5 Repositories
Python mir Libraries
Scales, Chords, and Cadences: Practical Music Theory for MIR Researchers
ISMIR-musicTheoryTutorial This repository has slides and Jupyter notebooks for the ISMIR 2021 tutorial Scales, Chords, and Cadences: Practical Music T
Tutorial on Tempo, Beat and Downbeat estimation
Tempo, Beat and Downbeat Estimation By Matthew E. P. Davies, Sebastian Böck and Magdalena Fuentes Resources and Jupyter Book for the ISMIR 2021 tutori
MIR Cheatsheet - Survival Guidebook for MIR Researchers in the Lab
MIR Cheatsheet - Survival Guidebook for MIR Researchers in the Lab
Open-Source Tools & Data for Music Source Separation: A Pragmatic Guide for the MIR Practitioner
Open-Source Tools & Data for Music Source Separation: A Pragmatic Guide for the MIR Practitioner
Source code for "MusCaps: Generating Captions for Music Audio" (IJCNN 2021)
MusCaps: Generating Captions for Music Audio Ilaria Manco1 2, Emmanouil Benetos1, Elio Quinton2, Gyorgy Fazekas1 1 Queen Mary University of London, 2