6 Repositories
Python pyo3 Libraries
Msgpack serialization/deserialization library for Python, written in Rust using PyO3 and rust-msgpack. Reboot of orjson. msgpack.org[Python]
ormsgpack ormsgpack is a fast msgpack library for Python. It is a fork/reboot of orjson It serializes faster than msgpack-python and deserializes a bi
Tools to assist with the configuration and maintenance of fapolicyd.
Tools to assist with the configuration and maintenance of fapolicyd.
Robyn is an async Python backend server with a runtime written in Rust, btw.
Robyn is an async Python backend server with a runtime written in Rust, btw. Python server running on top of of Rust Async RunTime. Installation
High Performance Blockchain Deserializer
bitcoin_explorer is an efficient library for reading bitcoin-core binary blockchain file as a database (utilising multi-threading).
peace-performance (Rust) binding for python. To calculate star ratings and performance points for all osu! gamemodes
peace-performance-python Fast, To calculate star ratings and performance points for all osu! gamemodes peace-performance (Rust) binding for python bas
Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy
orjson orjson is a fast, correct JSON library for Python. It benchmarks as the fastest Python library for JSON and is more correct than the standard j