14841 Repositories
Python learning-python-game-programming Libraries
Automatically generate GitHub activity!
Commit Bot Automatically generate GitHub activity! We've all wanted to be the developer that commits every day, but that requires a lot of work. Let's
Pdraw - Generate Deterministic, Procedural Artwork from Arbitrary Text
pdraw.py: Generate Deterministic, Procedural Artwork from Arbitrary Text pdraw a
UFT - Universal File Transfer With Python
UFT 2.0.0 UFT (Universal File Transfer) is a CLI tool , which can be used to upl
Game-of-life - A simple python program to simulate and visualise the Conway's Game of life
Conway's game of life A simple python program to simulate and visualise the Conw
LeetComp - Background tasks powering the static content at LeetComp
LeetComp Analysing compensations mentioned on the Leetcode forums (https://kuuts
Spacecrypto-bot - SpaceCrypto Bot Auto Clicker
SpaceCrypto Auto Clicker Bot Também fiz um para Luna Rush ( https://github.com/w
Vad-sli-asr - A Python scripts for a speech processing pipeline with Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
VAD-SLI-ASR Python scripts for a speech processing pipeline with Voice Activity
Securetar - A streaming wrapper around python tarfile and allow secure handling files and support encryption
Secure Tar Secure Tarfile library It's a streaming wrapper around python tarfile
Data Structures and Algorithms Python - Practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects
Data Structures and Algorithms All the essential resources and template code nee
Gdrive-python: A wrapping module in python of gdrive
gdrive-python gdrive-python is a wrapping module in python of gdrive made by @pr
Youtube-downloader-using-Python - Youtube downloader using Python
Youtube-downloader-using-Python Hii guys !! Fancy to see here Welcome! built by
WebScraping - Scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file
WebScraping Web scraping Pyton program that scrapes Job website for python devel
Aws-cidr-finder - A Python CLI tool for finding unused CIDR blocks in AWS VPCs
aws-cidr-finder Overview An Example Installation Configuration Contributing Over
Gclone-Discord-Utilities - A Pycord bot for running GClone, an RClone mod that allows multiple Google Service Account configuration
Gclone Discord Utilities Features Clone - Clone a public/private google drive fi
ZeroGen: Efficient Zero-shot Learning via Dataset Generation
ZEROGEN This repository contains the code for our paper “ZeroGen: Efficient Zero
Imgrerite - A command-line tool to hide and reveal information inside images
ImgReRite A command line tool to hide and reveal information inside images (work
Raphtory-client - The python client for the Raphtory project
Raphtory Client This is the python client for the Raphtory project Install via p
Alpha-Zero - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ Alpha Zero Bot ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using
Torchlight2 lan game server tool - A message forwarding tool for Torchlight 2 lan game
Torchlight 2 Lan Game Server Tool A message forwarding tool for Torchlight 2 lan
Udacity's CS101: Intro to Computer Science - Building a Search Engine
Udacity's CS101: Intro to Computer Science - Building a Search Engine All soluti
Url-check-migration-python - A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL checks between environments
url-check-migration-python A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL chec
Programmers-quest - Programmer's Quest! An open source MMO built on top of the Panda3D game engine and Astron server
Programmer's Quest! Programmer's Quest! The open source Python 3 2D MMORPG showc
Daxcez-mirror-leech-telegram-bot - A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to
Gridlock - Encryption and decryption python project
Gridlock Encryption Encryption and decryption of plain text messages inspired by
Gif-caption - A straightforward GIF Captioner written in Python
Broksy's GIF Captioner Have you ever wanted to easily caption a GIF without havi
ReLoss - Official implementation for paper "Relational Surrogate Loss Learning" ICLR 2022
Relational Surrogate Loss Learning (ReLoss) Official implementation for paper "R
DLWP: Deep Learning Weather Prediction
DLWP: Deep Learning Weather Prediction DLWP is a Python project containing data-
Mizogg-Bitcoin-Tools - A Python Tools for Bitcoin Information Balance, HASH160, DEC
Mizogg-Bitcoin-Tools Tools for Bitcoin Information Balance, HASH160, DEC, Englis
Autolfads-tf2 - A TensorFlow 2.0 implementation of Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems (LFADS) and AutoLFADS
autolfads-tf2 A TensorFlow 2.0 implementation of LFADS and AutoLFADS. Installati
Event sourced bank - A wide-and-shallow example using the Python event sourcing library
Event Sourced Bank A "wide but shallow" example of using the Python event sourci
Diabetes-Feature-Engineering - A machine learning model that can predict whether people have diabetes when their characteristics are specified
Diabetes-Feature-Engineering Aim Developing a machine learning model that can pr
Cowsay - A rewrite of cowsay in python
Python Cowsay A rewrite of cowsay in python. Allows for parsing of existing .cow
Crypto-trading-simulator - Cryptocurrency trading simulator using Python, Streamlit
Crypto Trading Simulator Run streamlit run main.py Dependency Python 3 streamli
Bot SpaceCrypto - An automation (bot) to play the game SpaceCrypto, it automatically log in, send ships to fight, refresh the game, new map, etc
SpaceCrypto Bot [en-us] In order to change to english Readme version click here.
Flask101 - FullStack Web Development with Python & JS - From TAQWA
Task: Create a CLI Calculator Step 0: Creating Virtual Environment $ python -m
Pardus-flatpak-gui - A Flatpak GUI for Pardus
Pardus Flatpak GUI A GUI for Flatpak. You can run, install (from FlatHub and fro
LyricsGenerator - A simple GUI made using Python(Tkinter) for generating song lyrics
Lyrics Generator Reference :- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-gui-to-extr
TonplaceApi - Ton.place api wrapper
tonplaceApi ton.place/tonplaceApi Обертка для ton.place Установка pip install ht
Linear algebra python - Number of operations and problems in Linear Algebra and Numerical Linear Algebra
Linear algebra in python Number of operations and problems in Linear Algebra and
GhostVPN - Simple and lightweight TUI application for CyberGhostVPN
GhostVPN Simple and lightweight TUI application for CyberGhostVPN. Screenshot Us
Tc-python - A Python script to receive message from a twitch chat
Twitch-Chat 📜 I did a script in Python to receive messages from a twitch chat.
September-Assistant - Open-source Windows Voice Assistant
September - Windows Assistant September is an open-source Windows personal assis
Dcf-game-infrastructure-public - Contains all the components necessary to run a DC finals (attack-defense CTF) game from OOO
dcf-game-infrastructure All the components necessary to run a game of the OOO DC
PBN Obfuscator: A overpowered obfuscator for python, which will help you protect your source code
PBN Obfuscator PBN Obfuscator is a overpowered obfuscator for python, which will
Unit-Convertor - Unit Convertor Built With Python
Python Unit Converter This project can convert Weigth,length and ... units for y
Clisd.py - UI framework with client side rendering for python
clisd.py Clisd is UI framework with client side rendering for python. It uses WA
PORTSCANNING-IN-PYTHON - A python threaded portscanner to scan websites and ipaddresses
PORTSCANNING-IN-PYTHON This is a python threaded portscanner to scan websites an
Async timeit - Async version of python's timeit
Async Timeit Replica of default python timeit module with small changes to allow
Python-kafka-reset-consumergroup-offset-example - Python Kafka reset consumergroup offset example
Python Kafka reset consumergroup offset example This is a simple example of how
SimCTG - A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation
A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation Authors: Yixuan Su, Tian Lan,
Anti-corruption-bot - Anti corruption bot with python
anti-corruption-bot Test API (running via Flask) is currently hosted at https://
Job-Recommend-Competition - Vectorwise Interpretable Attentions for Multimodal Tabular Data
SiD - Simple Deep Model Vectorwise Interpretable Attentions for Multimodal Tabul
TargetAllDomainObjects - A python wrapper to run a command on against all users/computers/DCs of a Windows Domain
TargetAllDomainObjects A python wrapper to run a command on against all users/co
Kroomsa: A search engine for the curious
Kroomsa A search engine for the curious. It is a search algorithm designed to en
OS Algo Visualization - Operating system algorithm visualization using python pygame library
OS_Algo_Visualization Operating system algorithm visualization using python pyga
Pykeeb - A small Python script that prints out currently connected keyboards
pykeeb 🐍 ⌨️ A small Python script that detects and prints out currently connect
FxBuzzly - Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentarily)
fxBuzzly Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentaril
PaintPrint - This module can colorize any text in your terminal
PaintPrint This module can colorize any text in your terminal Author: tankalxat3
Logging-monitoring-instrumentation - A brief repository on logging monitoring and instrumentation in Python
logging-monitoring-instrumentation A brief repository on logging monitoring and
Pystm32ai - A Python wrapper for the stm32ai command-line tool
PySTM32.AI A python wrapper for the stm32ai command-line tool to analyse deep le
Subscrape - A Python scraper for substrate chains
subscrape A Python scraper for substrate chains that uses Subscan. Usage copy co
QR-Code-Grabber - A python script that allows a person to create a qr code token grabber
Qr Code Grabber Description Un script python qui permet a une personne de creer
Py-instant-search-redis - Source code example for how to build an instant search with redis in python
py-instant-search-redis Source code example for how to build an instant search (
Pulumi-checkly - Checkly Pulumi Provider With Python
🚨 This project is still in very early stages and is not stable, use at your own
Huskee: Malware made in Python for Educational purposes
𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐄 Caracteristicas: Discord Token Grabber Wifi Passwords Grabber Googl
Simple-System-Convert--C--F - Simple System Convert With Python
Simple-System-Convert--C--F REQUIREMENTS Python version : 3 HOW TO USE Run the c
SimpleTelegramScraper - A python script scrapes accounts from public groups via Telegram API and saves them in a CSV file
SimpleTelegramScraper - the best scraper on GitHub This simple python script scr
YourX: URL Clusterer With Python
YourX | URL Clusterer Screenshots Instructions for running Install requirements
Product-based-recommendation-system - A product based recommendation system which uses Machine learning algorithm such as KNN and cosine similarity
Product-based-recommendation-system A product based recommendation system which
Digitalizing-Prescription-Image - PIRDS - Prescription Image Recognition and Digitalizing System is a OCR make with Tensorflow
Digitalizing-Prescription-Image PIRDS - Prescription Image Recognition and Digit
Python code for ICLR 2022 spotlight paper EViT: Expediting Vision Transformers via Token Reorganizations
Expediting Vision Transformers via Token Reorganizations This repository contain
Breaching - Breaching privacy in federated learning scenarios for vision and text
Breaching - A Framework for Attacks against Privacy in Federated Learning This P
N-RPG - Novel role playing game da turfu
N-RPG Ce README sera la page de garde du projet. Contenu Il contiendra la présen
LineBoard - Python+React+MySQL-白板即時系統改善人群行為
LineBoard-白板即時系統改善人群行為 即時顯示實驗室的使用狀況,並遠端預約排隊,以此來改善人們的工作效率 程式架構 運作流程 使用者先至該實驗室網站預約
Hashcrack: Hash Bruteforse tool using python
HashCrack Hash Bruteforse tool Usage hashcrack.py -n 6 -c lower -l 5 -a md5 -t 3
Federated Learning - Including common test models for federated learning, like CNN, Resnet18 and lstm, controlled by different parser
Federated_Learning 💻 This projest include common test models for federated lear
HashNeRF-pytorch - Pure PyTorch Implementation of NVIDIA paper on Instant Training of Neural Graphics primitives
HashNeRF-pytorch Instant-NGP recently introduced a Multi-resolution Hash Encodin
Wordle-solver - Wordle answer generation program in python
🟨 Wordle Solver 🟩 Wordle answer generation program in python ✔️ Requirements U
Viperdb - A tiny log-structured key-value database written in pure Python
ViperDB 🐍 ViperDB is a lightweight embedded key-value store written in pure Pyt
ASCII-Wordle - A port of the game Wordle to terminal emulators/CMD
ASCII-Wordle A 'port' of Wordle to text-based interfaces A near-feature complete
Gba-free-fonts - Free font resources for GBA game development
gba-free-fonts Free font resources for GBA game development This repo contains m
Wordle-prophecy - The comprehensive list of all Wordle answers, past and future
About This repo contains the comprehensive list of all Wordle answers, past and
Python-Strongest-Encrypter - Transform your text into encrypted symbols using their dictionary
How does the encrypter works? Transform your text into encrypted symbols using t
Event-forecasting - Event Forecasting Algorithms With Python
event-forecasting Event Forecasting Algorithms Theory Correlating events in comp
Fake-user-agent-traffic-geneator - Python CLI Tool to generate fake traffic against URLs with configurable user-agents
Fake traffic generator for Gartner Demo Generate fake traffic to URLs with custo
Wandb-predictions - WANDB Predictions With Python
WANDB API CI/CD Below we capture the CI/CD scenarios that we would expect with o
Tkinter calculetor - Tkinter calculetor with python
Tkinter_calculetor required to run py file pip install tkinter
Some simple programs built in Python: webcam with cv2 that detects eyes and face, with grayscale filter
Programas en Python Algunos programas simples creados en Python: 📹 Webcam con c
Dns-Client-Server - Dns Client Server For Python
Dns-client-server DNS Server: supporting all types of queries and replies. Shoul
LotteryBuyPredictionWebApp - Lottery Purchase Prediction Model
Lottery Purchase Prediction Model Objective and Goal Predict the lottery type th
Text-Summarization-using-NLP - Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Article and summarize its text and also it includes custom article Summarization
Text-Summarization-using-NLP Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Arti
Play Wordle Bot - Wordle Bot written in python
Wordle Bot A Bot written in python with a CL Interface to guess adn solve Wordle
Valentine-with-Python - A Python program generates an animation of a heart with cool texts of your loved one
Valentine with Python Valentines with Python is a mini fun project I have coded.
SafePicking: Learning Safe Object Extraction via Object-Level Mapping, ICRA 2022
SafePicking Learning Safe Object Extraction via Object-Level Mapping Kentaro Wad
Auto-Rollnumber-sender - Auto Rollnumber sender with python
Auto-Rollnumber-sender The above code fits better on my system but it can vary s
DCA - Official Python implementation of Delaunay Component Analysis algorithm
Delaunay Component Analysis (DCA) Official Python implementation of the Delaunay
Checking-For-Fibonacci-Syquence-In-Python - Checking For Fibonacci Syquence In Python
Checking-For-Fibonacci-Syquence-In-Python The Fibonacci sequence is a set of num
GUIOfTemperatureConverterUsingPython - GUI Of Temperature Converter Using Python
Fahrenheit To Celcius GUI Of Temperature Converter Below Video is the Output Of
Yolox-bytetrack-sample - Python sample of MOT (Multiple Object Tracking) using YOLOX and ByteTrack
yolox-bytetrack-sample YOLOXとByteTrackを用いたMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)のPythonサン