10767 Repositories
Python python-web Libraries
A simple GUI designer for the python tkinter module
Leer en Español Welcome to Pygubu! Pygubu is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the Python's tkinter module. The u
Chatbot for the Chatango messaging platform
BroiestBot The baddest bot in the game right now. Uses the ch.py framework for joining Chantango rooms and responding to user messages. Commands If a
Audio pitch-shifting & re-sampling utility, based on the EMU SP-1200
Pitcher.py Free & OS emulation of the SP-12 & SP-1200 signal chain (now with GUI) Pitch shift / bitcrush / resample audio files Written and tested in
A powerful Lavalink library for Discord.py.
A robust and powerful Lavalink wrapper for Discord.py! Documentation Official Documentation. Support For support using WaveLink, please join the offic
Python compiler that massively increases Python's code performance without code changes.
Flyable - A python compiler for highly performant code Flyable is a Python compiler that generates efficient native code. It uses different techniques
Finally decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader.
eBook Reader Dictionaries Finally, decent dictionaries based on Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader. Dictionaries Catalan 🚧 Ελληνικά (help welco
Ked interpreter built with Lex, Yacc and Python
Ked Ked is the first programming language known to hail from The People's Republic of Cork. It was first discovered and partially described by Adam Ly
Python package for the analysis and visualisation of finite-difference fields.
discretisedfield Marijan Beg1,2, Martin Lang2, Samuel Holt3, Ryan A. Pepper4, Hans Fangohr2,5,6 1 Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperia
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords and Cookies View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project AV Detection Gett
Simple web browser to visualize HiC tracks
HiCBrowser : A simple web browser to visualize Hi-C and other genomic tracks Fidel Ramirez, José Villaveces, Vivek Bhardwaj Installation You can insta
A Boilerplate repo for Scientific Python Open Science projects
A Boilerplate repo for Scientific Python Open Science projects Installation Clone this repo If you need a fresh python environment, run $ conda env cr
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi.
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi. This is the source codes of my programming assignmen
Python script who crawl first shodan page and check DBLTEK vulnerability
🐛 MASS DBLTEK EXPLOIT CHECKER USING SHODAN 🕸 Python script who crawl first shodan page and check DBLTEK vulnerability
A ESP32 project template with a web interface built in React
ESP AP Webserver demo.mp4 This is my experiment with "mobile app development" for the ESP32. The project consists of two parts, the ESP32 code and the
Auto filter bot for python
Media Search bot Index channel or group files for inline search. When you post file on telegram channel or group this bot will save that file in datab
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive
[] Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Deploying on Heroku Give Star &
Python decompiler for Python 1.5-2.4 (for historical archive)
This preserves the early code of a Python decompiler for Python versions 1.5 to 2.4. I have been able to install this using pyenv using Python 2.3.7 u
Latte: Cross-framework Python Package for Evaluation of Latent-based Generative Models
Cross-framework Python Package for Evaluation of Latent-based Generative Models Latte Latte (for LATent Tensor Evaluation) is a cross-framework Python
A blog app powered by python-django
Django_BlogApp This is a blog app powered by python-django Features Add and delete blog post View someone else blog Can add comment to that blog And o
Download YouTube videos that are available in a playlist
Youtube-Playlist-Downloader Download YouTube videos that are in a playlist Project assets: music downloaded music folder. (will be generated) music.db
Pure python PEMDAS expression solver without using built-in eval function
pypemdas Pure python PEMDAS expression solver without using built-in eval function. Supports nested parenthesis. Supported operators: + - * / ^ Exampl
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
🌟 A social media made with Django and Python and Bulma. 🎉
Vitary A simple social media made with Django Installation 🛠️ Get the source code 💻 git clone https://github.com/foxy4096/Vitary.git Go the the dir
Optimizaciones incrementales al problema N-Body con el fin de evaluar y comparar las prestaciones de los traductores de Python en el ámbito de HPC.
Python HPC Optimizaciones incrementales de N-Body (all-pairs) con el fin de evaluar y comparar las prestaciones de los traductores de Python en el ámb
Python library to decode the EU Covid-19 vaccine certificate
DCC Utils Python library to decode the EU Covid-19 vaccine certificate, as specified by the EU. Setup pip install dcc-utils Make sure zbar is installe
An alternative launcher for Lunar Client which is aimed at portability and functionality.
Portaluna An alternative launcher for Lunar Client which is aimed at portability and functionality. Features Portable. Lightweight. Functional. Note:
Geospatial web application developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit.
geospatial-streamlit Geospatial web applications developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit. App 1 - Land Surface Temperature A simple, code-f
Python PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
Python PG Extras Python port of Heroku PG Extras with several additions and improvements. The goal of this project is to provide powerful insights int
Beancount Importers for DKB (Deutsche Kredit Bank) CSV Exports
Beancount DKB Importer beancount-dkb provides an Importer for converting CSV exports of DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank) account summaries to the Beancount f
A Desktop application for the signalum python library
Signalum Desktop A Desktop application on the Signalum Python Library/CLI Tool. The Signalum Desktop application is an attempt to develop a single too
Python library that finds the size / type of an image given its URI by fetching as little as needed
FastImage This is an implementation of the excellent Ruby library FastImage - but for Python. FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its u
Python interface to ISLEX, an English IPA pronunciation dictionary with syllable and stress marking.
pysle Questions? Comments? Feedback? Pronounced like 'p' + 'isle'. An interface to a pronunciation dictionary with stress markings (ISLEX - the intern
Pyeventbus: a publish/subscribe event bus
pyeventbus pyeventbus is a publish/subscribe event bus for Python 2.7. simplifies the communication between python classes decouples event senders and
Simple embedded in memory json database
dbj dbj is a simple embedded in memory json database. It is easy to use, fast and has a simple query language. The code is fully documented, tested an
Combine XPath, CSS Selectors and JSONPath for Web data extracting.
Data Extractor Combine XPath, CSS Selectors and JSONPath for Web data extracting. Quickstarts Installation Install the stable version from PYPI. pip i
Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors
Gas detection Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors. Description The MQ-2 sensor can detect multiple gases (CO, H2, CH4, LPG,
A python package for integrating ripozo with Flask
flask-ripozo This package provides a dispatcher for ripozo so that you can integrate ripozo with Flask. As with all dispatchers it is simply for getti
Python Wrapper for aztro - The Astrology API | Get Daily Horoscope 💫
PyAztro PyAztro is a client library for aztro written in Python. aztro provides horoscope info for sun signs such as Lucky Number, Lucky Color, Mood,
This tool allows to gather statistical profile of CPU usage of mixed native-Python code.
Sampling Profiler for Python This tool allows to gather statistical profile of CPU usage of mixed native-Python code. Currently supported platforms ar
Bearer API client for Python
Bearer Python Bearer Python client Installation pip install bearer Usage Get your Bearer Secret Key and integration id from the Dashboard and use the
Python client for QIWI payment system
Pyqiwi Lib for QIWI payment system Installation pip install pyqiwi Usage from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, timedelta from p
A python library with various gambling and gaming classes
gamble is a simple library that implements a collection of some common gambling-related classes Features die, dice, d-notation cards, decks, hands pok
YAML-formatted plain-text file based models for Flask backed by Flask-SQLAlchemy
Flask-FileAlchemy Flask-FileAlchemy is a Flask extension that lets you use Markdown or YAML formatted plain-text files as the main data store for your
Elasticsearch tool for easily collecting and batch inserting Python data and pandas DataFrames
ElasticBatch Elasticsearch buffer for collecting and batch inserting Python data and pandas DataFrames Overview ElasticBatch makes it easy to efficien
RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs.
python-restmapper RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs. It removes all of the complexity with writing API-specific code, and
Python document object mapper (load python object from JSON and vice-versa)
lupin is a Python JSON object mapper lupin is meant to help in serializing python objects to JSON and unserializing JSON data to python objects. Insta
Amazon AWS Web Tool (view only)
Amazon AWS Web Tool (AAWT) discontinued Features Cloudfront (simple) EC2 (With Charts and Prices) EC2 Reserved EBS ELB (With Charts) Obs:. only classi
Automate SSH in python easily!
RedExpect RedExpect makes automating remote machines over SSH very easy to do and is very fast in doing exactly what you ask of it. Based on ssh2-pyth
Simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python, especially useful for speed and efficiency
Simplemma: a simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python Purpose Lemmatization is the process of grouping together the inflected forms of a word so they
A simple yet powerful timer and time tracker from the command line.
Focus Phase Focus Phase (FP) is a simple yet powerful timer and time tracker. It is a command-line application written in Python and can be installed
A low-impact profiler to figure out how much memory each task in Dask is using
dask-memusage If you're using Dask with tasks that use a lot of memory, RAM is your bottleneck for parallelism. That means you want to know how much m
Pymox - open source mock object framework for Python
Pymox is an open source mock object framework for Python. First Steps Installation Tutorial Documentation http://pymox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.
Clear merged pull requests ref (branch) on GitHub
GitHub PR Cleansing This tool is used to clear merged pull requests ref (branch) on GitHub. GitHub has no feature to auto delete branches on pull requ
Python bindings for g3log
g3logPython Python bindings for g3log This library provides python3 bindings for g3log + g3sinks (currently logrotate, syslog, and a color-terminal ou
Fastest python library for making asynchronous group requests.
FGrequests: Fastest Asynchronous Group Requests Installation Install using pip: pip install fgrequests Documentation Pretty easy to use. import fgrequ
Python implementation of EIP 1577 content hash
ContentHash for Python Python implementation of EIP 1577 content hash. Description This is a simple package made for encoding and decoding content has
Built for streamlining development of Google Assistant Actions
Apprentice Apprentice is a framework built for developing Google Actions via Dialogflow and Google Cloud (serverless) Functions. Includes: plug-and-pl
Simple Terminal Styling for Python
escape Escape is a very simple terminal styling library largely inspired by the excellent javascript chalk library. There are other terminal styling l
Small python wrapper around the valico rust library to provide fast JSON schema validation.
Small python wrapper around the valico rust library to provide fast JSON schema validation.
Drover is a command-line utility for deploying Python packages to Lambda functions.
drover drover: a command-line utility for deploying Python packages to Lambda functions. Background This utility aims to provide a simple, repeatable,
Python API for HotBits random data generator
HotBits Python API Python API for HotBits random data generator. Description This project is random data generator. It uses is HotBits API web service
A CLI framework based on asyncio
asynccli A CLI framework based on asyncio. Note This is still in active development. Things will change. For now, the basic framework is operational.
A simple library for interacting with Amazon SQS.
qoo is a very simple Amazon SQS client, written in Python. It aims to be much more straight-forward to use than boto3, and specializes only in Amazon
Python API for British Geological Survey magnetic field calculator
Magnetic field calculator Python API for British Geological Survey magnetic field calculator. Description This project magnetic field calculator. It u
MQTT Explorer - MQTT Subscriber client to explore topic hierarchies
mqtt-explorer MQTT Explorer - MQTT Subscriber client to explore topic hierarchies Overview The MQTT Explorer subscriber client is designed to explore
Have an idea for a Python package? Register the name on PyPI 💡
Register Package Names on PyPI Have an idea for a Python package? Thought of a great name? Register it on PyPI, before someone else does! A tool that
objectfactory is a python package to easily implement the factory design pattern for object creation, serialization, and polymorphism
py-object-factory objectfactory is a python package to easily implement the factory design pattern for object creation, serialization, and polymorphis
Minimal Static Blog Generator in Python
Minimal Static Blog Generator in Python Simple static blog generator, written in Python, with the top Lighthouse scores. Missing 'Best Practices' and
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
gRPC - An RPC library and framework gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. gRPC
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
Redash is designed to enable anyone, regardless of the level of technical sophistication, to harness the power of data big and small. SQL users levera
SciPy library main repository
SciPy SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is an open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It includes modules for statistics, optimiza
An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
TWINT - Twitter Intelligence Tool No authentication. No API. No limits. Twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for s
Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services.
Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services.
Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
More screencasts: installation, advanced usage What is BorgBackup? BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports
Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, something like CSmith
hypothesmith Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, something like CSmith. This is definitely pre-alpha, but if you want to play with i
Distributed behavioral experiments
Autopilot Docs Paper Forum Hardware Autopilot is a Python framework for performing complex, hardware-intensive behavioral experiments with swarms of n
Touca SDK for Python
Touca SDK For Python Touca helps you understand the true impact of your day to day code changes on the behavior and performance of your overall softwa
[Unofficial] Python PEP in EPUB format
PEPs in EPUB format This is a unofficial repository where I stock all valid PEPs in the EPUB format. Repository Cloning git clone --recursive git@gith
Python KNN model: Predicting a probability of getting a work visa. Tableau: Non-immigrant visas over the years.
The value of international students to the United States. Probability of getting a non-immigrant visa. Project timeline: Jan 2021 - April 2021 Project
This is a DCA crypto trading bot built for Binance written in Python
This is a DCA crypto trading bot built for Binance written in Python. It works by allowing you to DCA at an interval of your choosing and reports back on your average buy price as well as a chart consisting of each DCA.
Quick insights from Zoom meeting transcripts using Graph + NLP
Transcript Analysis - Graph + NLP This program extracts insights from Zoom Meeting Transcripts (.vtt) using TigerGraph and NLTK. In order to run this
A NoSQL database made in python.
CookieDB A NoSQL database made in python.
Creating a Python API, for the MakeMyTrip Flight Schedules.
MakeMyTripAPI Creating a Python API, for the MakeMyTrip Flight Schedules. Source: MakeMyTrip is an Indian online travel company founded in 2000. Headq
TwoDMaker (2DMaker) - Simple engine for 2D games making!
TwoDMaker (2DMaker) - Simple engine for 2D games making! Create simple games (or ui) in one hour! About. This is a simple engine for game or gui app c
freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification.
Time_Calculator_freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification. Write a function named add_time that takes in tw
A Python, Flask login system
Python Login System This is a basic login + authenticason system for flask using Flask_Login and Flask_SQLAlchemy Get started on your own To use this
A Python chat app built with Flask that runs in the browser.
A Python chat app built with Flask that runs in the browser. Designed for local area networks that are not connected to the Internet.
Rio Userbot Adalah Bot Untuk Membantu Mempermudahkan Sesuatu Di Telegram, Last Repository With Pytgcalls v0.8.3
RIO - USERBOT Disclaimer Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan bot ini. Bot ini dimaksudkan untuk bersenang-senang sekaligus membantu Anda
A user-friendly python CLI for Fmask 4.3 software (GERS Lab, UCONN).
pyFmask What is pyFmask pyFmask is a user-friendly python CLI for Fmask 4.3 software (GERS Lab, UCONN; https://github.com/GERSL/Fmask). Fmask (Zhu et
freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification.
Polygon_Area_Calculator freeCodeCamp Python Project freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification. In this project you will
NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
Numba A Just-In-Time Compiler for Numerical Functions in Python Numba is an open source, NumPy-aware optimizing compiler for Python sponsored by Anaco
This repository provides a set of easy to understand and tested Python samples for using Acronis Cyber Platform API.
Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens
Synchronization tool for external devices which does not support time stamps, e.g. over MTP.
MTP-Sync Tool to synchronize data to a slow device, e.g. a smartphone which is connected over MTP. A state file (.mtp_sync_state.json) is created in t
Whoisss is a website information gatharing Tool.
Whoisss Whoisss is a website information gatharing Tool. You can cse it to collect information about website. Usage apt-get update apt-get upgrade pkg
This repo contains several opencv projects done while learning opencv in python.
opencv-projects-python This repo contains both several opencv projects done while learning opencv by python and opencv learning resources [Basic conce
Used python functional programming to make this Ai assistant
Python-based-AI-Assistant I have used python functional programming to make this Ai assistant. Inspiration of project : we have seen in our daily life
Python Tool To Get The Date That Your Account Joined Instagram
Date-Joined-Insta Python Tool To Get The Date That Your Account Joined Instagram You Dont Need To Login Just Enter The UserName If Id Did Not Work Ins
A Simple YouTube Video Downloader With Python
Simple YouTube Video Downloader Simple YouTube Video Downloader is an open source project with a very simple UI that tries to speed up the process of