code in python language. I have done it in the simplest way possible and with no link to an SMTP server. Generating infinite emails until CTRL+C . It is a code that can be used in hash generators like MD-5,password generators, random affiliate links generation and many other related necessities.
Basic Python physics library.
pythonPhysics Basic Python physics library. Must have pygame installed. How to: Sketon program is included. for p in env.particles: pygame.draw.circle
Designed and coded a password manager in Python with Arduino integration
Designed and coded a password manager in Python with Arduino integration. The Program uses a master user to login, and stores account data such as usernames and passwords to the master user. While logging into the program with the master user the Arduino was used as a two-factor authentication key. The program detects a connection to the Arduino and checks if certain parameters are met before completing the login procedure.
Text editor on python tkinter to convert english text to other languages with the help of ployglot.
Transliterator Text Editor This is a simple transliteration program which is used to convert english word to phonetically matching word in another lan
A python notification tool used for sending you text messages when certain conditions are met in the game, Neptune's Pride.
A python notification tool used for sending you text messages when certain conditions are met in the game, Neptune's Pride.
Python CLI script to solve wordles.
Wordle Solver Python CLI script to solve wordles. You need at least python 3.8 installed to run this. No dependencies. Sample Usage Let's say the word
Open Source API and interchange format for editorial timeline information.
OpenTimelineIO is currently in Public Beta. That means that it may be missing some essential features and there are large changes planned. During this phase we actively encourage you to provide feedback, requests, comments, and/or contributions.
Implementation of the Folders📂 esoteric programming language, a language with no code and just folders.
Folders.py Folders is an esoteric programming language, created by Daniel Temkin in 2015, which encodes the program entirely into the directory struct
Mercury: easily convert Python notebook to web app and share with others
Mercury Share your Python notebooks with others Easily convert your Python notebooks into interactive web apps by adding parameters in YAML. Simply ad
Stop python warnings, no matter what!
SHUTUP - Stop python warnings, no matter what! Sometimes you just can't mute python warnings. Use this library to solve this. Installation pip install
this repo store a Awoesome telegram bot for protect from your large group from bot attack.
this repo store a Awoesome telegram bot for protect from your large group from bot attack.
PyDiscord, a maintained fork of discord.py, is a python wrapper for the Discord API.
discord.py A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of discord.py Please read the gi
Automatically commits and pushes changes from a specified directory to remote repository
autopush a simple python program that checks a directory for updates and automatically commits any updated files (and optionally pushes them) installa
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request
A simple discord bot named atticus that sends you the timetable of your classes upon request. Soon, it would you ping you before classes too!
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines.
PHOTONAI is a high level python API for designing and optimizing machine learning pipelines. We've created a system in which you can easily select and
Unofficial JAX implementations of Deep Learning models
JAX Models Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Usage Contributing License Contact About The Project The JAX
PyTorch implementation of federated learning framework based on the acceleration of global momentum
Federated Learning with Acceleration of Global Momentum PyTorch implementation of federated learning framework based on the acceleration of global mom
This is the official implementation of our proposed SwinMR
SwinMR This is the official implementation of our proposed SwinMR: Swin Transformer for Fast MRI Please cite: @article{huang2022swin, title={Swi
PyTorch implementation of "Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets"
Optimization-Planning-for-3D-ConvNets Code for the ICML 2021 paper: Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets. Authors: Zhaofan Qiu, Ting Yao, Chong-Wah N
Code for Reciprocal Adversarial Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Solution to BraTS Challenge 2021 Segmentation Task
BRATS 2021 Solution For Segmentation Task This repo contains the supported pytorch code and configuration files to reproduce 3D medical image segmenta
A Python implementation of active inference for Markov Decision Processes
A Python package for simulating Active Inference agents in Markov Decision Process environments. Please see our companion preprint on arxiv for an ove
Pytorch implementation of AREL
Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected) Agent-Temporal Attention for Reward Redistribution in Episodic Multi-Agent Reinforcement
official implementation of UniFormer
UniFormer This repo is the official implementation of "Uniformer: Unified Transformer for Efficient Spatiotemporal Representation Learning". It curren
Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis (FABADA) is a new approach of noise reduction methods. In this repository is shown the package developed for this new method based on \citepaper.
Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis FABADA FABADA is a novel non-parametric noise reduction technique which arise from the point of vi
This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
1 MAGNN This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting. 1.1 The frame
The PyTorch implementation of paper REST: Debiased Social Recommendation via Reconstructing Exposure Strategies
REST The PyTorch implementation of paper REST: Debiased Social Recommendation via Reconstructing Exposure Strategies. Usage Download dataset Download
Python communism - A module for initiating the communist revolution in each of our python modules
Python communist revolution A man once said to abolish the classes or something
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
EmployeeDB - Advanced Redis search functionalities on Python applied on an Employee management backend app
EmployeeDB - Advanced Redis search functionalities on Python applied on an Employee management backend app
Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share.
ML_Notebooks Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share. Notebooks GAN_distributed_training.ipynb In this Notebook, TensorFlow's tutori
Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina.
Bitso Semiautomático Programa de código abierto para probar el API de Bitso, el exchange más importante de América Latina. Desarrollador Fernando Mire
Some of the best ways and practices of doing code in Python!
Pythonicness ❤ This repository contains some of the best ways and practices of doing code in Python! Features Properly formatted codes (PEP 8) for bet
Contains the code of my learning of Python OOP.
OOP Python This repository contains the code of my learning of Python OOP. All the code: is following PEP 8 ✅ has proper concept illustrations and com
A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python.
Quick Talk A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python. I was looking for a way to login into twitter using Selenium in python. Sin
This is a good project to train your logic game with python language
JO-KEN-PÔ!!! | Description | basic. I make this game only to train. This is a good project to train your logic game with python language. This game is
Python bot created with Selenium that can guess the daily Wordle word correct 96.8% of the time.
Wordle_Bot Python bot created with Selenium that can guess the daily Wordle word correct 96.8% of the time. It will log onto the wordle website and en
Drobo Status is a python program that will connect to your Drobo and return JSON data regarding your Drobo
This is a simple python script that will run a docker container to pull data from Drobo. It will give information like (Name, serial, firmware, disk-total, disk-used, disk-free and individual disk status). I have an older Drobo FS 8 disk array. Please let me know if anyone can test. The results are outputted via JSON
Using openpyxl in Python, performed following task
Python-Automation-with-openpyxl Using openpyxl in Python, performed following tasks on an Excel Sheet containing Product Suppliers along with their pr
Play Wordle from any Kubernetes cluster.
wordle-operator 🟩 ⬛ 🟩 🟨 ⬛ Play Wordle from any Kubernetes cluster. Using the power of CustomResourceDefinitions and Kubernetes Operators, now you c
Whatsapp-bot - Whatsapp chatbot build with python and twilio
Whatsapp-bot This is a Whatsapp Chatbot that responds with quotes, reply owners
UniFormer - official implementation of UniFormer
UniFormer This repo is the official implementation of "Uniformer: Unified Transf
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping - Lane Detection And Lane Keeping
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping This project is part of my bachelor's thesis. The go
This project consists of data analysis and data visualization (done using python)of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked questions about the IPL.
IPL-data-analysis This project consists of data analysis and data visualization of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked ques
A group management bot written in python3 using the python-telegram-bot library.
Chika Fujiwara A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database. Originally a Marie fork, Chika was created for personal u
Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID.
pydvdid-m Pure Python implementation of the Windows API method IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID. This is a modification of sjwood's pydvdid. The Windows API metho
Get a list of all offline/online members in a discord server
Discord server insights Get a list of all offline/online members in a discord server. Uses Selenium to crawl invite links. Config Download Chrome driv
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Reference implementation for Structured Prediction with Deep Value Networks
Deep Value Network (DVN) This code is a python reference implementation of DVNs introduced in Deep Value Networks Learn to Evaluate and Iteratively Re
OBG-FCN - implementation of 'Object Boundary Guided Semantic Segmentation'
OBG-FCN This repository is to reproduce the implementation of 'Object Boundary Guided Semantic Segmentation' in http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09742 Object
Caffe implementation for Hu et al. Segmentation for Natural Language Expressions
Segmentation from Natural Language Expressions This repository contains the Caffe reimplementation of the following paper: R. Hu, M. Rohrbach, T. Darr
Astrostatistics class for the MSc degree in Astrophysics at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)
Astrostatistics Davide Gerosa - davide.gerosa@unimib.it University of Milano-Bicocca, 2022. Schedule Introduction Probability and Statistics I Probabi
Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each.
Python shorts Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each. Watch on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube to keep up with all the videos.
Open-source keylogger write in python
Python open-source keylogger Language Python open-source keylogger using pynput module Using Install dependences in archive setup.py or install.sh in
Sukoshi is a proof-of-concept Python implant that leverages the MQTT protocol for C2 and uses AWS IoT Core as infrastructure.
Sukoshi | 少し Overview Sukoshi is a proof-of-concept Python implant that leverages the MQTT protocol for C2 and uses AWS IoT Core as infrastructure. It
Credit EDA Case Study Using Python
This case study aims to identify patterns which indicate if a client has difficulty paying their installments which may be used for taking actions such as denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, lending (to risky applicants) at a higher interest rate, etc
Little python script + dictionary to help solve Wordle puzzles
Wordle Solver Little python script + dictionary to help solve Wordle puzzles Usage Usage: ./wordlesolver.py [letters in word] [letters not in word] [p
Simple Tensorflow implementation of Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021)
Spatial unbiased GANs — Simple TensorFlow Implementation [Paper] : Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021) Abstract Recent image gener
The coolest python qrcode maker for small businesses.
QR.ify The coolest python qrcode maker for small businesses. Author Zach Yusuf Project description Python final project. Built to test python skills P
Algorithmic Multi-Instrumental MIDI Continuation Implementation
Matchmaker Algorithmic Multi-Instrumental MIDI Continuation Implementation Taming large-scale MIDI datasets with algorithms This is a WIP so please ch
A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer.
pushbullet-python A Python wrapper around the Pushbullet API to send different types of push notifications to your phone or/and computer. Installation
Example code to sending USB Gadget multimedia keys via Python
Send Multimedia USB HID Keys via Python As an USB Gadget in Linux This gives a simple script with zero dependencies that can easily run on any Linux d
If you are worried about being found perhaps try taking cover under a blanket. Pure Python PowerShell Obfuscator
If you are worried about being found perhaps try taking cover under a blanket. Pure Python PowerShell Obfuscator
SuperSaaSFastAPI - Python SaaS Boilerplate for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with FastAPI, Vue.js & Tailwind
Python SaaS Boilerplate for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with FastAP
Pymxs, the 3DsMax bindings of Maxscript to Python doesn't come with any stubs
PyMXS Stubs generator What Pymxs, the 3DsMax bindings of Maxscript to Python doe
The official implementation of ELSA: Enhanced Local Self-Attention for Vision Transformer
ELSA: Enhanced Local Self-Attention for Vision Transformer By Jingkai Zhou, Pich
Tiktok-bot - A tiktok bot with python
Install the requirements pip install selenium pip install pyfiglet==0.7.5 How ca
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks.
PyBx WIP A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks. Calculated anchor boxes are returned as ndarr
Volta: A Virtual Assistant which increases your productivity with time as you use it…
Volta Official Documentation Overview & Purpose Volta: A Virtual Assistant which increases your productivity with time as you use it… Volta, developed